Blog Archives
Beautiful Gifts
The enemy wants to distort the truth, but God has created you for a purpose. He loves you and gives us His Word to guide us.
The Whole Truth
The truth of Jesus Christ is for you today: a gift of redemption and love, waiting to be received.
What Now?: Deception
The enemy uses appealing lies to trap us, but with spiritual discernment and God’s armor, we can fight back and break free from his schemes.
A Journey to the Truth
Paul ignites a mission to share the only message that can truly heal and transform lives: the name of Jesus.
The Simple Truth
Just as Peter did with these strangers – go and share the good news of Jesus! It doesn’t have to be a big, long story—just the simple truth.
Don’t You Tell!
God’s Word will not be silenced. What an honor it is to be a part of His great plan to offer salvation to any who will receive Him!
Jesus Isn’t Fooled
Click to find out how Jesus offers redemption even when we’re fooling ourselves and learn to embrace genuine faith.
Today, we choose. Will we choose to disregard this eye witness account? Will we throw out all of the proof and ignore the truth?
What is Truth?
What is truth? Unveil the profound, life-changing, and transforming truth about Jesus’ sacrifice and how it offers us eternal salvation.
Unveiling Hypocrisy
Discover how Jesus unveils hypocrisy with grace and truth in John 10:30-39.
Singing the Truth
Uncover the joy of embracing truth and glorifying God, even when it challenges our long-held beliefs, and learn to sing a new song of faith.
The Only Truth
This world says a lot about truth. They want to claim “that’s not my truth” when there is only one source of absolute truth – the Word of God, the Bible. Not just a portion, but the whole thing.
The Truth is Here
The truth is there. But it’s our choice what we will do with it.
Jesus Alone
We must know the truth and share the truth so that others will be saved.
A Whole New World of Possibilities
He commanded those that believed to follow Him. Will you take that step and learn what that means and commit to being His follower?
Hold Your Tongue
As much as we want our side of the story to be told, the bottom line is, the truth will eventually come out. And God will use the situation to bring about something even greater. We simply have to trust Him.
The Truth Offends
The truth may hurt, it may offend, but it is the truth. May we speak it in love and grace to those that are broken and in desperate need.
Straight to the Source
What if Jesus asked you that question today, “Whom do you say that I am?” What would you say? Would you repeat what others have told you? Would you bank on their knowledge? Or would you be able to give a first-hand account to your own experience with Jesus?
The Attributes of God (Part 8) – Truth
Truth is found in God alone.
Don’t Believe the Lies
Don’t believe the lies. Open your bible and read for yourself who Jesus was and what He did for you on the cross.
Love Itself
Would you even recognize true love if it was staring you in the face?
Right and Wrong
Want to know the truth? Go to the source. Go to the Word of God.
Buckle Up!
Living a life of integrity and honesty is only possible with the Belt of Truth wrapped around us.
Are You Offended?
The truth is, the Word of God is offensive. It cuts deep to the core. The very innermost parts of our souls. Exposing our sin, shining light on the darkness we want to stay hidden.
Anchor Yourself to God’s Word
If anxiety and fear have consumed your life and thoughts, live with the knowledge that God’s truths are unshakeable.
Mismatched Expectations
What God plans for our lives does not always match up with what we expect Him to do.
Spiritual Spanx
Applying biblical truth comes more easily if you’re intentional about representing Jesus and being his ambassador.
Choosing to Abide in Him
Spending quality, uninterrupted time with God is truly the only way to become more like him.
Truth: You Can’t Just Make it Up
Don’t be fooled by the logic-defying belief that truth is relative.
Ignore the Doubts and Enjoy the Season
When you feel judged for your choices, know that God has your back.
Honesty: Adam, Eve and that Crafty Snake
Just like Adam and Eve got separated from God, we too can be separated by lying.
Making the Lord’s Prayer Intentional and Meaningful
The Lord’s Prayer is more impactful when you let it guide your daily time with the Father.
Don’t Take Spiritual Shortcuts to Find Answers
Prayer is good, but . . . I want to share something on my mind and heart today, a conviction […]
There’s Just One Question You Should Ask Yourself
OK, OK. Before I reveal it to you, let me explain the context a bit. As I was reading in […]
Youth Leaders and Parents, Here’s What Teenagers Really Need
The students in your church’s youth group must now think more deeply than you realize, because being labeled “Christian” no […]
Oprah, Lady Gaga, and Born That Way
So I just watched an interview Oprah did with Lady Gaga on her series Oprah’s Next Chapter, and I feel an […]
Church: Don’t be Discouraged, be on Mission
(Originally published on July 1, 2015 after the Supreme Court ruled by a 5-to-4 vote that the Constitution guarantees a right to […]
Here’s Why You Should Read the Bible
It’s something we’ve heard preached about plenty of times. It’s almost like broccoli: We know it’s good for us, but […]
How to Find the God Who Delights in Us
With all three of my children, I experienced nearly the same special moment playing hide-and-seek. I would hide. They would […]
The War Against Christianity
(Originally posted February 2015) Newsweek has started 2015 with a cover article entitled “The Bible: So Misunderstood It’s a Sin.” […]
9 Reasons You Should Study the Bible (Right Now)
Why should you study the Bible? It’s old. It’s long. There are a lot of weird names in it. And […]
Whose Truth is True?
Truth. It’s a subject that has evolved and changed. A topic that has been stretched, questioned and misused over time. Where […]
He’s Already There
Searching… My email is like the pit of despair. I keep everything, you know, just in case. Like all the […]
Your Truth or My Truth?
In people’s lives, there must come a time when they decide for themselves what they really believe. Because I grew […]
To Each His Own?
“That may be true for you, but it’s not true for me.” Has anyone ever said this to you in […]
Celebrating the Greatest Love
Nafisa Morris is a young widow who writes Rekindling Joy, a blog that encourages others who have suffered similar losses. Her […]