Blog Archives

In the Middle of the Night
Sleepless nights often come when our hearts are burdened with worry, doubt, and the unknown, but in those moments, God reminds us that He is near. If you find yourself restless and searching for peace, take comfort in the truth that He sees, He knows, and He cares.

Faith Over Works
Why trust anything but faith to save you when God has already made it clear—righteousness comes through belief, not works.

The Invitation
A teacher told her young students that she was starting a new club and they should watch for an invitation. […]

From Rotten to Restored
Every one of us carries imperfections beneath the surface, just like the ruined apples from this year’s harvest. But there’s hope—through Christ, even the most broken among us can be restored and made new.

Stop Making Excuses
What happens when we try to justify our sins before a holy and just God?

Do you ever feel like your secrets are safe, tucked away where no one can find them? What if everything you thought was hidden was brought to light—and judged?

We All Need His Grace
No one escapes God’s righteous judgment, and all of us are in desperate need of His grace.

From Guilt to Grace
Even in the weight of our mistakes, God’s forgiveness offers hope and the promise of redemption.

Beautiful Gifts
The enemy wants to distort the truth, but God has created you for a purpose. He loves you and gives us His Word to guide us.

Justice and Redemption
Jesus has the power to step in and free us from our sins. Without Him, we are already sentenced, condemned, and dead. But believing in Him can save us from God’s wrath!

An Un-Payable Debt
When a stranger paid for my meal, I was overwhelmed by the kindness I couldn’t repay—reminding me of the debt I owe to Jesus for saving me. Like Paul, we can’t repay Christ’s gift, but we can offer our lives in gratitude and share His love with others.

Contentment and Great Gain
In a world bombarded by advertisements and driven by consumerism, the temptation to want more can cloud our hearts and minds. Yet true contentment, rooted in godliness and gratitude, offers a treasure far greater than anything money can buy.

The Gift of a Featherlight Heart
Guilt can weigh on our hearts like a ton of bricks, robbing us of peace and joy. But through confession and the redemptive power of Jesus, we can experience the freedom and lightness that only His forgiveness can bring.

What Now?: Hatred
When hatred takes root in our hearts, it consumes our peace and distorts our perspective, but God offers a better way. By choosing love over hate, we can break free from the cycle of bitterness and experience the transforming power of grace and forgiveness.

Relatable Teen Struggles (Pt. 3): Addictions
Addiction greatly affects many lives. By anchoring ourselves in God’s Word we can break free from addiction and find true satisfaction in Christ.

Feeling busy? Paul, under house arrest, used his limited time and space to share the gospel with purpose—challenging us to rethink how we can shine Christ’s light in the midst of our own busyness.

Total Control Over 50%
Relationships thrive when we focus on managing what we can control rather than trying to change what we cannot.

What Now?: Gossip
By resisting the temptation to gossip and seeking the Spirit, we can show God’s love and choose words that bring life instead of destruction.

Relatable Teen Struggles (Pt. 2): Relationships
God’s design for relationships offers a path to thriving partnerships rooted in love, respect, and His perfect plan for our lives.

Exposing the Darkness
Sin, like a forgotten, festering mess in the dark, doesn’t disappear—it grows, spreading into every corner of our lives. Discover how the freedom and joy of His mercy can replace the heavy burden of guilt, giving you the restoration your heart craves.

Relatable Teen Struggles (Pt. 1): Mental Health
Teenagers today are facing a mental health crisis. Discover how God’s love can help guide you through life’s toughest struggles.

Let Go of Control
Let go. God is the one in control, and His mission for your life is greater than anything you could imagine.

Learn how to trade perfectionism for peace with practical, faith-centered steps to live intentionally and rest in His grace—your heart will thank you!

The Joy Set Before
Discover how true joy grows not in the absence of hardship but in the soil of sanctification—and why understanding this process will transform how you navigate life’s toughest seasons.

What Now?: Forgiveness
Holding onto unforgiveness can weigh down your soul, but when you choose to forgive, the freedom you gain is a gift to yourself and your relationship with Jesus.

The Middle of Your Mess
When life shatters all control and hope fades, the one question that matters is: is your heart ready for the God who steps into impossible situations?

What Now?: Emotions
When your emotions feel like a roller coaster, seeking Jesus and grounding yourself in His unchanging Word can turn the chaos into calm.

Depression During the Holidays
When life feels heavy and hope seems distant, the Psalms of lament remind us that even in our darkest moments, light can still break through.

What Now?: Depression
When life feels heavy with hopelessness and despair, remember that God invites you to rest in Him.

Dealing With Criticism
Do not let criticism steal your joy. Handle criticism through the example of David.

Paise God Who Was And Is And Always Will Be
In the midst of a chaotic world filled with uncertainty and trials, what if the key to finding steadiness lies in turning our hearts toward the unchanging nature of God, embracing His attributes through heartfelt prayer and praise?

What Now?: Deception
The enemy uses appealing lies to trap us, but with spiritual discernment and God’s armor, we can fight back and break free from his schemes.

Bouncing Off the Ceiling
Ever feel like your prayers are just bouncing off the ceiling? Discover how to reconnect with God and find peace in His presence.

What Now?: Darkness
In a world full of fear and darkness, freedom and comfort are found in Jesus, the Light of the world, who overcomes all with His presence and love.

Just like God gave the Israelites tassels as reminders of His love and commands, we too can use simple, visible objects to draw us back to Him and remind us daily of the choice to love and follow God.

Be Prepared: Know Trials Are Normal
In a world full of challenges, are you prepared to navigate life with the biblical mindset that trials are not exceptions but expectations?

What Now?: Control
In a world that glorifies control, true freedom comes when we surrender to God’s perfect will, letting go of our attempts at control.

Antisemitism, Satan’s Platform
Examine the historical and biblical roots of antisemitism, seeing that the persistent hatred toward Jewish people throughout history is fueled by Satan’s opposition to God’s chosen people.

Beware the Wolves
Like a wolf stalking weakened prey, waiting to strike—Paul’s warning reminds us all to stay alert, united, and close to the Good Shepherd for protection.

What Now?: Contentment
In a world obsessed with outward success, true contentment can only be found by filling the God-shaped void within our hearts, not by chasing what we can never take with us.

Letters to My Children: Modesty (Pt. 1)
How can we determine the “line” for what is modest? (Part 1)

What Are Our Idols?
What idols would Paul be pointing out in our lives that need tearing down?

A Journey to the Truth
Paul ignites a mission to share the only message that can truly heal and transform lives: the name of Jesus.

What Now?: Comfort
In the midst of heartache, God’s comfort turns our mourning into joy, reminding us that even in our suffering, we can find peace and purpose.

I Can’t Afford It
When you understand that everything you have belongs to God, giving back becomes a blessing, not a burden—even when you feel like you can’t afford it.

Ping-Pong, Pain, and Prayer
Sometimes the most painful lessons are the ones that stick with us the longest—and remind us to pray even harder for the ones we love.

What Now?: Church
When the church lets you down, it’s easy to walk away, but true healing comes from fixing your eyes on the One who never will.

Letters to My Children: When I Fail You
As older children begin to see our parenting wasn’t perfect, it’s a good time to
humbly reflect and rest in grace.

Many Parts of the Body
Feeling out of place and questioning her purpose, a woman discovers that God can use her limitations to bless others in unexpected and powerful ways.

A Storm Sent to Save
Sometimes, the storms we fear the most are God’s merciful wake-up calls, sent to bring us back to His loving embrace.