Blog Archives
The Time is Now
When Jesus returns, those that have accepted His gift of salvation will be called home to heaven. Those that have not, will face God’s wrath.
How to Lead
Looking at how Jesus led helps us learn what true leadership is.
Fall Favorites
Be aware that your approach is perhaps more important than your information. Don’t be out of step, out of control, or out of line when you attempt to love and respond to others.
Need a Shot of Encouragement For the Culture War?
With conspiracies, distrust, and depression at the forefront of cultural noise, we would do well to turn it off and turn to Christ.
Stories You Shouldn’t Hear at a Christian College
If you want to be a light for Christ while you’re in college, don’t assume you can ignore the Christian ones.
So You Say You Want Your Freedom?
Doing what you want when you want sounds nice, but if you ask someone who has lived that life, you may hear about a life of self-destruction.
Christian Young People vs. Back-to-School Realities
Summertime church camps, student conferences, and mission trips . . . it’s been a great break for our students, but going back to school is an opportunity for Satan to strike.
What’s The Deal With So Many People Quitting Their Jobs?
God created us to work hard and use our talents and skills to honor him in doing so.
Why Self Care Isn’t Always Enough
Satan continuously tries to divert your attention from the true healer and to the world’s false hope.
Is Unity Even Possible?
Contrary to popular belief, God is all we need in this world of division that is stoked by people with ulterior motives.
What the Word Tells You is Only a Guess
There are all kinds of scams out there, but one of the biggest lies is that humans know more than God.
Mirror, Mirror Make Us Small
In this selfie-taking world of ours, we would do well to put the spotlight on our souls, not our bodies.
Your Social Media Influence
You may not like it, Christian, but as a believer you have some kind of influence, so what does that look like?
Are You a CEO Christian?
Why has the term “Christian” become watered down and meaningless today?
Let’s Get Excited About Salvation
Why are we ho-hum about people coming to Christ and surrendering their lives to Him?
Truth: You Can’t Just Make it Up
Don’t be fooled by the logic-defying belief that truth is relative.
Float it Down the River
Instead of taking pride in what we can do, trust God will provide.
Choose Life
Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t a living child.
Losing Weight But Gaining Strength
If you’re not sure if God is in every area of your life, just try getting healthy without Him.
Being A Gentleman in a Selfish World
God gives us all kinds of opportunities to confess our sin and repent.
Debunking the Psychics
The world offers empty promises for your best life, but Jesus offers the truth of the gospel.
The Truth About Suicide
Holidays aren’t joyful when you find yourself in a pit of pain and despair.
Correct Date or Not, I’ll Celebrate
All over the world and in many languages, Christians sing of a Savior.
Join the Movement
This radical movement can change your life and change the world.
Origins and the Heart of God
God has existed before time, and his love for us, his creation, has no end.
A Grace-Filled Church
Because of Jesus’ work on the cross, we want to make an eternal impact on our city.
Stand, Speak, Remember
Many believe that showing patriotism equals hatred, but Christians know otherwise.
Awaking From a Spiritual Nap
Sometimes, we’re just going through the motions of Christianity.
The Old Saying is Wrong: Words Hurt
Christian, your words can do way more damage than those of an unbeliever.
Discipleship: Transformational Teaching
Jesus didn’t say to teach everything; He said to teach people to “observe.”
If You Have Suicidal Thoughts . . .
Yes, it can feel like life is hopeless, but you can be free from that pain and have joy.
The Power of a Family – Part Two
Parents, your children are watching closely, and they will pick up on your value system.
When Judging Others is a Good Thing
When done with a pure and humble heart, judging is part of help and healing.
How Then Do We Live in a Divisive Culture
Being in the world but not of it means we have to communicate with enemies of Christ.
Worldly Acclaim is Noise and Nonsense
Worldly achievements mean nothing, but how you lived for Christ means gaining the whole world.
Are the Attributes of God Important? Part Two
Truly knowing who God is affects your prayers, your worship, and your spiritual growth.
What Can the Herodians Teach Us About Politics?
An earthly kingdom built by men will never save you; only Jesus does that.
Spreading Jesus vs. Spreading Opinions
Non-believers will only want what we have if they see fruits of the Spirit in us.
Every Culture in the World Has This in Common
There is no greater message than the message of Jesus.
Cancel Culture vs. Grace Culture
Every person is loved by God and was placed on this earth with a purpose.
The Destructive Divide In America
The sin nature of our flesh often leads us to dehumanize and seek conflict with anyone on a different “team”.
My Alcohol Decision
It’s a personal choice but one that should never cause problems for others.
How Can We Have True Unity in a Fractured World?
God invites us to sit at his bountiful table and find relief from the world’s empty promises.
Your Design Determines Your Direction
We are given gifts to be used in the service of the King.
The Greatest Valentine of All
It is important to remember on Valentine’s day the greatest act of love.
If You Want to be Counter Cultural, Put Down Your Phone
Christians should swim against the cultural current and refuse to be controlled.
Consequences of Finding Your Identity in Worldly Pursuits
Accomplishments do not determine your identity or your value, only Jesus . . .
I Went From Desiring the Fame to Desiring the Father
Surrendering to Jesus and his plan for my life is how I found fulfillment, peace and joy.
A Battle Between Panic and Peace
If you’re fighting the battle of despair, God offers an answer the world can’t comprehend.