Blog Archives

Heroes sin too
Our lives should reflect the light of Jesus. We shine so others may see how bright He is through us.

Clear Instructions
God gave clear instructions on what to do after the flood: give life, do not take it.

God doesn’t forget us
No matter how much evil may abound, God promises His love.

I’m in the Lord’s army
When we recognize our gifts and use them for God’s glory, we fulfill our purpose.

God doesn’t forget us.
He loves us in spite of our worries and insecurities.

You want me to do what?
What has God told you to do and what has been your response?

Beauty Fades
I’m so thankful for a patient God, but there is coming a day when Jesus will return.

Tracing it Back
Because of our ancestors, we ALL have sin and are in need of a Savior.

Life isn’t fair
No matter what you’ve done, what you’ve said or where you’ve been, reach out to God today.

Give God Your Best
They are doing these things because they know we want them to, not because they want to.

We can’t do it
He provided a sacrifice. An innocent gave its life to cover the sins of mankind.

Separation but Restoration
“Oh, death where is your sting? Oh, grace where is thy victory?”

You can run but You can’t hide
Christ died for you knowing you would be a sinner.

Don’t Do It
We are tempted because we feel the warning sign is keeping us from something we want or need to see.

Deep Breath
The Scriptures are deep breaths that satisfy our lungs and clear our minds.

Three Ways to Rest
When we rest in God’s presence, He makes Himself known to us.

Best for Last
We were set apart from every other living thing – not only were we given a voice to speak, but we were given a conscience and a soul. From the beginning, we were created with the ability to choose.

God had a Plan
God created the air that fills our lungs which sustains our life!

Order Is Important
God created the light first because He is the giver of light. He is the only one worthy of our worship and adoration.