Blog Archives
Here I Am
We must be ready to accept God’s plan for us no matter what.
Are You an Ant or a Grasshopper?
Salvation is too great a gift for us to keep to ourselves.
Rescue: It’s What Christians Do
Sometimes God sends people to dust us off and carry us back to Jesus and his living water.
No Small Print, No Exclusions
Let’s not complicate salvation: There are no exceptions to who can receive it.
Let Your Life Tell the Story
Do your actions, words, and choices tell the greatest story ever told of grace and mercy?
3 Ways to Be an Effective Witness
When there’s an opportunity, don’t blow the chance to share your life-changing story.
God will use our circumstances to mold us and to shape our character to draw us closer to Him.
Worldly Acclaim is Noise and Nonsense
Worldly achievements mean nothing, but how you lived for Christ means gaining the whole world.
Heaven is NOT an Achievement
You can’t earn it because you don’t deserve it, so just accept it and be changed forever.
Are the Attributes of God Important? Part Two
Truly knowing who God is affects your prayers, your worship, and your spiritual growth.
Most Important Question of Your Life
There’s nothing a human can do to enter heaven. It’s just a gift you willingly accept.
What Can the Herodians Teach Us About Politics?
An earthly kingdom built by men will never save you; only Jesus does that.
Yes, You CAN Have Faith That Moves Mountains
A life of fulfillment starts and ends with the decision of your life: following Jesus.
No Requirements, No Rules, Just Jesus
Jesus’ sacrifice was once and for all and doesn’t come with any rules to follow.
Who is God and Can We Really Know Him? – Part One
God is knowable, seek him now before it is too late.
What Can You Do to Be Saved?
Jesus chose to die on the cross so that we could live, and it all begins with the choice to accept that truth.
Gentleness: Life or Death?
God speaks in all sorts of way, but the best way to hear from God is through his Word.
Seekers Part Four: Discipleship and the Church
Christ is the ultimate seeker. He seeks and saves the lost.
Seekers Part Three: God Seeks and Saves
God is seeking worshipers, making disciples, and shepherding His people.
Seekers Part Two: The Mission of God
The mission of God is to seek and save those who are lost, multiplying disciples around the world for His own glory
Seekers Part One: Your Church’s Recruiting Strategy
Evangelism is not optional for the church.
You Can’t Bank on other People’s Blessings
We can’t bank on someone else’s relationship with God and think that will cover us too.
The World Doesn’t Need Kayfabe Christianity
The sacrifice that Christ made on the cross isn’t so trivial to be shrugged off at our convenience.
Love and Sacrifice in the Flesh
Because Jesus left His home to live with us, we now have a home to live with him.
Every Culture in the World Has This in Common
There is no greater message than the message of Jesus.
Finding True Love
Jesus Christ loves you like none other and loves you so much He gave His life for you.
Trusting in the Extraordinary AND Ordinary
His greatest work is not only done in the big things, but in the midst of a day’s ordinary struggles.
Cancel Culture vs. Grace Culture
Every person is loved by God and was placed on this earth with a purpose.
Sit at the table
We might be rough, but despite our brokenness, God still chooses to use us.
5 Reasons the Gospel Needs Strong Language
Accepting Christ is necessary, but it is not the full picture.
Which Cross Do You Carry?
The cross meant pain and agony, but now it means hope, peace, and life.
Jesus’ Mission is About Search and Rescue
True significance can be measured by the scope of the search.
The Hero of Easter
Jesus is alive, and he defeated death, he defeated sin, and he rose triumphant!
A Lifetime of Life-Changing Lessons
Christian life is all about loving and serving others enough to tell them about Jesus’ work on the cross.
Come Home, Wanderer, to Grace Greater Than All Your Sin
Every person who makes even one step toward God will see, that God has been there the entire time waiting.
The Cost of Making Disciples
Disciple making is a commitment to open up your life to another person.
What Happens When You Hold on to Earthly Things
We must devote to destruction, or put to death, what is earthly in us:
Easter and the Beautiful Bruise
Before sin even entered into the World, God had made a way of redemption for his children.
6 Ways to Stand in the Gap With Grace
The only option that gives all of us the freedom to have peace, hope, and relationships is to forgive.
Think There’s No Way You Would’ve Denied Jesus?
Only you can decide how Jesus will impact your life.
What Does Jesus Want Your Church to Do?
Christ is the ultimate seeker. He seeks and saves the lost.
Honesty: Aaron Lies to Moses
God is a forgiving God, but He desires to see us learn from mistakes and grow.
A Final Resting Place
Jesus knew there was a high price to secure your final resting place, and paid it.
One Thing that Makes Easter a Part of Every Day
God knows your name — no matter how far you’ve traveled, and he is calling it today.
The Madness of March and Greatest Comeback Ever
You can go from having a life that leads to death to a life radically changed by Jesus.
Learning it for Yourself
God is all-seeing, all-knowing, and ever present.
Tested and Proven
God willingly gave His one and only Son to be the sacrifice.
Hearing the Sound of Music While Singing in the Rain
If you find yourself praying in your own “garden” today, know you are not alone.
He Takes the Broken Pieces and Creates a Masterpiece
God is in the business of creating life out of death, beauty out of ashes.