Blog Archives
Sit at the table
We might be rough, but despite our brokenness, God still chooses to use us.
5 Reasons the Gospel Needs Strong Language
Accepting Christ is necessary, but it is not the full picture.
How to Have a Loving Confrontation
Biblical confrontation is important and necessary, but it must be motivated by love.
7 Steps to Determine Your Church’s Vision – Part Two
A vision statement should reflect your current ministries and the ministries you intend to implement.
Which Cross Do You Carry?
The cross meant pain and agony, but now it means hope, peace, and life.
5 Ways to Evaluate Your Church’s Operating Systems
Systems need to be values driven, mission directed, vision focused then strategy accomplished.
Ripple Effect
Examine your life – your words, your actions, your intentions and commit them to the Lord.
Lessons From Covid and Losing the Sense of Taste
How will people know Jesus, the light of the world, if we hide that light.
Weighing the Cost
There are things we must give up in order to follow Jesus.
The Cost of Making Disciples
Disciple making is a commitment to open up your life to another person.
What Does Jesus Want Your Church to Do?
Christ is the ultimate seeker. He seeks and saves the lost.
A Final Resting Place
Jesus knew there was a high price to secure your final resting place, and paid it.
Passing the Baton: A Smooth Pastor Transition
A successful transition depends on much prayer, preparation, planning, a process, and it is the work of God.
Church Planting is a Lot Like Surfing
I’m not sure there’s a difference between surfing and being a part of a church plant.
When God Attends Summer Camp
Summer camp is more than just water games and bunk beds; It can be a life changer.
Who is the GOAT according to Jesus?
Achieving earthly greatness is meaningless according to the greatest in heaven.
Inclusivity and Woke-ness in America
Instead of going overboard with inclusion in our culture, why don’t we love inclusively?
Hopelessness Was Due to the God-Sized Hole in His Heart
His story is no different from yours if your life seems meaningless and hopeless.
Being Redeemed and Choosing Life
The Greatest Love Story of all time is beautifully portrayed in the Bible through Rulth.
How to Have a No-Regrets 2021
Don’t spend your life running from Jesus, who is the Truth and our only source of hope.
What God Can Do With a Broken Screen Door
Renovating is all the rage, but God has been in the renewal business since time began.
What is the Story We Should be Telling? Part Three
As we tell our changed-life stories, do we focus on what we did or what Jesus did?
What is Grace? God’s Love When You Mess Up
When we accept the incredible gift of grace, we can see the freedom Christ came to give us.
It’s Messy, But It’s My Story
I did all the right things and was a relatively “good” kid, but I knew I was missing something.
Are We Telling His Story Through Our Actions? Part Two
Do our actions point others to who Jesus is and his power to save?
Christmas, Advent, and Jesus
When God sent his Son to earth, he said everything he wanted to say to the world.
God’s Promises Fulfilled in Immanuel
God’s promise of giving us a Son as a Savior is a beautifully consistent note that reverberates throughout the entirety […]
Here’s What Peter Says to Discouraged Pastors
God has given you stewardship of your church, but willingness to follow is not up to you.
Do You Love to Tell the Story? Part One
Do your words point to Jesus or do they carelessly divide the body of Christ?
Peace is not an Empty Promise but a Guarantee
Today’s chaos is similar to the circumstances surrounding Jesus’ birth, but God . . .
Where Has All the Compassion Gone?
Religion is often self-centered, but God calls us to be others-centered.
5 Tips For Biden and Trump
Regardless of the election’s outcome, there are some things you can never change.
Is This Election Really That Important?
Regardless of the election’s outcome, you can have joy because one truth remains the same.
Practicing Restraint in and Un-Restrained World
If we seek to inflict damage with our words, it indicates viciousness within our souls.
Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So
We overcome Satan when we testify personally about what the blood of Christ has done for us.
The Middle Ground Between Condoning and Condemning Sin
How do I accept people without compromising the truth of God’s Word?
Whose Lives Matter?
Jesus settled the argument of which lives matter when he said “whosoever . . .”
Here’s Proof That Everyone Worships Something
Mankind can never bring peace into the world. Only a relationship with Christ can do that.
Jesus’ Command to Go, Tell, and Disciple is For Pew Sitters Everywhere
The Great Commission doesn’t say one word about a Christian’s church attendance.
Truth About the World’s Dangerous Distractions-Part Two
Culture has so many false teachings that if you’re not being intentional, you’ll fall into its trap.
Different Opinions and What Jesus Would Do
Even though it’s completely secular wisdom, I thought that author and podcaster Brene (pronounced like Renee) Brown’s comments were well […]
Hope, Grace, and Kindness on the Football Field
Sit back a minute, close your eyes and honestly ask yourself what life would be like without hope. Yes, seriously, […]
Is Peace Even Possible?
Peace. Oh, how we need it in our world today. Before you say, “Duh, Captain Obvious!” or point the finger […]
Counterculture Needs a Love Encounter
On September 1st, 2016, the San Francisco 49ers squared off against the San Diego Chargers at Qualcomm Stadium. National Anthem […]
This is How a Church Should Actually Function
We are commanded by Christ to “make disciples,” but somewhere along the way, making disciples became counting converts to some. […]
Here’s How You Know if Your Church is Sick
There are many examples of people who thought they were healthy but when they visited the doctor it was the […]
You Don’t Have to Quit Sinning Before You Come to Jesus
Is it possible that you are “saved” and in the family of God, but you are sinning and you don’t […]
When the Potholes of Life Knock You Out of Alignment
As we wind down the season over the next few weeks, there are some of us who feel like summer […]
Here’s Why You Don’t Ignore the Guy With Tattoos
As usual, my plane was late and I did not think I would be able to make the connection. I […]
Shut Down Your Faith in Government
When we see moral and cultural decay occur in our country, sometimes our response is to put a lot of […]