Blog Archives
3 Ways to Deeper Church Relationships
Leading people to Christ and the cross requires authentically loving people.
Reaching Your Community With the Gospel of Love
You can’t always blame culture for your church’s lack of growth.
Living for Jesus, with his spirit as your guide, is the most beautiful life.
3 Ways to Get Through It
You can’t do it in your own strength, but you can do something that honors God.
Turn Stress Into Worship
The best plan for your future is to forget about a plan and focus on God’s provision.
A Christian Father From a Daughter’s Perspective
Never forget, parents, that you are your children’s most powerful influence.
Tame That Fiery Tongue
Words have the power to destroy, so how will you use yours to honor the Lord?
Wrongly Accused and Imprisoned
Is it really possible to rejoice in your sufferings? Read this man’s story and find out.
If You Have Suicidal Thoughts . . .
Yes, it can feel like life is hopeless, but you can be free from that pain and have joy.
The Triple-Word Score of Providence
God is not random or limitless, and the best example of that omniscience is Jesus.
How is Controlling Your Future Going?
God wants you to focus on today rather than micro-managing your future.
What’s in Your Road Kill Stew?
God is sovereign and forgiving, so quit performing CPR on your hurt and pain.
Seeking Blessings
Let us reflect Jesus to this lost and broken world.
Are You Missing What God is Saying?
As far as His will goes, God just wants a chance to speak to you, and He’ll do the rest.
Does Your Church Love the Unclean?
A church that fails to minister to the undeserving is a church without a harvest of souls.
Upgrade Your Church Culture
Building a culture in your church that truly glorifies God takes passionate devotion.
3 Ways to Climb Out of the Pit
Are you in a dark place with no way out? There’s only one way to climb out and have joy.
We Are No Longer Bystanders
God invites us to share in the responsibility of shining the light of his glory.
The Blame Game
Christ says in order to follow Him, we must humble ourselves.
Rescue: It’s What Christians Do
Sometimes God sends people to dust us off and carry us back to Jesus and his living water.
If God is Good Then Why . . .
Choose faithfulness and be restored through God’s sustaining grace.
When Everything Falls Apart
God has a plan to use this storm to strengthen you.
The Attributes of God Part Three: Holy
Yes, God is holy – without evil – but he is not the demanding tyrant the world believes him to be.
Sibling Rivalry on Steroids
Show the love of Jesus. Be His hands and feet to a lost world.
No Small Print, No Exclusions
Let’s not complicate salvation: There are no exceptions to who can receive it.
Church. Not Just a Routine
Is church a Sunday routine or a life-changing opportunity to worship the Creator?
Milk or Meat: What Will You Choose?
Are you content with milk or do you want meat? It’s a decision that determines your growth.
Let Your Life Tell the Story
Do your actions, words, and choices tell the greatest story ever told of grace and mercy?
The Tongue is a Fire-Breathing Weapon
Who’s really in charge of your words? the holy One or the greatest liar of all time.
Playing Favorites
God loves every person, no matter their skin color, language or what they have to offer.
Are You Praying For Spirit-led Conviction?
Does your church pray for the Holy Spirit to call souls to Christ?
4 Replacements For Your Anger
Don’t give in to that worldly reaction of allowing others to make you angry.
Encouragement: It Changes Things
God encourages us, so we can encourage others.
The Power of a Family – Part Two
Parents, your children are watching closely, and they will pick up on your value system.
When Judging Others is a Good Thing
When done with a pure and humble heart, judging is part of help and healing.
Jump in and Truly Trust
There aren’t many trustworthy things in the world, but God sent his Son to be one of them.
How Then Do We Live in a Divisive Culture
Being in the world but not of it means we have to communicate with enemies of Christ.
3 Ways to Be an Effective Witness
When there’s an opportunity, don’t blow the chance to share your life-changing story.
When God’s Plan and Your Plan Don’t Match
The pleasures of this world will never satisfy, so allow God to take control.
Through Victory and Strife
God will use your life to mold you and shape you and to bless those around you.
Self Care Begins With Friend Care
How do we make the most of the friendships God has so generously given us?
The Old You vs. The New You
Don’t try to make up for your old life, just focus on the one who makes all things new.
Humility: Saul, Paul, and a Bright Light
We can either be humble or be humbled by God.
One Question Leads to Another
There will always, be questions. And that’s not a bad thing, how we will grow in knowledge.
5 Judgement-Free Ways to Love the Lost
What would you do if you witnessed injustice, judgement and hypocrisy?