Blog Archives

From Rotten to Restored
Every one of us carries imperfections beneath the surface, just like the ruined apples from this year’s harvest. But there’s hope—through Christ, even the most broken among us can be restored and made new.

Do you ever feel like your secrets are safe, tucked away where no one can find them? What if everything you thought was hidden was brought to light—and judged?

What Now?: Forgiving Yourself
Are you carrying a burden of guilt that feels too heavy to let go, even though Jesus has already declared you forgiven?

What Now?: Forgiveness
Holding onto unforgiveness can weigh down your soul, but when you choose to forgive, the freedom you gain is a gift to yourself and your relationship with Jesus.

The Freedom of Forgiveness
In the unexpected loss of my father, I discovered the profound power of forgiveness—how it not only heals past wounds but also opens the door to unexpected redemption and peace.

Our Sins, His Good
If you have made mistakes, if your burden of sin is too great for you to bear, look to Christ, repent, and find forgiveness there.

Metamorphosis of Faith
Discover the powerful message that God can use anyone, regardless of their history, and explore the call to live a transformed life.

Hold Your Tongue
As much as we want our side of the story to be told, the bottom line is, the truth will eventually come out. And God will use the situation to bring about something even greater. We simply have to trust Him.

The Joy of Canceling Debt
We can forgive others because we have been forgiven.

Un-forgiveness Hinders
If He could forgive me for the things I have done, how can I not forgive someone else?

Holy Week: Forgiveness Matters
The really cool thing about redemption is this: it isn’t just a one-time deal! Jesus can redeem us every day – anytime, anyplace.

Stop Wearing Your Shame
Jesus Christ has dealt with our shame, and now we can live in freedom!

How Are You Preparing?
How are you preparing for the coming of the Savior?

Finding Jesus: Finding Forgiveness with Jesus
If Jesus can forgive the most hurtful of betrayals, we can too with prayer and a willing heart.

It’s Really Happening
No matter what you’ve done in your life, God is bigger than that. He can forgive anything and is ready and willing!

A Forgetful People
Memories are timeless treasures, reminders of love shared, and celebrations of God’s faithfulness.

Don’t Take the Easy Way Out
We may be tempted to take the easy way out when we feel pain, hurt, uneasiness, discomfort or trouble. But because of what Jesus endured on the cross, we can trust in Him and His sacrifice and stand strong.

Scourged for Our Sins
Jesus did this for us. He took our punishment upon Himself so that we could be freed from our sin.

Standing Before Your Accuser
They stood face to face with the One who knew them best; all their shame on full display. They had two choices: deny everything and the one who accused them, or admit their wrongs and ask for forgiveness.

How We Can Forgive Past Hurts
Because we’ve been forgiven, we can forgive.

So what do we do? If we have been forgiven so great a debt, one that we cannot repay, time and time again, what should we do when someone wrongs us? Forgive.

Be of One Accord
As brothers and sisters in Christ, we must lay aside our flesh and follow the Lord’s lead.

The Safe House
As a child of God, I have been forgiven of my sins. My debt has been paid. I am no longer guilty before the almighty God.

Refuge from the Enemy
Today, maybe you are running from something. You need refuge. God promises to be our refuge, our help in times of trouble, if we just trust in Him.

Lay Down That Offense
Nurturing those hurts and offenses will keep you from enjoying the fullness of God’s peace and joy.

The Offender, the Offended, and the Forgiven
Showing grace and mercy to someone who has caused deep hurt is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do.

Things We Should Forget
God doesn’t intend for us to live in bondage to our past sins.

Forgetting Our Sin and Shame
When you’re haunted by the sins of your past, keep moving forward to Christ.

Garments of White
No matter what you’ve done, he’s waiting with open arms.

Lessons From Joseph: the Final Chapter
It’s the ultimate story of forgiveness and reconciliation with one exception: Jesus and the cross.

The Compassion of Christ
He is God, and there’s nothing done on our own strength that we can boast about.

What’s in Your Road Kill Stew?
God is sovereign and forgiving, so quit performing CPR on your hurt and pain.

Enough is Enough
Prayer should be our first reaction and not our last resort.

Kindness: God’s Kindness
God is in the business of restoring sinners.

Come Home, Wanderer, to Grace Greater Than All Your Sin
Every person who makes even one step toward God will see, that God has been there the entire time waiting.

Grace: Lessons From a Road Trip
Things rarely improve where grace doesn’t make the first move.

The Day I Saw My Son Drowning
No matter how prepared anyone else is, you’re the one God chose for the job.

Dear Me, I’m Sorry For the Lies
Your gifts are not an accident and the passions you hold are not just distractions.

Forgiving the Worst Kind of Personal Hurt: Rejection
Forgiveness is a huge key to freedom, both giving it and asking for it.

Seeing Red
You see red. Your blood pulses, your breath quickens and your thoughts fly. You surge with energy… too much energy. […]

7 Characteristics of a Mature Prayer
Most Christians agree with what Ray Ortlund wrote about prayer: “There’s one prime, basic, all-important place in your life where […]

Three Kinds of Worship
One Sunday morning a small boy was sitting by his mother during the morning worship service. Like most small children, […]

Forgiving Like God Does
Have you ever watched a reality TV show where they are all trying to live together in a house or […]

Forgiveness is a Heart Thing
I’m not sure when it happened, but by the time I had children of my own, I had forgiven my […]