Blog Archives

Authentic Christians Are Not Religious
Jesus speaks jarring words against the religious leaders of his day. He describes them as those who honor God with […]

Hold onto the promises
He kept His word and stood firm on His promises

What Does the Bible Really Offer Me?
Ever heard of the acronym SOAP? Or heard people say, “I SOAPed this morning”? Well, SOAP stands for Scripture, Observation, […]

Up to his old tricks
We can really mess things up, but God is always there.

The Only Time Submission Means Peace, Joy and Hope
In the first century, fishing was a lucrative business that provided substantial assets for many families, pushing them just above […]

What Will You Do With Your Gift of Time?
Time is deceptive. When we are young, we think we have all the time in the world. We think we […]

Don’t do as I do, do as I tell you to do
Follow Christ and be the godly example your friends, family and co-workers need!

10 Tips to Wean Yourself Off Spiritual Milk
Many churches have a diet problem. I am talking about the spiritual diet. I think we need to think of […]

The good ole’ days
When you turn to Christ, His light reveals the sins that are hidden in the dark.

The Man in the mirror
Jesus redeemed us, transformed us, and has called us to live a holy life.

Asking God for Unicorns
He hears our desperate pleas, but ultimately, His will prevails.

Here’s How to Ensure You Don’t Betray Your First Love
“The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick; who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9) I feel the truth of […]

Set Apart
Our lives should look like what Scripture defines as a follower of Christ and not to be resembling the world.

Cleaning up the mess
Messes can be overwhelming, but Jesus’s love is more powerful than anything you can imagine.

7 Ways to Upgrade Your Prayer Package
At the risk of losing you before we get started, I confess that I am old enough to remember the […]

Taking matters into our own hands
Let Him work it out in His timing and not in yours.

Christian Service is Impossible Without Worship
At my local church, it is made clear that every member of the body is expected to serve the Lord […]

Proverbs: 31 Chapters, 31 Prayers
(Introduction to this 31-days-of-prayer is at The following are 31 chapter summaries, key verses, and prayers inspired by the […]

Becoming a Sacrifice
If you have accepted Him as your Savior, you have a duty to be holy, to be set apart from the rest of this world for His glory.

Coming Back to the Heart of Worship
For many months now, God has been stirring my heart, revealing himself and asking me to truly worship him — […]

Screaming Headlines, Hurting People and God’s Kingdom
I follow the Daily Wire, a conservative news source driven by Christianity’s political protagonist Ben Shapiro. I’m subscribed, so I get […]

God is Our Shield
When you go into battle with the enemy, you are not alone.

How I Can Identify With My Transgender Co-Worker
I currently work with a trans-bi-sexual “female” who requested that when I refer to “her,” I use the pronouns they and them instead of her or she. […]

Give credit where it is due
Reflect on the light of His glory and let others see the only good in us comes from Him.

What not to do
He desires for you to have a joyful soul but not at the expense of a holy life.

Hot and Cold
As Christians, we sin and fail. But our proper response should always be to listen to the Holy Spirit’s conviction, repent and ask for forgiveness.

Just What is it That We Expect From God?
Through the magic of social media, several years ago I reconnected with a close childhood friend. We had not communicated […]

4 Tempting Ways to Determine Your Identity
I’ve often said the most destructive force on earth is a man who doesn’t know who he is. When you […]

Family Blessings
During the holiday seasons, cherish the time with our family.

Frustration, Patience, and the Game of Chess
I’ve never liked playing chess because I have never had the satisfaction of winning. As a kid, my brother would […]

Christian Men: What is Your Family Mission Statement?
Foundational to any business operation is a healthy mental framework that undergirds the direction of the company. Maintaining a robust […]

Heroes sin too
Our lives should reflect the light of Jesus. We shine so others may see how bright He is through us.

The Destructive Power of Fear-Part One
People are afraid. They are afraid of losing their health, wealth, mind, job, spouse or children. They are afraid of […]

God doesn’t forget us
No matter how much evil may abound, God promises His love.

Can I Be Honest? Prayer is a Struggle For Me
Have you ever wanted to improve at something without really knowing what improvement in that area actually looks like? Have […]

You want me to do what?
What has God told you to do and what has been your response?

Beauty Fades
I’m so thankful for a patient God, but there is coming a day when Jesus will return.

Why Does God Allow Suffering?
It’s to that point. You know what that point is for you. Maybe we miss our friends. Our “normal” routines. Our “normal” […]

Tracing it Back
Because of our ancestors, we ALL have sin and are in need of a Savior.

A Crisis is the Perfect Time to Meet
We’re in quarantine, unable to communicate and see those we love and enjoy. The state of isolation is becoming normative, […]

The Very First Shelter-in-Place Order was Given to Israel
I’ll admit that I’m resisting too much change from my routine, although I’m getting my mind right for that eventuality. […]

Here’s One Way God Changes us Through our Children
I once read a story about a kid that started a lawn mower with the oil cap loose. The kid […]

Dear Graduating Class of 2020, We know you had plans, but . . .
This won’t be a, “Hey, look on the brightside…or else you’re a sinner!” moment. So, you can relax. Truth is, […]

Give God Your Best
They are doing these things because they know we want them to, not because they want to.

Jesus Defeated Death: 4 Reasons It’s a Fact
At the stores, Easter appears to be the celebration of a big, fluffy bunny that leaves behind eggs filled with […]