Blog Archives
The Compassion of Christ
He is God, and there’s nothing done on our own strength that we can boast about.
Are You an Ant or a Grasshopper?
Salvation is too great a gift for us to keep to ourselves.
The Great Planner
We can’t see exactly what the Lord has in store, but we can trust that He is in control.
Can You Hear His Call?
When God calls your name, are you listening and responding?
Living for Jesus, with his spirit as your guide, is the most beautiful life.
The Triple-Word Score of Providence
God is not random or limitless, and the best example of that omniscience is Jesus.
Seeking Blessings
Let us reflect Jesus to this lost and broken world.
Upgrade Your Church Culture
Building a culture in your church that truly glorifies God takes passionate devotion.
The Blame Game
Christ says in order to follow Him, we must humble ourselves.
When Everything Falls Apart
God has a plan to use this storm to strengthen you.
The Attributes of God Part Three: Holy
Yes, God is holy – without evil – but he is not the demanding tyrant the world believes him to be.
Sibling Rivalry on Steroids
Show the love of Jesus. Be His hands and feet to a lost world.
No Small Print, No Exclusions
Let’s not complicate salvation: There are no exceptions to who can receive it.
Milk or Meat: What Will You Choose?
Are you content with milk or do you want meat? It’s a decision that determines your growth.
Playing Favorites
God loves every person, no matter their skin color, language or what they have to offer.
Encouragement: It Changes Things
God encourages us, so we can encourage others.
Through Victory and Strife
God will use your life to mold you and shape you and to bless those around you.
Humility: Saul, Paul, and a Bright Light
We can either be humble or be humbled by God.
One Question Leads to Another
There will always, be questions. And that’s not a bad thing, how we will grow in knowledge.
God will use our circumstances to mold us and to shape our character to draw us closer to Him.
Humility: The Proud and the Humble
Comparing ourselves to others is never a good assessment of how good we are.
Live and Learn
We should always seek the Lord when we are facing dilemmas or decisions that will impact more than us.
Humility: Naaman’s Leprosy
When we are quick to listen and obey, we will receive God’s kindness.
Humility: Feet and Foot Washing
It is important to consider others more important than ourselves by serving them.
God is With Us
We are never alone because God is with us. He is there through the good times and the bad.
Calling a Truce
Whatever you are struggling with, surrender it to the Lord today and call of the war you are fighting.
Gentleness: Life or Death?
God speaks in all sorts of way, but the best way to hear from God is through his Word.
When We are Wrong
We should be careful how we respond to people and how quickly.
Gentleness: Fight Fire with Water
Teach your people strategies to help them cope with their own anger, and practice ways to react gently.
You Can’t Bank on other People’s Blessings
We can’t bank on someone else’s relationship with God and think that will cover us too.
God Always has a Bigger Picture
None of us can know the future – but it is beautiful to watch it unfold.
Gentleness: Listening, Speaking, and Getting Angry
Gentleness is talking and acting in a way that shows respect for God and respect for others.
Love Doesn’t Ask Us to Change
God has loved us from the very beginning
Waking Up to the Truth
God has given us everything we need in order to know Him, accept Him and be saved.
Kindness: God’s Kindness
God is in the business of restoring sinners.
Finding True Love
Jesus Christ loves you like none other and loves you so much He gave His life for you.
Sit at the table
We might be rough, but despite our brokenness, God still chooses to use us.
Kindness: Handicaps, Forgiveness, and Compassion
Jesus loves us enough to not stop trying to reach out and help change our lives.
You can’t run away from your problems.
While the issue you are dealing with may be tough it must be dealt with and God can help us through it.
The Price of Impatience
You may feel like you are getting left behind, but don’t grow weary of doing what is right.
Kindness: Violence, Indifference, and Compassion
The more we surrender our heart to Jesus, the more compassionate we become.
Kindness: Rebekah, Ten Camels, and Kindness
Be willing to do one kind act with a good attitude for someone each day.
Count the Cost
We need to consider the cost before giving into the desires of our heart.