Blog Archives
What Your Screen Time Says About You
Our phones expose what we genuinely value.
Count the Cost
We need to consider the cost before giving into the desires of our heart.
A Lifetime of Life-Changing Lessons
Christian life is all about loving and serving others enough to tell them about Jesus’ work on the cross.
Honesty: The Belt of Truth
Knowing who God is and how he wants us to live our lives will guard us.
In the Waiting
Trust God, he’s working all things together for our good.
Arrangement of New Testament Books and How to Find Them
Just like anything, the more time you spend in the New Testament, the faster you can navigate it.
Weighing the Cost
There are things we must give up in order to follow Jesus.
Arrangement of Old Testament Books and Finding them Faster
Just like with anything, the more time you spend with the Old Testament, the faster you can navigate it.
Come Home, Wanderer, to Grace Greater Than All Your Sin
Every person who makes even one step toward God will see, that God has been there the entire time waiting.
Honesty: Adam, Eve and that Crafty Snake
Just like Adam and Eve got separated from God, we too can be separated by lying.
The Cost of Making Disciples
Disciple making is a commitment to open up your life to another person.
What Happens When You Hold on to Earthly Things
We must devote to destruction, or put to death, what is earthly in us:
Easter and the Beautiful Bruise
Before sin even entered into the World, God had made a way of redemption for his children.
6 Ways to Stand in the Gap With Grace
The only option that gives all of us the freedom to have peace, hope, and relationships is to forgive.
Think There’s No Way You Would’ve Denied Jesus?
Only you can decide how Jesus will impact your life.
Setting the Standard
Are we putting the same importance and effort into our children following God?
What Bible Translation Did Jesus Use?
God wants to use your copy of God’s Word to change your life and eternity.
What Does Jesus Want Your Church to Do?
Christ is the ultimate seeker. He seeks and saves the lost.
Honesty: Aaron Lies to Moses
God is a forgiving God, but He desires to see us learn from mistakes and grow.
A Final Resting Place
Jesus knew there was a high price to secure your final resting place, and paid it.
One Thing that Makes Easter a Part of Every Day
God knows your name — no matter how far you’ve traveled, and he is calling it today.
Passing the Baton: A Smooth Pastor Transition
A successful transition depends on much prayer, preparation, planning, a process, and it is the work of God.
The Madness of March and Greatest Comeback Ever
You can go from having a life that leads to death to a life radically changed by Jesus.
The Problem of Living According to the Flesh
Every moment is an opportunity to choose where you will set your mind.
Grace: Lessons From a Road Trip
Things rarely improve where grace doesn’t make the first move.
Love Will Get You through It
God remains with us and comforts us through it all.
Learning it for Yourself
God is all-seeing, all-knowing, and ever present.
What Should I Do in the Waiting?
When you come to God earnestly seeking him, you won’t be turned you away.
Which Bible Translation Should I Choose?
How do you cut through all the options and find the perfect Bible?
Honesty: The Ten Commandments
Nobody likes rules, but God’s rules teach us how to stay on the right path, love him and others.
Tested and Proven
God willingly gave His one and only Son to be the sacrifice.
Hearing the Sound of Music While Singing in the Rain
If you find yourself praying in your own “garden” today, know you are not alone.
Keeping a Record of Your Own Wrongs is Not the Plan
Stop looking at everything you didn’t do and thank God for everything He did.
Who Were the Pharisees and What Can We Learn From Them?
Following God’s commands is good, but adding rules and forcing others to follow them as if they were from God is not.
Why Are There Four Gospels in the Bible?
We can trust the accounts, the biographies, and the Gospels of Jesus.
He Takes the Broken Pieces and Creates a Masterpiece
God is in the business of creating life out of death, beauty out of ashes.
The Little Things
“Small” sins in our life can cause distress and damage in our lives.
How is it Possible that Death Means Life?
To die is gain – to be rewarded for all the trials, and spend eternity in the presence of a loving father.
The Timing of Christ’s Earthly Appearance Was Not Random
God isn’t a haphazard God but an on-purpose God.
Birth of a Lioness
My life changed when I realized something as a young mama: Church was not enough.
Sometimes the Lord brings us to our own deserts to remind us of our need for Him.
Vision: God’s Preferred Future
It takes all kinds of churches to reach all kinds of people.
A Parent’s Lesson From a Strong-Willed Child
It’s in and through our trials that God cultivates maturity in us.
Here’s What We Can Learn From Mr. Miyagi
Jesus took advantage of daily opportunities to lay foundations for learning.
How Can We Have True Unity in a Fractured World?
God invites us to sit at his bountiful table and find relief from the world’s empty promises.
How We are to Care for People
The Great Commission is not to feed the hungry, but to spread the Gospel.
3 Wrong Responses to Fear and 3 Right Ones
God has been and will always be consistent, so he is where you’ll find security.
Is Pursuing the Lost Your Church’s Vision?
A vision statement doesn’t guarantee that your church will be a visionary congregation.