Blog Archives
Stories That Shape Us
Stories are meant to be shared. Have you put your faith in the Lord? If so, you’ve got a story to tell…What are you waiting for?
Reaching the Uttermost
Discover how Philip’s extraordinary experience challenges us to be fully surrendered and on mission with Christ—just like he was.
Taste and See
Discover the depth of Scripture with our free, easy-to-use tool, FOLLOW, and see how it can transform your walk with Jesus!
They Need to Know
People are dying and going to hell every day because we’re not bold enough to share Jesus with them. They need to know. Will you tell them?
World Changers
Uncover the profound impact of God’s gift and be inspired to become a world changer by sharing the love of Jesus Christ.
Work to be Done
Reflect on the disciples’ mission after Jesus’ ascension and how His command to “go and make disciples” applies to us today.
Where is His Power Found?
Let’s quit wasting our breath and share His truth! Offer the salvation of Jesus to someone today who needs it.
Tell the Story
Someone needs to hear the story of your salvation. It’s a story of redemption, truth, reconciliation, unconditional love and forgiveness.
Lessons from Love and Faith
While we may yearn for love and acceptance from others, true fulfillment ultimately lies in surrendering to the unconditional love of God.
Sharing Jesus
Do you know Him? If you do, share it! Someone is waiting for you to tell how Jesus rescued you! If you don’t know Him, now is the time.
Risking It All
Share your story. Share the beautiful, life-changing, redemptive story of Jesus.
The Ultimate Report Card
Discover the transformative power of surrendering to Christ and allowing His righteousness to testify on our behalf.
John’s Unmistakable Sign
Reflect on your understanding of who Jesus is and share the life-changing story of His grace and salvation with those around you.
Somebody Need to Know About Him
If you’ve witnessed Jesus’ miracles in your own life, YOU have a story to tell. Somebody needs to know about Him! Will you share it?
I Wonder…
Have you met Jesus? How did that change you? Have you professed that to the world? We all have a story to share, will you tell yours?
Do Something
If you’ve been saved by Jesus, if you’ve put your faith and trust in Him, you are His servant. It’s time to get to work. It’s time to build the kingdom of God!
Draw Closer to God
Wherever you find yourself today, know that there is always an opportunity to draw closer to God. To understand Him more. To see what has happened more clearly and to understand what’s ahead for the future.
The Question is Why?
Jesus is coming soon, friend. Will you be taken to heaven or left behind?
The Most Loving Thing
Sharing the Gospel with someone is the most loving thing we can do.
We Were Born For This
We were born to glorify God, to share Him with others and teach them to do the same.
The Light Giver
Jesus is the man that strikes the match. We are the candle. He lights the candle.
You’re His Witness
Tell your story. Tell the story of Jesus. You are His witness.
The Light of the World
Jesus was so much more than the people could imagine. He had come to the earth to bring them out of the darkness and into His marvelous light!
A New Way of Life
We are created for a purpose, too. Glorify God. Praise Him for the gift of salvation. Go and share the Good News with all people.
Are You Ready To Tell Your Story?
Are you ready to tell your story? I encourage you to do that today. Share what God has done in your life.
Do You Believe?
As you read through the Bible and study with us, do you believe what you are reading? And do you feel compelled to share it with someone else so that they too might have the hope that is within you?
He Chose You!
Whatever job you’re in, He can use you. Whatever family you are a part of, He can use you. Whatever place you live, He can use you. You just have to be willing!
There is Hope with the Shepherd
Jesus offers us unconditional love, protection and provision. He offers to be our shepherd – if we are but willing.
Get Connected
We have the privilege of being a part of the local church, serving with one another, learning and studying together. And just as these disciples were sent out, we too have been given such a commission to go and reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Not alone, but with other believers.
You Are Our Provider
Do we have that faith? That trust that God will supply all of our needs?
Called, Equipped, Sent
No matter where you are in your journey with Christ, there is always “the next step”. Are you ready? You’ve been given the power of the Holy Spirit, you need only obey.
Say Yes
I may not be able to change the heart of this world, but I can say yes to God’s call on my life to obey Him.
Tending to the Emergencies
Jesus was tending to the emergencies. He is the great physician and He came to heal those that were in need, those that were broken.
Your Action Story
If someone were to write a book about you, claiming that you were a Christian, would they have enough proof?
Come and See, Go and Tell
Go and tell. Now that you know, now that you believe, now that you have seen it with your own eyes the work of Jesus, go and tell others about what He has done!
The Veil was Torn
There is no mistaking who Jesus Christ is. The evidence is there. Just look at my life if you need proof. I’m only one example of many of a life changed by the blood of Jesus.
Are You Ready?
We do not know when the Lord will sound the call. We must be ready now. Are you?
No One Will Know
Our job is to share the gospel and make disciples for God’s glory, but for how long? Until we pass away or He returns, whichever comes first. Are you doing your job?
Fishing Where the Fish Are
Jesus teaches us how to be fishers of men.
Powerful Words
And we have the opportunity to hold God’s word in our hands and allow it to speak life, hope and freedom into our lives every day.
The Time is Now
When Jesus returns, those that have accepted His gift of salvation will be called home to heaven. Those that have not, will face God’s wrath.
The Perfect Package
Can you imagine what the world would be like if we followed just these two commandments? Love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.
Identifying, Investing, Inviting, then Increasing
If you’re not passionate about having gospel conversations with people, you are not obeying God’s will.
Do We Really Care About People Going to Hell?
Jesus is the only one who can change the lives of the lost who, by the way, you likely won’t find within the walls of your church.
Come, Drink, and Find Grace
Once you have met the Savior of the world, and surrendered your life to Him, you’ll want everyone to know . . . so don’t keep it in!
Increasing the Size of Your Map
Everything Jesus did as God was about intentionally seeking and saving the lost.
How’s Your I-Sight?
If you’re not allowing Jesus to guide your path, you will not see the people he wants you to reach.