Blog Archives

Benefit for the Body
Do you long to hear from God in a deeper, more intimate way? Discover how letting the Word of Christ dwell in you richly can transform not only your own faith journey but also equip you to encourage and uplift others in the body of Christ.

Home Discipleship
“Mom does everything have to be a spiritual lesson?” he said with a smile. I didn’t say anything, but thought […]

Will You Believe?
When Paul spoke of the resurrection, some called him crazy, but others heard the truth, sought more, and believed; will you?

Unbelievable Truths
Some things may seem unbelievable at first glance, but like the Bereans, when we examine the truth through God’s Word, we find that what’s hard to believe can actually be real.

Benefits For the Body
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom. (Colossians 3:16a) When […]

What Now?: Bible
We are not called to have a casual relationship with God; We are to be all in with God. This requires us to read and study the Bible, the living and active Word of God.

On Repeat
Discover how intentional Bible reading can deepen your spiritual understanding and bring lasting peace in life’s cyclical challenges.

Festival of Shelters
Read about cherished memories and profound insights into spiritual resilience and having faith in God during uncertain times.

Our Good, His Glory
I don’t know what you’re going through right now, but I promise you, God does. It will not be wasted.

Singing the Truth
Uncover the joy of embracing truth and glorifying God, even when it challenges our long-held beliefs, and learn to sing a new song of faith.

Challenging Truths
If you want to know the truth about what you believe, test it against scripture.

A Liturgy of Light
Today, as you behold light and darkness, be reminded of God’s first words of Creation, “Let there be light!”

The Bible Recap: Days 358-365
This has been God’s command since the beginning: love God, love others. It hasn’t changed throughout the whole Bible. It’s always been about love.

Swept by the Waves, Saved by Grace
If you’re drowning in life’s challenges, this poignant message invites you to cry out to the One who came to save.

The Unquestionable Authority of God
Learn about the message of forgiveness, redemption, and the unparalleled authority that calls each of us to a transformative relationship with the Almighty.

The Bible Recap: Days 337-343
So, when you think life is too much and your jar is being cracked, don’t give up! Perhaps God allowed this trial, this circumstance, this moment not only for you—but for others watching you go through it. Our lives are living testimonies of Jesus Christ.

The Bible Recap: Days 330-336
Our bodies are temples to God’s Spirit and we are called to glorify God with our bodies.

Start at the Beginning
Tell your story. Tell how Jesus changed you. Tell of His love.

Who Is Jesus To You?
There is nothing more important than your answer to the question, “who is Jesus?”. It determines your life here and for eternity.

The Bible Recap: Days 323-329
Church can’t save. Serving in church can’t save. Tithing can’t save. Only believing Jesus as your Savior can save.

The Bible Recap: Days 316-322
Jesus changes everything and everyone.

The Bible Recap: Days 309-315
May Jesus find us being faithful about His Father’s work when He returns.

The Bible Recap: Days 302-308
Doubt is the killer of our dreams. And doubt is the killer of our faith.

When we look at our daily routine, do we have a time set aside for getting alone with God?

The Bible Recap: Days 295-301
He follows us when we wander, He pursues us when we rebel—He just doesn’t give up on us.

The Bible Recap: Days 288-294
Though we may not look the best on the outside, if we have a heart after Him, that’s all God needs to work mightily in our lives.

Early in the Morning
Jesus beckons. He calls us to join Him. To sit at His feet. To seek His face. To feel His presence.

The Bible Recap: Days 281-287
When we realize that we have nothing to give to Jesus but our hearts and our repentance, beautiful things happen.

Jesus works in our bad days, sometimes even more than on our good days.

The Bible Recap: Days 274-280
We are called to take up our armor, the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit, to not just survive life…but to THRIVE in life.

The Bible Recap: Days 267-273
May we also decide in our hearts to keep studying God’s Word, following Him in obedience!

The Bible Recap: Days 260-266
Many times, we can put God in a box and keep Him there. It’s safe and predictable. But, God will not be kept there. He has plans to blow us away with His grace and love.

The Bible Recap: Days 253-259
Holiness is still a thing that we aspire for, friends. And while we will always fall short, we can grow more sanctified in the process.

The Bible Recap: Days 246-252
In many of these prophet readings, God does something I love: He doesn’t waste an opportunity to remind His people that He can do anything!

The Bible Recap: Days 239-245
I am thankful for daily reminders from the prophets that we have a God who chases us down when we stray so that we may experience His love and mercy.

The Bible Recap: Days 232-238
That prayer you have been praying…be persistent. In God’s timing, He will move. Until then, walk by faith.

The Bible Recap: Days 225-231
Trusting God’s plan is seldom easy, but when we choose to obey, there is much peace and grace along the way.

The Bible Recap: Days 218-224
Nothing is wasted in our lives, friends. He uses it all for His glory.

The Bible Recap: Days 211-217
If God’s Word can speak the world into creation, it can evoke a spiritual revival!

The Bible Recap: Days 204-210
Oh friends, when we struggle knowing ourselves, our purpose, what’s going on in our lives, may we rely upon who God is and His promises.

The Bible Recap: Days 197-203
Trusting God gives us beautiful gifts: a firm faith and peace.

Persistent in Prayer
Are you being persistent in your prayer? Time to go before the Lord and knock. He’s available to us always.

Is He Lord of Your Life?
We can honor God with our lips declaring Him as Holy, Creator, and Savior, but we honor Him more as we surrender and call Him Lord.

The Bible Recap: Days 190-196
May we live in the fear of the Lord. May God continue to show us that our idols on earth are worthless and only He is worthy of our hearts.

The Bible Recap: Days 183-189
Our God chases us down in the storms of life, pursuing us. He never gives up on us. He’ll use every element of nature and every life situation to point back to Him.

The Bible Recap: Days 176-182
God saved His child, who cried out to Him.

The Bible Recap: Days 169-175
Good things happen when we trust and follow God with our whole hearts!

Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
It doesn’t matter what your friends say, your family’s belief system or what the world says. It only matters what you say about Jesus.