Blog Archives

He Chose You!
Whatever job you’re in, He can use you. Whatever family you are a part of, He can use you. Whatever place you live, He can use you. You just have to be willing!

There is Hope with the Shepherd
Jesus offers us unconditional love, protection and provision. He offers to be our shepherd – if we are but willing.

Get Connected
We have the privilege of being a part of the local church, serving with one another, learning and studying together. And just as these disciples were sent out, we too have been given such a commission to go and reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Not alone, but with other believers.

You Are Our Provider
Do we have that faith? That trust that God will supply all of our needs?

Called, Equipped, Sent
No matter where you are in your journey with Christ, there is always “the next step”. Are you ready? You’ve been given the power of the Holy Spirit, you need only obey.

Say Yes
I may not be able to change the heart of this world, but I can say yes to God’s call on my life to obey Him.

Tending to the Emergencies
Jesus was tending to the emergencies. He is the great physician and He came to heal those that were in need, those that were broken.

Your Action Story
If someone were to write a book about you, claiming that you were a Christian, would they have enough proof?

Come and See, Go and Tell
Go and tell. Now that you know, now that you believe, now that you have seen it with your own eyes the work of Jesus, go and tell others about what He has done!

The Veil was Torn
There is no mistaking who Jesus Christ is. The evidence is there. Just look at my life if you need proof. I’m only one example of many of a life changed by the blood of Jesus.

Are You Ready?
We do not know when the Lord will sound the call. We must be ready now. Are you?

No One Will Know
Our job is to share the gospel and make disciples for God’s glory, but for how long? Until we pass away or He returns, whichever comes first. Are you doing your job?

Fishing Where the Fish Are
Jesus teaches us how to be fishers of men.

Powerful Words
And we have the opportunity to hold God’s word in our hands and allow it to speak life, hope and freedom into our lives every day.

The Time is Now
When Jesus returns, those that have accepted His gift of salvation will be called home to heaven. Those that have not, will face God’s wrath.

The Perfect Package
Can you imagine what the world would be like if we followed just these two commandments? Love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.

Identifying, Investing, Inviting, then Increasing
If you’re not passionate about having gospel conversations with people, you are not obeying God’s will.

Do We Really Care About People Going to Hell?
Jesus is the only one who can change the lives of the lost who, by the way, you likely won’t find within the walls of your church.

Come, Drink, and Find Grace
Once you have met the Savior of the world, and surrendered your life to Him, you’ll want everyone to know . . . so don’t keep it in!

Increasing the Size of Your Map
Everything Jesus did as God was about intentionally seeking and saving the lost.

How’s Your I-Sight?
If you’re not allowing Jesus to guide your path, you will not see the people he wants you to reach.

The Life-Changing GOSPEL
Let God use you, no matter what stage of life you’re in, to bring someone to the foot of the cross.

Foretastes of Heaven
Yes, God offers forgiveness and grace to believers, but he also requires sacrifice.

3 Ways to Lead People to Christ
We say we’re passionate about reaching people for Christ, but are we actively pursuing the lost?

Breaking News for the Nations
What about that guy you just passed on the street? Does he need you to be Jesus in the flesh today?

The Waterfall Up Ahead
Sometimes that “crazy old man” is warning you of the danger to come.

The Cure Has Been Found
A disease that has killed many, it will run rampant unless we stop it.

Evangelizing and Disciple Making Central America Style
Discipleship, which includes caring for, counseling, and leading people, is happening globally.

3 Must-Dos to Live on Mission
To affect culture in a positive way you must see yourself as a missionary.

Are You an Ant or a Grasshopper?
Salvation is too great a gift for us to keep to ourselves.

Rescue: It’s What Christians Do
Sometimes God sends people to dust us off and carry us back to Jesus and his living water.

No Small Print, No Exclusions
Let’s not complicate salvation: There are no exceptions to who can receive it.

Let Your Life Tell the Story
Do your actions, words, and choices tell the greatest story ever told of grace and mercy?

Are You Praying For Spirit-led Conviction?
Does your church pray for the Holy Spirit to call souls to Christ?

How Then Do We Live in a Divisive Culture
Being in the world but not of it means we have to communicate with enemies of Christ.

3 Ways to Be an Effective Witness
When there’s an opportunity, don’t blow the chance to share your life-changing story.

8 Christian Virtues in Peter’s Last Words
To be a fruitful, effective, and mature Christian, there are certain steps that must be taken.

The Old You vs. The New You
Don’t try to make up for your old life, just focus on the one who makes all things new.

5 Judgement-Free Ways to Love the Lost
What would you do if you witnessed injustice, judgement and hypocrisy?

Worldly Acclaim is Noise and Nonsense
Worldly achievements mean nothing, but how you lived for Christ means gaining the whole world.

Heaven is NOT an Achievement
You can’t earn it because you don’t deserve it, so just accept it and be changed forever.

Most Important Question of Your Life
There’s nothing a human can do to enter heaven. It’s just a gift you willingly accept.

Family Reunion
God, rich in love and mercy, wants you to come to Him and surrender what you have been holding onto.

Yes, You CAN Have Faith That Moves Mountains
A life of fulfillment starts and ends with the decision of your life: following Jesus.

What the Televangelists Don’t Tell You
They’re right. You can receive health and wealth, but not by following a rule book.

Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
Paul made sure his message was clear to believers: Spreading the gospel is up to you.

Spreading Jesus vs. Spreading Opinions
Non-believers will only want what we have if they see fruits of the Spirit in us.

If You’re a Christian, You’re a Missionary
Leaving, embracing and invading is exactly what Jesus did, and we should do as well.