Blog Archives
My Advice on How to Read the Bible
Because the Bible is living, breathing, and active, reading it should be exciting, emotional, and life-changing.
Preventing Shrinkage
The Christian worldview has been completely rejected by many people, but God is still on his throne and we still have a command to share Truth.
Dwell in the Realm of Now
Everybody says it’s not healthy to live in the past, but what does that really mean, especially when you’re haunted by it.
Are You Sold Out To God’s Mission?
Many Bible heroes did not understand at first that their own personal comfort meant disobedience to God.
Lessons From a Lumberjack
Christians have a purpose and God has a plan: Go and disciple others.
What the Foolish Man Builds
Let’s be done with temporary structures and build God’s kingdom one lost soul at a time.
Are You Standing in the Overflow
If you want to be part of what God is doing, ask him for an overflow of the Holy Spirit’s power to be a light in the darkness.
Managing Your Time For God’s Glory
God has divinely inspired a balanced life for us, so we should allow him to control our schedules.
That Sweet Aroma of Christ in Us
We are to be a sweet aroma of Christ as we surrender to the Holy Spirit who tells us to die to self.
Fully Functioning and Radical
If we are the body of Christ, why aren’t our hands reaching out to the hurting and our arms to the broken?
Please Don’t Pass the Chips
When you’re the one lacking self -control, don’t put the blame on someone else.
One Way to Better Understand Scripture
Understanding the Bible is about making connections between theology and application.
Your Words Can Mean Death or Life
Don’t let your words lead to destruction and death but to truth and light.
Be Ready For Surprise Visits
Avoid the religious thinking of today’s world and set your heart on Jesus, allowing your thoughts be his thoughts.
What Defines Your Winning Season?
No one wants to lose, but what does a victorious life really mean to you?
What Can A Child Teach Adults?
When Jesus rebuked his disciples for shooing away the little children, he taught a countercultural lesson.
Are You Headed Toward or Away From Him?
We must have the mind of Christ to reject the things of this world.
The Commercial of Our Lives
As an image bearer of Christ, what does the billboard of your life say about the God you serve?
Understanding the Enemy
God protects us from harm and guides our understanding.
New Standards Don’t Honor God
Yes, God’s love is without condition, but His standard are higher than the world’s.
When Winning Really Means Losing
Jesus taught some countercultural things, like what winning and losing really mean.
A Sad Substitute For the Real Thing
As we attempt to do life apart from God, let’s not forget that only God is the real deal and without substitute.
Remove. Replace. Reboot.
If what you say comes from your heart, take an inventory of the words and be honest with yourself.
Deconstructing Your Christianity
Sometimes called Progressive Christianity, a dangerous movement is creeping into our culture.
The Discipleship Command Is For You
Someone you know needs discipleship, and you may be that disciple maker.
Equipping the Called
God doesn’t promise a way around troubles but a way through them as he walks beside us.
Conquering Biblical Context
Twisting Scripture around to justify one’s actions and beliefs is a dangerous and sinful game.
Risky Business
In our comfort, do we take risks that might change the course of someone’s life?
How Do We Make Godly Decisions?
It’s difficult to understand what God wants us to do if we have neglected our walk with Him.
Fellowship vs. Discipleship
True disciples of Christ invest in the people God has placed in their lives.
Reject the World and Respond to Jesus
It’s so easy to accept the precious gift of unconditional grace to gain the Savior of the world.
Lessons From the Master
Jesus repeated his words, actions, and teachings many times, so you might have to do the same for those you disciple.
Breaking News for the Nations
What about that guy you just passed on the street? Does he need you to be Jesus in the flesh today?
You Don’t Have to Do it Alone
When that mountain seems impossible to move, know that your strength is in Jesus.
New Year, New Race, New Word From God
Before running headlong into the new year, find some time to be with God and hear from Him.
3 Life-Changing Christmas Takeaways
Now that Christmas is over, what should a Christian’s focus be?
7 Steps to the Decision of a Lifetime
Before you know true joy, you must know who Jesus is and what he did for you.
Silence, Solitude, and Servanthood
Worrying and jumping ahead of God is exactly what the devil wants us to do.
Finding Peace in the Valley
Jesus doesn’t promise life without pain but life with a purpose.
Who is Worthy of Your Trust?
With so many deceivers out there in the world, is there anyone you can trust?
Are you a Christian or a Disciple?
Our identity depends first on “whose” we are, then the “doing” comes naturally.
Gratitude the Jesus Way
Looking for a joy-filled life? Follow the ultimate example of self denial.
Religious Rules Ruin Lives
Legalists believe the lost need to change their clothes instead of their hearts.
That First Gospel Message
The first sin and the first gospel message happened on the same day.
The Fight Against Sin
The fight against sin is about what you put off and what you put on.
9/11 Reminders of Good vs. Evil
As we remember, let us praise the Lord that the empty grave defeated death.
Obedience Noah Style
You can trust Him even when He leads you to do the impossible .
Do You Need a Face Lift?
In honor of those encouragers in your life, make it a point to life up others as well.
Criticism then Evaluation
Is it time to consider asking the tough questions about the church you love?
Here’s What We Believe-Part Two
Foundational truths and practices of the Christian life are being watered down.