Blog Archives

A Discussion on Addiction
Jesus is our help and hope when trying to break an addiction.

My Alcohol Decision
It’s a personal choice but one that should never cause problems for others.

If You Want to be Counter Cultural, Put Down Your Phone
Christians should swim against the cultural current and refuse to be controlled.

Why I’m a Grace Junkie
He and everyone he knew had give up on him until someone told him about Jesus.

Hopelessness Was Due to the God-Sized Hole in His Heart
His story is no different from yours if your life seems meaningless and hopeless.

Exposing the Lie of Hakuna Matata
God gave us life for the purpose of bringing us to himself, so embrace that purpose.

No One Plans Their Addiction: How to Climb Out of the Pit
In his wilder days, my dad had a group that he partied with. They were good guys, but they all […]

Is Truth Based on Whatever You Feel?
Pilate asked Jesus in John 18:38, “What is truth?” And two thousand years later, we’re still asking . . . In […]

What Does the Bible Really Offer Me?
Ever heard of the acronym SOAP? Or heard people say, “I SOAPed this morning”? Well, SOAP stands for Scripture, Observation, […]

Don’t do as I do, do as I tell you to do
Follow Christ and be the godly example your friends, family and co-workers need!

The good ole’ days
When you turn to Christ, His light reveals the sins that are hidden in the dark.

The Secret Sin of Gluttony
I have often heard that “gluttony” applies to over-indulging in anything, and there is no escaping that in biblical terms […]

Confessions of a Christian Bulimic
“It’s easy. All you have to do is stick your finger down your throat ‘til you gag and throw up.” […]

Cleaning up the mess
Messes can be overwhelming, but Jesus’s love is more powerful than anything you can imagine.

Church: Don’t be Discouraged, be on Mission
(Originally published on July 1, 2015 after the Supreme Court ruled by a 5-to-4 vote that the Constitution guarantees a right to […]

How I Can Identify With My Transgender Co-Worker
I currently work with a trans-bi-sexual “female” who requested that when I refer to “her,” I use the pronouns they and them instead of her or she. […]

What not to do
He desires for you to have a joyful soul but not at the expense of a holy life.

Hot and Cold
As Christians, we sin and fail. But our proper response should always be to listen to the Holy Spirit’s conviction, repent and ask for forgiveness.

God Loves Us: What Does That Really Mean?
God loves me first. Before I was even born, he knew my name, and he knew yours too. God loved […]

5 Instructions While We Wait for His Return
Just as the cross and the resurrection are essential to our Christian faith, so is the promise of Jesus’ return. […]

Feeling Wilted? Grow Some Roots
There once was a soybean farmer who was interviewed for his great harvest. Despite difficult growing conditions, he had managed […]

Life isn’t fair
No matter what you’ve done, what you’ve said or where you’ve been, reach out to God today.

Suicide: Don’t be Afraid to Ask
Suicide is not a new story, and for students like freshman Whitney Barnum and senior Timothy Black, who both attend […]

You can run but You can’t hide
Christ died for you knowing you would be a sinner.

Don’t Do It
We are tempted because we feel the warning sign is keeping us from something we want or need to see.

Take the 30-Day Positivity Challenge
Someone who loves me recently told me that I could work harder to make myself a more positive person. Apparently, […]

Chaos of the Heart: Who’s Really in Control Here?
I recently read, “Heart chaos is the result of a worship disorder, not circumstances”. You see, my world is anything […]

Conversation About Homosexuality
Men with rape and molestation charges are treated the worst in prisons. Sex-offenders are viewed as the most disgusting people […]

This is How the Cycle of Anger and Abuse Can Stop With You
Growing up, I thought my family was like every other family and then I learned that we weren’t. But wait, […]

3 Ways to Defeat the Death-Grip of Pornography
Pornography is a deadly mistress. She stands poised with promises, willing and ready at a moment’s notice. She strikes unexpectedly, […]

Addiction’s Grip and What Happens When You Surrender
“Life isn’t worth living without it.” Those six words spoken by my dad brought my world racing into high-definition focus […]

Mike and Laura Beth: From Brokenness to Mending by the Potter
Mike: Sin and Brokenness “…Looking back, I see there was no actual desire to pursue the things of God… Nonetheless, […]

Augustine: Pride, Sex and the Power of Jesus
Through my seminary studies, I recently read about the conversion of Augustine, one of the giants of Christian leadership and thought […]

No Matter What You’ve Done or Where You’ve Been
Spring Hunter is a woman who grew up in complete poverty, religiously adhered to a cult, suffered parental abandonment, became […]

Surrendered: Fully and Finally
I started drinking when I was fifteen because my parents were gone every weekend and my brother and sister would […]

Mike Jones: A Lifeword Story of Grace and Mercy
Matthew chapter 17 has the account of Jesus with Peter, James and John on the Mount of Transfiguration. While they […]

Part Two: Free From Pornography For Good
Pornography is a deadly mistress. She stands poised with promises, willing and ready at a moment’s notice. She strikes unexpectedly, […]

Part One: The Prominence of Pornography
Pornography addiction is most assuredly an androgynous affair, but for men in particular, the stimulus from pornography activates parts of […]

Addiction Part Three: Restoring Broken Relationships
There’s something beautiful about a restored relationship between a child and their father. At one time, I was angry with […]

Part Two: The Relentless Grip of Addiction
“Life isn’t worth living without it.” Those six words spoken by my dad brought my world racing into high-definition focus […]

Addiction Part One: Returning to Bad Choices
In his wilder days, my dad had a group that he partied with. They were good guys but they all […]