Blog Archives
Answering the Call
If I took a poll, how many of you would be terrified to give a speech right now? Public speaking […]
Faith Talk: Being Relentless
(The following is a family devotional guide with suggested questions and scriptures.) Focus Verse: “When you look for me with […]
Comfort, Struggle, and God’s Glory
God must have a reason to allow painful circumstances into our lives.
Come In Awe
On March 28, 2020, we sat watching the news as a tornado formed and touched down in Jonesboro. As we […]
Fellowship vs. Discipleship
True disciples of Christ invest in the people God has placed in their lives.
Truth: You Can’t Just Make it Up
Don’t be fooled by the logic-defying belief that truth is relative.
Breaking Through the Covid Fog
Depression and anxiety are very real reactions in a time when the whole world is fearful of an unpredictable virus. So how do we cope?
Right On Time
“It’s my money and I want it now!” The infamous words of that commercial ring true for more than just […]
Reject the World and Respond to Jesus
It’s so easy to accept the precious gift of unconditional grace to gain the Savior of the world.
Standing Up for the Powerless
Throughout the years, I have met incredible people who stand up for the voiceless: abused children, abused women, foster children, […]
What Do You Love the Most?
We love and admire our worldly heroes, but what about our awe for the things of God?
3 Ways to Wait
Tragedies and problems happening too fast and you can’t “fix” them? Here’s what God does . . .
Are You Running Away?
Even if we try to cover up our sin, it comes out eventually.
The Offender, the Offended, and the Forgiven
Showing grace and mercy to someone who has caused deep hurt is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do.
Mistaken Identity
Don’t let the evil one cause you to feel defeated when, through Christ, you’re a conqueror.
Attributes of God-Part 6: Omnipresent
Despite how far away we feel from God, he is always there with us. No distance can ever separate us from him.
The Power of Together
It’s tempting, sometimes, to just crawl into a hole and isolate ourselves from this chaotic world.
In Case You Think I’m Perfect
The world wants us to beat ourselves up for mistakes, but God has no limits on hie love. None.
A Moment of Perspective
Is your primary goal to share the good news of the gospel or to do comfortable, familiar things?
Float it Down the River
Instead of taking pride in what we can do, trust God will provide.
Lessons From the Master
Jesus repeated his words, actions, and teachings many times, so you might have to do the same for those you disciple.
Choose Life
Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t a living child.
Why is Surrender So Hard?
It’s not “I Surrender Some” or “I Surrender Most” but “I Surrender All.”
Fighting Post-New Year Dreariness
Post-holiday let down is real and causes depression, but you can change that in someone’s life.
Losing Weight But Gaining Strength
If you’re not sure if God is in every area of your life, just try getting healthy without Him.
A Harmful Christmas Tradition
Is it possible that some traditions of the season could be detrimental to our children and others?
4 Critical Reasons For Faith
We’re so used to finding comfort in what we see that we forget to trust in what we cannot see.
Lace Up Your Church’s Shoes
As we disciple new believers, let’s make sure to start with the basics.
Breaking News for the Nations
What about that guy you just passed on the street? Does he need you to be Jesus in the flesh today?
Because You Ask Not
God answers prayer based on his eternal perspective, not our earthly ones.
Resolve to do These 3 Things in 2022
Lofty, God-sized goals can only be accomplished through His God-sized strength.
Things We Should Forget
God doesn’t intend for us to live in bondage to our past sins.
You Don’t Have to Do it Alone
When that mountain seems impossible to move, know that your strength is in Jesus.
Being A Gentleman in a Selfish World
God gives us all kinds of opportunities to confess our sin and repent.
Fighting The Battle That’s Already Won
He didn’t send His Son because we deserved it, but because He wanted a relationship with us.
Debunking the Psychics
The world offers empty promises for your best life, but Jesus offers the truth of the gospel.
3 Ways to Begin the New Year Prepared
Allow God to soften your soul and get rid of the accumulated junk this year.
New Year, New Race, New Word From God
Before running headlong into the new year, find some time to be with God and hear from Him.
When a Father Abandons His Family
When you accept God’s offer of forgiveness, freedom replaces pain.
What Do You Expect for 2022?
Is your God BIG or little? Powerful or weak? Wise or clueless?
Ignore the Doubts and Enjoy the Season
When you feel judged for your choices, know that God has your back.
Forgetting Our Sin and Shame
When you’re haunted by the sins of your past, keep moving forward to Christ.
The Unlikely Christmas Verse
One of the most familiar verses in the Bible, let’s not water down the impact and importance of it.
Lessons Learned on a Plane
God doesn’t promise a smooth ride, but to be with us in the turbulence.
Hope in Death
A Christian’s funeral can be a time for those left behind to point to Jesus.
3 Life-Changing Christmas Takeaways
Now that Christmas is over, what should a Christian’s focus be?
Christmas Through a Child’s Heart-Pt. 3
Jesus’ heart was beating for you, drawing you to himself, even in that manger bed.
Christmas Through a Child’s Hands-Pt. 2
The hands that grabbed Mary’s finger would writhe in pain on the cross.
Christmas Through a Child’s Eyes-Part 1
Did Jesus’ parents feel a shadow hanging over the manger that night?
The Healer Comes
It’s up to us to make sure the world knows the answer to sin is the Son.