Blog Archives

It’s Jesus vs. the Devil in a Fight For Your Mind
When we surrender our inner mess let Jesus heal us, darkness no longer has a hold.

When You’re Clinging to the Lifeboat of Hopelessness
When the storm clouds seem so oppressive and thick, that I feel like jumping ship.

So You Want to Study Your Bible in 2021 . . .
Resolutions fail because all we have is a wish for things to change but not a plan.

My Story of Soul-Crushing Anxiety
Self-imposed fear has always been an obstacle to my full surrender to Jesus.

What Happens between the Old and New Testaments?
Ever wondered what went on between Malachi and Matthew? Check this out . . .

9 Reasons You Should Read the Bible RIGHT NOW
The devil hates the Bible and those who quote it, so defeat him by studying it.

Your Anxiety Boils Down to This One Little Word
Worrying about the unknown is a burden that will weigh you down until you let go.

The Old Testament Helps Us Understand the New Testament
A Christian’s identity is linked directly to the Old Testament, so why do we neglect it?

Oh, How the Tongue Destroys
When you realize your words lead to destruction, take a stance against the enemy’s lies.

When You Hear the Worst News Possible
Remember the fishes and the loaves: God uses the little we have to do big things.

Yes, You Need to Know Your Spiritual Gift
There’s a void in the local church when you aren’t using your spiritual gift.

Let Your 2020 Story Point to the God of Creation
God will redeem all that we’ve been through this year and use it for his glory.

Five Bold Predictions for 2021
Expect the unexpected and more tests of faith in 2021, but do your part to unify believers.

Pure Energy So You Can Keep Going
God is fully invested in your spiritual growth; after all he wants more for you than even you do.

Here’s a Mandate You’ll be Glad You Complied With
It’s impossible to manage 2021 without the sustenance Scripture provides.

Telling Jesus’ Story and Taking Our Thoughts Captive – Part Six
Evil thoughts are part of our sin nature, but God provides a way to control them.

This is How to Avoid Total System Failure
Who among us suffers from loneliness, depression, anxiety or extended periods of darkness? Yup. We live in a society right […]

Peace and Prosperity in 2021 Depend on One Important Resolution
We have many goals on our minds as we enter a new year, but this one is a priority.

A Fresh Start in 2020
What was your 2019 like? Was it a good year or a bad year? If you had 2019 to live […]

Why We Have Both an Old and New Testament – And the Breathtaking Thing That Ties Them Together
Many Christians, while thumbing through their Bibles, have pondered why Scripture is broken into two, uneven halves. Is one better than the other? […]

New Year, New Worries, Renewed Mind
How focused should we be on New Year’s resolutions?

Bow Before the King
I’ve always loved watching and reading anything about medieval times. Kings and their royal families, strong and fearless knights storming […]

Telling the Story of Jesus Through Service – Part Four
When God changes your life, the desire to love and serve others will be automatic.

Jesus’ Birth Eliminated a Front-Line Worker’s Job
Jesus offered a personal, agonizing sacrifice for God’s people that changed the world.

From Bitterness to Blessing: The Story of Mara
Hope is a choice and we can go to its source and allow ourselves to be filled.

God is Faithful Even When the Hits Keep Coming
When you feel like the deck is stacked against you, remember the story of this hero.

Changing Your Stinking Thinking
Our lives are completely controlled by our thoughts and habits, so how do we renew our minds?

Hold On. What’s The One Thing You’re Forgetting?
God warns us of the tendency to immediately enact our plan without one important thing . . .

It’s Your Choice: Victory or Defeat?
If we don’t choose to live surrendered to Jesus, we’ll remain empty, broken, and fearful.

When You Think You’re Not Capable of Your Calling
God doesn’t send his soldiers into battle without the proper equipment.

Here’s Why We Can be Thankful in Tragedy
Jesus’ impending death on the cross didn’t prevent him from giving thanks in the upper room.

The Sin of Unbelief is A Serious One
If you have never really taken a step of faith, you may not be truly trusting in God.

4 Ways to Get Rid of Joy-Stealing Self Pity
When you find yourself stuck in a cycle of frustration, impatience, and negativity, there is hope.

If You’re a Gold Medal Worrier, Here’s What to Do
If being anxious doesn’t accomplish a single thing, what’s the point of making it a habit?

Christian, Where’s Your Passion?
To experience who Jesus is and all he wants for us requires passionately knowing and serving him.

How to Live Your Blessed Life
When you find the blessed life Jesus wants you to have, there’s no regret and no going back.

Let’s Bring Back Forgiveness and Compassion
Keeping no record of wrongs and forgiving without limit seem impossible in today’s world.

Four Ways to Live by Faith
You can be confidence that God is in control, knows best, and you can ask him anything.

2020 and the Good Things That Come Out of it
We don’t know the outcomes of 2020, but with God on his throne they’ll likely be good ones.

It Takes A Lot of Faith to be an Atheist
Our universe’s beauty and symmetry couldn’t have coßme from random mutation and chance.

Truth About the World’s Dangerous Distractions-Part One
Distractions are really lies that dangerously lead you away from the life-changing reality of Jesus.

Is Church Attendance the Sole Evidence of Your Salvation?
There are many reasons Christians are losing the culture, but these are probably the top four. They are all ouch-worthy, […]

How To Boldly Speak Truth in a World Full of Lies
Speaking biblical truths is important for Christians for the following reasons: It confesses and proclaims God’s truth in your life. […]

When Your Pain Makes You Wonder Why Me
What do you do when pain is your constant companion? How do you keep on going when life stays hard and […]

Not Hearing From God? Might Be Time for Hearing Aids
“How’s your hearing?” That was a question my doctor started asking me about ten years ago. I would always respond […]

Don’t Take Spiritual Shortcuts to Find Answers
Prayer is good, but . . . I want to share something on my mind and heart today, a conviction […]

Through all of This Chaos There is Hope
Be still.Be quiet.Listen. Sometimes, when the world around us seems to spiral and spin off each page of every day, […]

There’s Just One Question You Should Ask Yourself
OK, OK. Before I reveal it to you, let me explain the context a bit. As I was reading in […]

The Four-Step Prayer Plan That’s Not About You
How often do you sit down to pray, and this happens: You think of your family. You pray for your […]

Cleaning Out the Hypocrisy of Our Hearts
I am so thankful to God for giving me a husband that is a pastor, a preacher of the Word […]