Blog Archives

Here Are 4 Foundational Truths on Which to Build Our Churches
Biblical success is doing everything for God’s glory.

Church Planting is a Lot Like Surfing
I’m not sure there’s a difference between surfing and being a part of a church plant.

3 Timeless Functions of a Ministry Leader
How do you lead your sheep to where God wants them to be as they follow Him?

Testimony of a Frontline Worker
During this unprecedented time how can your church serve the servants?

When God Attends Summer Camp
Summer camp is more than just water games and bunk beds; It can be a life changer.

Yes, You Need to Know Your Spiritual Gift
There’s a void in the local church when you aren’t using your spiritual gift.

Inclusivity and Woke-ness in America
Instead of going overboard with inclusion in our culture, why don’t we love inclusively?

Comfort in a Season of Grief and Tragedy
What should we do when others are experiencing unimaginable grief?

7 Ways to Lead People Who Desperately Need the Lord
In these difficult times, learn to lead people with plenty of opinions but few real answers.

3 Steps to Make the Greatest Impact
There’s a better way to teach the next generation to bring about change.

Unspeakable Grief, Life-Giving Words, and a Promise to God
I have a testimony I didn’t want and a lingering ache, but God had a purpose for my story.

Telling the Story of Jesus in the Way We Use Our Time- Part Seven
We’re meant to spend our time urgently telling people about Jesus’ love for all mankind.

Is Watching Your Mouth a Resolution for You in 2021?
Words can build up or destroy, so next time you lash out, lash your tongue instead.

How You Can Actually Achieve New Year’s Resolutions
Goal setting requires intentionality and commitment to really make it stick.

Love in a Lost and Broken World: Final Week of the Advent
It’s not too late to love people who only know difficulty and strife, and who need Jesus.

Jesus’ Birth Eliminated a Front-Line Worker’s Job
Jesus offered a personal, agonizing sacrifice for God’s people that changed the world.

When the Holidays Mean Sadness Instead of Joy
The joy and good news of Christmas is available to all mankind through the perfect gift.

The Answer to Our Fear and Fatigue
Now more than ever, we need the peace and rest only a holy God can provide.

Here’s What Peter Says to Discouraged Pastors
God has given you stewardship of your church, but willingness to follow is not up to you.

Will We Really Listen to Each Other Ever Again?
The secular world says we should hate, but Jesus says we should love unconditionally.

Hold On. What’s The One Thing You’re Forgetting?
God warns us of the tendency to immediately enact our plan without one important thing . . .

When You Think You’re Not Capable of Your Calling
God doesn’t send his soldiers into battle without the proper equipment.

Before the Holidays Hit, Read This
As holiday stresses pile up, choose to be still instead of be overwhelmed.

Where Has All the Compassion Gone?
Religion is often self-centered, but God calls us to be others-centered.

Here’s Why We Can be Thankful in Tragedy
Jesus’ impending death on the cross didn’t prevent him from giving thanks in the upper room.

The Sin of Unbelief is A Serious One
If you have never really taken a step of faith, you may not be truly trusting in God.

5 Ways to Truly Be in God’s Presence
Accomplishing God’s call on our lives requires an intimate, prayerful relationship with him.

7 Reasons You Can Trust in Your Calling
You’re capable of more than you know, so rely on hidden strengths and trust in yourself.

From Nicaragua to Cuba and Discovering Truth
Throughout their ministry the Gaitans have seen how God plants seeds in people’s hearts.

Four Ways to Know You’re a Genuine Jesus Follower
Christ followers aren’t perfect, but they strive to die to self and live under the Holy Spirit’s power.

The Middle Ground Between Condoning and Condemning Sin
How do I accept people without compromising the truth of God’s Word?

What is Your Worst Fear and What Can You Do About It?
God’s plan for us doesn’t include living in fear but living in confident hope.

Is God Really Present in Your Church?
Leaders, do everything necessary, pay any price, to build a church where God is pleased to dwell.

What Has Prayer Ever Done to Change the World?
Prayer could be the secret weapon to life-changing transformation in the lives of those around you.

Five Ways to BE the Church
We weren’t made to live in isolation but in community, so intentionally love and serve others.

If You’re Struggling, Maybe You’re Out of Balance
“Your walk with God, family life, and ministry must be in biblical balance.” This is Principle #10 of twelve in […]

Why Have Parents Abandoned Their Responsibilities?
As I write this, we are starting to feel a change in the air in our part of the country. […]

6:07 Tuesday Afternoon August 4, 2020
People need a Savior the world over, so ministry after a catastrophic event is especially important.

5 Myths About Why You Go to Church
Core values are principles and convictions that you have for both your life and your ministry. They are values focusing […]

Hope, Grace, and Kindness on the Football Field
Sit back a minute, close your eyes and honestly ask yourself what life would be like without hope. Yes, seriously, […]

The Abortion Issue: Here’s What Christians Should Pray
The strength of our pro-life demonstrations and protests may be ignored, but “the prayer of a righteous person is powerful […]

You Don’t Have to Quit Sinning Before You Come to Jesus
Is it possible that you are “saved” and in the family of God, but you are sinning and you don’t […]

What Will You Leave Behind As You Finish the Race?
How you live your life is very important, but how you finish is even more important. Many enter the race, […]

Your Pastor’s Three Greatest Prayer Needs
In July of 2018 my pastor at Antioch in Conway, Arkansas, Dr. Jason Aultman, asked each of the national and […]

What Will You Do With Your Gift of Time?
Time is deceptive. When we are young, we think we have all the time in the world. We think we […]

It’s Time to be the Light of the World in the Darkness of Our Culture
Right now, we are living in some of the most tumultuous times with a virus that has virtually brought life […]

America First, Christianity Second is not OK
One of my favorite songs outside the category of worship music is “God Bless the U.S.A.” by Lee Greenwood. Just […]

Why We ShouldCare for the Marginalized and Broken
When Angie and I moved into the first home we ever purchased for ourselves, we moved into an aging neighborhood […]

4 Reasons For My Independence Day Decision
Several years ago, we moved into a house with a big wrap-around front porch. It is great for quiet sitting […]

Set Apart
Our lives should look like what Scripture defines as a follower of Christ and not to be resembling the world.