Blog Archives
Spiritual Warfare Begins Early
Contrary to popular belief, the sin nature begins at birth, but we can be to be equipped to to beat it with with God’s armor.
What Needs to be Removed?
What have you allowed to stay in your life that keeps luring you away from God? Now is the time to remove it, completely. Not for a time, but permanently. If it continues to cause you to sin it has to go.
Preventing Shrinkage
The Christian worldview has been completely rejected by many people, but God is still on his throne and we still have a command to share Truth.
Only Death Will Stop It
Our sin has earned us death. BUT – We can have victory over sin by accepting the gift of salvation that Jesus Christ offers us!
You Know Better
Because we know better. We have a duty to study the word of God, as it was intended, and to teach accordingly.
Freedom From Our Sins
Jesus took every sin you and I have ever committed and suffered and died for it. He offers you freedom from that sin!
What Real Love Does
How often do you put your action where your mouth is when it comes to loving and serving others?
Why Am I Tempted and Is God Responsible?
Everyone faces the mostly losing battle of temptations, so why does God tempt us?
Are You Running Away?
Even if we try to cover up our sin, it comes out eventually.
The Offender, the Offended, and the Forgiven
Showing grace and mercy to someone who has caused deep hurt is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do.
Things We Should Forget
God doesn’t intend for us to live in bondage to our past sins.
Forgetting Our Sin and Shame
When you’re haunted by the sins of your past, keep moving forward to Christ.
The Unlikely Christmas Verse
One of the most familiar verses in the Bible, let’s not water down the impact and importance of it.
The Healer Comes
It’s up to us to make sure the world knows the answer to sin is the Son.
Foolishness, Sin, and Salvation
God wants to help with those sins that repeatedly ensnare you.
4 Responses to Blindness
Show compassion and understanding for the spiritually blind.
Garments of White
No matter what you’ve done, he’s waiting with open arms.
That First Gospel Message
The first sin and the first gospel message happened on the same day.
The Seriousness of Sin
People treat sin casually, even jokingly in this day and time, but God does not.
Whose Stuff is it Anyway?
Before you get angry when someone steals your things, ask yourself who really owns it.
3 Questions Christians Should Ask
Even though we’re made new through Christ, Satan tries to prevent us from living in victory.
An Ancient Soap Opera of Grace
Before you point your finger at someone else, take a good look at your own choices.
Why and How God is Calling You
The world will never understand the radical concept of surrendering your life to Christ.
Most Important Question of Your Life
There’s nothing a human can do to enter heaven. It’s just a gift you willingly accept.
Telling Jesus’ Story and Taking Our Thoughts Captive – Part Six
Evil thoughts are part of our sin nature, but God provides a way to control them.
What is Grace? God’s Love When You Mess Up
When we accept the incredible gift of grace, we can see the freedom Christ came to give us.
The Middle Ground Between Condoning and Condemning Sin
How do I accept people without compromising the truth of God’s Word?
You Don’t Have to Quit Sinning Before You Come to Jesus
Is it possible that you are “saved” and in the family of God, but you are sinning and you don’t […]
Is There a Solution for the Racism That Divides Us?
What is the antidote for racism, prejudice, hate, ethnic nationalism and supremacy? First of all, there is no form of […]
Oprah, Lady Gaga, and Born That Way
So I just watched an interview Oprah did with Lady Gaga on her series Oprah’s Next Chapter, and I feel an […]
Showing Grace When the World Expects Judgment
Every conversation you get into is an opportunity to show people the grace of God that you’ve experienced in your […]
Proverbs: 31 Chapters, 31 Prayers
(Introduction to this 31-days-of-prayer is at The following are 31 chapter summaries, key verses, and prayers inspired by the […]
The Fruit of Anger is Almost Always Rotten
If you’ve been a Christian for a long time, you’ve probably heard two distinct ideas about anger: The first is that […]
He’s a Lying Pervert: Why America May Never be Great Again
(Originally written on Election Day 2016) It’s a big day. We, the people, are obsessed with figuring out what to […]
8 Ways to Conquer the Destructive Power of Fear: Part Three
It is true that fear has a destructive power in our life. But it is also true that faith in […]
6 Ways to Share Your Story With Non-Christians
(Read “How to Transition into ‘Gospel Conversations’ with Non-Christians” as it builds on this blog. As you peel back […]
Here’s One Way God Changes us Through our Children
I once read a story about a kid that started a lawn mower with the oil cap loose. The kid […]
This is How to Become a Sinner Saved by Grace
The image of a diamond is commonly used to show the multi-faceted reality of how sinners are saved by God. […]
Don’t Settle For an Average Life with an Average Purpose
There are only two ways to live life: Your way. God’s way. There is no third way. To put it […]
Moving Beyond Shame and Regret: Part One
Rick Warren recently wrote a great article about how Our Churches Should Be No Shame Zones. I’ve been surprised at the […]
The Truth About Fasting and 7 Ways to Do It
We’ve heard people say they are going to start a “fast,” whether for health reasons, for spiritual reasons, or maybe […]
Lessons From the Ultimate Traitor
Even if you’ve never read the Bible, you know who he is and what he did. lists Judas as a synonym […]
The Tough Decision to Give My Dog Away
It was that worst-case scenario: “What if our new-born son is allergic to our beloved dog?” On paper, it’s easy. […]
This is Why Satan Wants Your Soul
I suppose two mistakes can be made as you ponder Satan’s work in your life. While we can agree his […]
Sin Brings Pleasure – And That’s OK to Admit
Sin brings pleasure, but not satisfaction. It brings ruin, never flourishing. Disobeying God sounds good somewhere in the bowels of […]
“Prone to Wander, Lord, I Feel it”
In 1757 Robert Robinson, a self-proclaimed “wanderer,” wrote the penitent words of a poem we know today as the hymn […]
Rescue From Rebellion
A salvation story doesn’t have to be R-rated to be powerful. We may not all be saved from a life […]
Mike and Laura Beth: From Brokenness to Mending by the Potter
Mike: Sin and Brokenness “…Looking back, I see there was no actual desire to pursue the things of God… Nonetheless, […]
15 Things Your Pastor Does Every Week
It’s funny. I’m asked (as a pastor) at least once a month, “So, like, what do pastors do when it’s not Sunday?” […]