Blog Archives

Home Discipleship
“Mom does everything have to be a spiritual lesson?” he said with a smile. I didn’t say anything, but thought […]

Israel Firsthand: Vineyards
Witness prophecy come to life as one family journeys through Israel, uncovering ancient promises fulfilled in vineyards that thrive on the hills of Samaria.

Your Gifts for God’s Glory
Apollos, gifted with eloquence and knowledge, revealed the true identity of Jesus as the Messiah to those who needed to hear the full story.

It’s Game Time
Whatever God is calling you to do, do it. Don’t wait. Obey the Lord and you won’t be sorry.

Not What They Expected
Do you truly know Jesus? Do we understand what it means to be called His?

Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Where can you serve Jesus the most? Pray and see if He’s leading you to go or stay.

What do You Give?
As you prepare to give, be reminded that all gifts need to be wrapped in unconditional love, just as our Heavenly Father has modeled for us.

Put on Your Awareness Glasses!
If we truly believe that it’s all about Him, wouldn’t we be more in agreement with scripture to provide His hope through friendship, inclusion, and a hug that says, “There is room for you here!”?

This Thanksgiving, reflect God’s glory and choose the centerpiece of generosity to resemble your Father!

We are Better Together
The Lord knows we are better together. United, we will stand; divided, we will fall.

Teach Me so I can Teach Another
Don’t just do it for me. Teach me so I can do it, too. And then, let me be able to teach someone else. Isn’t that what discipleship is?

Just a Taste of the Gospel Harvest
Satan attacks our attempts to spread gospel seeds, but with consistent care and intentionality, the harvest will give birth to new believers.

What a Humble Leader Really Is
He had less than three years to teach his followers and disciples how to lead, love, and serve, and he remains the greatest of all time to do so.

From Assistant to Missionary
God’s plan and purpose is so much greater and more perfect than anything the world can dream of.

What Does Kingdom Work Really Mean?
Every area of your life is essentially missionary work and gives you the chance to glorify the God of the universe.

If You Cause These Little Ones to Stumble
Trained professionals in any field often don’t realize their skills could be easily used as part of God’s purpose and plan.

What Biblical Leadership Looks Like
In a culture of who you know instead of whose you are, Christian leaders must have a God-given vision.

Lessons From a Lumberjack
Christians have a purpose and God has a plan: Go and disciple others.

The Letters of Paul: What Was His Purpose?
Not only were Paul’s letters intended to be shared but also to explain the mission of God.

Let Your Test Become a Testimony
You can trust God to help when it’s time to share your story of abundant and undeserved grace.

What I’ve Learned From a Lifetime of Ministry
Ministry life has often been difficult and heartbreaking, but God has shown me some irrefutable truths.

Loving God=Loving the Broken
If you understand the gospel, you understand your true purpose.

4 Responses to Blindness
Show compassion and understanding for the spiritually blind.

Ever Thought About Pastoring?
So you think you want to be a pastor? Here’s why you should do it!

Not a Quitter
Even though I live more by the flesh than by faith, God has never quit on me.

5 Ps of the Peace Index
Leading people is hard, but evaluating yourself helps you help others…

His Call Doesn’t Come With a Script
In a culture where “control” is a negative term, give it to God to find peace and joy.

What it Means to Pastor Your Flock
Leading your church is a blessing and a privilege, but it is also a daunting task.

The Ice Age in Which We Live
Church leader, what are doing to stay in a good place spiritually and emotionally?

3 Must-Dos to Live on Mission
To affect culture in a positive way you must see yourself as a missionary.

Let Your Life Tell the Story
Do your actions, words, and choices tell the greatest story ever told of grace and mercy?

3 Ways to Be an Effective Witness
When there’s an opportunity, don’t blow the chance to share your life-changing story.

Jesus Said Go and Disciple
Believers are called to be faithful to give to others what has been invested in us.

Heaven is NOT an Achievement
You can’t earn it because you don’t deserve it, so just accept it and be changed forever.

3 Ways to Know God’s Will Then Do It
Instruction for knowing God’s will has been there the whole time.

Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
Paul made sure his message was clear to believers: Spreading the gospel is up to you.

Spreading Jesus vs. Spreading Opinions
Non-believers will only want what we have if they see fruits of the Spirit in us.

Is it Time to Hit the Recharge Button?
Larry Barker
healthy church podcast

Seekers Part Four: Discipleship and the Church
Christ is the ultimate seeker. He seeks and saves the lost.

Seekers Part Three: God Seeks and Saves
God is seeking worshipers, making disciples, and shepherding His people.

Seekers Part Two: The Mission of God
The mission of God is to seek and save those who are lost, multiplying disciples around the world for His own glory

Seekers Part One: Your Church’s Recruiting Strategy
Evangelism is not optional for the church.

What it Really Means to Preach
Preaching is a weighty task because by definition the preacher communicates on behalf of God.

How to Have a Loving Confrontation
Biblical confrontation is important and necessary, but it must be motivated by love.

7 Steps to Determine Your Church’s Vision-Part One
God has a specific plan for a specific church in a specific place at a specific time.

5 Ways to Evaluate Your Church’s Operating Systems
Systems need to be values driven, mission directed, vision focused then strategy accomplished.

Passing the Baton: A Smooth Pastor Transition
A successful transition depends on much prayer, preparation, planning, a process, and it is the work of God.

Vision: God’s Preferred Future
It takes all kinds of churches to reach all kinds of people.

Here’s What We Can Learn From Mr. Miyagi
Jesus took advantage of daily opportunities to lay foundations for learning.

Is Pursuing the Lost Your Church’s Vision?
A vision statement doesn’t guarantee that your church will be a visionary congregation.