Blog Archives

My Journey to Writing a Christian Novel – Pt. 3
The best way for our churches – and subsequently God’s kingdom – to grow is by word of mouth. So open your mouth and invite someone.

Identifying, Investing, Inviting, then Increasing
If you’re not passionate about having gospel conversations with people, you are not obeying God’s will.

The Greatest Story Ever Told
Today, our Hero’s story is the greatest ever told. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, came to this earth to redeem His people from sin.

Do We Really Care About People Going to Hell?
Jesus is the only one who can change the lives of the lost who, by the way, you likely won’t find within the walls of your church.

Share Jesus
It’s that simple. Share the love of Christ with all those we come in contact with. Share the gospel, the truth that Jesus loves them, yes even when they were sinners, and He gave His life for them. Tell them of how He saved you. Tell them of the hope that you have.

Come, Drink, and Find Grace
Once you have met the Savior of the world, and surrendered your life to Him, you’ll want everyone to know . . . so don’t keep it in!

Increasing the Size of Your Map
Everything Jesus did as God was about intentionally seeking and saving the lost.

How’s Your I-Sight?
If you’re not allowing Jesus to guide your path, you will not see the people he wants you to reach.

When Winning Really Means Losing
Jesus taught some countercultural things, like what winning and losing really mean.

The Life-Changing GOSPEL
Let God use you, no matter what stage of life you’re in, to bring someone to the foot of the cross.

Foretastes of Heaven
Yes, God offers forgiveness and grace to believers, but he also requires sacrifice.

3 Ways to Lead People to Christ
We say we’re passionate about reaching people for Christ, but are we actively pursuing the lost?

A Moment of Perspective
Is your primary goal to share the good news of the gospel or to do comfortable, familiar things?

Breaking News for the Nations
What about that guy you just passed on the street? Does he need you to be Jesus in the flesh today?

What If We Made Christmas About Jesus?
Representing Jesus and sharing Christ’s message is the real point this season.

Join the Movement
This radical movement can change your life and change the world.

Concern For a Lost World
Sundays-only Christianity is alive and well and prevents salvation of the lost.

The Waterfall Up Ahead
Sometimes that “crazy old man” is warning you of the danger to come.

The Cure Has Been Found
A disease that has killed many, it will run rampant unless we stop it.

Evangelizing and Disciple Making Central America Style
Discipleship, which includes caring for, counseling, and leading people, is happening globally.

3 Must-Dos to Live on Mission
To affect culture in a positive way you must see yourself as a missionary.

3 Steps to a Gospel Focus
Knowing who you are in Christ and having a deeper relationship with him is priority one.

Does Your Church Love the Unclean?
A church that fails to minister to the undeserving is a church without a harvest of souls.

We Are No Longer Bystanders
God invites us to share in the responsibility of shining the light of his glory.

Rescue: It’s What Christians Do
Sometimes God sends people to dust us off and carry us back to Jesus and his living water.

9 Reasons You Should Read the Bible RIGHT NOW
The devil hates the Bible and those who quote it, so defeat him by studying it.

Telling the Story of Jesus in the Way We Use Our Time- Part Seven
We’re meant to spend our time urgently telling people about Jesus’ love for all mankind.

Is Watching Your Mouth a Resolution for You in 2021?
Words can build up or destroy, so next time you lash out, lash your tongue instead.

A Peaceful Transfer of Stewardship in 2021
God has given us the responsibility to steward our lives well and according to his will.

From Nicaragua to Cuba and Discovering Truth
Throughout their ministry the Gaitans have seen how God plants seeds in people’s hearts.

A Parent’s Guide to Biblical Wisdom: Chapter Five
(Missionary to Thailand Brandon Lingle has written a parenting book in Thai, and he has graciously agreed to share it […]

Church: Don’t be Discouraged, be on Mission
(Originally published on July 1, 2015 after the Supreme Court ruled by a 5-to-4 vote that the Constitution guarantees a right to […]

Where We Are, Where We Should Be
(Originally published March 2016) I haven’t weighed in much on the current political environment. Don’t get me wrong I believe this […]

Sharing Your Faith
Fear of rejection is the number one reason for neglecting to bring up spiritual topics in conversations.