Blog Archives
Criticism then Evaluation
Is it time to consider asking the tough questions about the church you love?
Here’s What We Believe-Part Two
Foundational truths and practices of the Christian life are being watered down.
Here’s What We Believe-Part One
What you believe about Jesus is the most important decision you’ll ever make.
Evangelizing and Disciple Making Central America Style
Discipleship, which includes caring for, counseling, and leading people, is happening globally.
Reflect, Remember, Celebrate
When the future is uncertain, choose faithfulness instead of fear.
Labor Day and Rest Day
The Labor Day holiday is meant to celebrate the working, but what about resting?
7 Ways to Learn Bible Truth
Understanding these unprecedented times could mean more intentional Bible study.
Are You a Pursuer or a Floater
Actively seeking a relationship with the God who save you is being light in a dark world.
Lessons From Joseph: the Final Chapter
It’s the ultimate story of forgiveness and reconciliation with one exception: Jesus and the cross.
3 Marks of the Christian Life
Knowing, understanding, and applying Jesus’ teachings is critical in this age of hypocrisy.
Don’t Destroy That Alarm Clock
When the Holy Spirit is clearly sending you a message, don’t destroy the messenger.
When Does Discipleship Begin?
Is pre-conversion discipleship a real possibility for disciple makers?
The Loudest Voice in the Room
With all the noise going on today, allow God’s voice to be the loudest.
New School Year, New Start
It’s clean slate time, and God wants to start fresh with you!
Here’s Why I Serve
Yes, God commands it, but what are the other reasons to serve in your church?
A Lump of Clay to a Masterpiece
God is at work creating a thing of beauty, so trust him and let him work.
He Made the First Move
God brings you to his table, so don’t try to move away. Just take your seat and choose life.
Planned for Good
Whatever is going on in your life today, know even if it seems hopeless, God has a plan.
The Strong Limbs of Jesus
It may look like it could support you, but that limb, just like the world, will fail every time.
What it Means to Pastor Your Flock
Leading your church is a blessing and a privilege, but it is also a daunting task.
What if?
You have the choice to believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior or to deny Him.
Whose Stuff is it Anyway?
Before you get angry when someone steals your things, ask yourself who really owns it.
3 Things That God Is
In a world of seemingly endless chaos, God invites you to lay it all at his feet.
3 Questions Christians Should Ask
Even though we’re made new through Christ, Satan tries to prevent us from living in victory.
The Ice Age in Which We Live
Church leader, what are doing to stay in a good place spiritually and emotionally?
Do I Want Him or Do I Need Him?
God has a beautiful, perfect plan for your life, and he doesn’t need you to interfere in it.
Divine Direction
If you have a big decision to make, or even a small one, go to God in prayer about it.
An Ancient Soap Opera of Grace
Before you point your finger at someone else, take a good look at your own choices.
Waiting Without Fear of Tomorrow
With God, the journey ahead is not to be feared, and it ends in victory.
Awaking From a Spiritual Nap
Sometimes, we’re just going through the motions of Christianity.
My Journey to Writing Christian Fiction-Part Two
God’s will is always the same: Bring him glory. So use your talents to do so.
The Old Saying is Wrong: Words Hurt
Christian, your words can do way more damage than those of an unbeliever.
The Power of Family – Part 3
Do you limit how much control God truly has on your life?
The Best Hug Ever
By accepting Jesus as your Savior, you can be assured that God will welcome you with open arms.
The Attributes of God Part Four: Independent
Because he is all-sufficient, God can be trusted to meet our every need.
My Journey to Writing a Christian Fiction Novel, Part 1
Your God-given creative talent will be used by the Lord, so surrender it to Him.
Here I Am
We must be ready to accept God’s plan for us no matter what.
Why and How God is Calling You
The world will never understand the radical concept of surrendering your life to Christ.
How to Improve Your Ratings and Reviews
If you’re a Christian, the world judges your authenticity.
The Compassion of Christ
He is God, and there’s nothing done on our own strength that we can boast about.
3 Must-Dos to Live on Mission
To affect culture in a positive way you must see yourself as a missionary.
The World Is Wrong About Christians
You’re right. Christians aren’t perfect and sometimes they act like the world . . .
Are You an Ant or a Grasshopper?
Salvation is too great a gift for us to keep to ourselves.
3 Steps to a Gospel Focus
Knowing who you are in Christ and having a deeper relationship with him is priority one.
Olympic Gold Medal Sized Provision
If couldn’t have been easy, but Joseph never forgot who his Provider was.
The Great Planner
We can’t see exactly what the Lord has in store, but we can trust that He is in control.
Discipleship: Transformational Teaching
Jesus didn’t say to teach everything; He said to teach people to “observe.”
Can You Hear His Call?
When God calls your name, are you listening and responding?
Consequences of Spiritual Dryness
You’re not the only one who will suffer because of your own spiritual dryness.