Blog Archives

When Does Discipleship Begin?
Is pre-conversion discipleship a real possibility for disciple makers?

Here’s Why I Serve
Yes, God commands it, but what are the other reasons to serve in your church?

What it Means to Pastor Your Flock
Leading your church is a blessing and a privilege, but it is also a daunting task.

The Ice Age in Which We Live
Church leader, what are doing to stay in a good place spiritually and emotionally?

3 Steps to a Gospel Focus
Knowing who you are in Christ and having a deeper relationship with him is priority one.

Consequences of Spiritual Dryness
You’re not the only one who will suffer because of your own spiritual dryness.

3 Ways to Deeper Church Relationships
Leading people to Christ and the cross requires authentically loving people.

Reaching Your Community With the Gospel of Love
You can’t always blame culture for your church’s lack of growth.

Does Your Church Love the Unclean?
A church that fails to minister to the undeserving is a church without a harvest of souls.

Upgrade Your Church Culture
Building a culture in your church that truly glorifies God takes passionate devotion.

Church. Not Just a Routine
Is church a Sunday routine or a life-changing opportunity to worship the Creator?

Are You Praying For Spirit-led Conviction?
Does your church pray for the Holy Spirit to call souls to Christ?

Self Care Begins With Friend Care
How do we make the most of the friendships God has so generously given us?

5 Judgement-Free Ways to Love the Lost
What would you do if you witnessed injustice, judgement and hypocrisy?

Debunking the Top 6 Critiques of the Bible
God was intimately involved in the process of determining the canon of the Bible.

Sicarii: Who Were These Assassins?
They wanted their independence from Rome, and they would do anything to get it.

Are the Attributes of God Important? Part Two
Truly knowing who God is affects your prayers, your worship, and your spiritual growth.

Bible Tidbits: Who were the Zealots?
Don’t let politics destroy unity among believers.

Seekers Part Four: Discipleship and the Church
Christ is the ultimate seeker. He seeks and saves the lost.

Seekers Part Three: God Seeks and Saves
God is seeking worshipers, making disciples, and shepherding His people.

Seekers Part One: Your Church’s Recruiting Strategy
Evangelism is not optional for the church.

One Church Survey, One Pastor and 4 Foundational Truths
Your home tells a story.

4 New Testament Reasons We Freely Give
Tithing really means giving BACK to God.

What Does Jesus Want Your Church to Do?
Christ is the ultimate seeker. He seeks and saves the lost.

Is Pursuing the Lost Your Church’s Vision?
A vision statement doesn’t guarantee that your church will be a visionary congregation.

What Are People Looking For in a Church?
Church is the people of God coming together to worship God and living out His mission.

Here Are 4 Foundational Truths on Which to Build Our Churches
Biblical success is doing everything for God’s glory.

3 Timeless Functions of a Ministry Leader
How do you lead your sheep to where God wants them to be as they follow Him?

What Happens between the Old and New Testaments?
Ever wondered what went on between Malachi and Matthew? Check this out . . .

Making the Lord’s Prayer Intentional and Meaningful
The Lord’s Prayer is more impactful when you let it guide your daily time with the Father.

The Old Testament Helps Us Understand the New Testament
A Christian’s identity is linked directly to the Old Testament, so why do we neglect it?

Love in a Lost and Broken World: Final Week of the Advent
It’s not too late to love people who only know difficulty and strife, and who need Jesus.

Christians Do Not Fear Science
Believers are called to faithfully live in but not of the world and testify to God’s truth.

5 Ways to Truly Be in God’s Presence
Accomplishing God’s call on our lives requires an intimate, prayerful relationship with him.

What is Your Church’s Disciple Making DNA?
A healthy church should be obedient to what God has clearly commanded: making disciples

Is God Really Present in Your Church?
Leaders, do everything necessary, pay any price, to build a church where God is pleased to dwell.

It’s Past Time to Double Down on Prayer
As the world’s darkness intensifies, the world’s Christians should be intensely praying.

What Has Prayer Ever Done to Change the World?
Prayer could be the secret weapon to life-changing transformation in the lives of those around you.

Jesus’ Command to Go, Tell, and Disciple is For Pew Sitters Everywhere
The Great Commission doesn’t say one word about a Christian’s church attendance.

Being Certain and Being Right Are Two Different Things
My objective that day was to get to the hospital in downtown Chicago before the surgery to have prayer with […]

Five Ways to BE the Church
We weren’t made to live in isolation but in community, so intentionally love and serve others.

5 Myths About Why You Go to Church
Core values are principles and convictions that you have for both your life and your ministry. They are values focusing […]

7 Things to Do While You Wait
We’ve all had to wait. Wait in line for a package, for test results. Waiting isn’t fun. We are impatient […]

It’s Time to Be Selfless, Submissive, and Serving
The moment we commit ourselves to live for Christ is simultaneously the moment we resolve to die to ourselves. The […]

This is How a Church Should Actually Function
We are commanded by Christ to “make disciples,” but somewhere along the way, making disciples became counting converts to some. […]

Here’s How You Know if Your Church is Sick
There are many examples of people who thought they were healthy but when they visited the doctor it was the […]

Surrender the Fight and be Declared the Winner
I’ve fought my share of fights over the years. Some were necessary. Some were stupid. Some I won. Some I […]

The Church Needs a Little Drama
Joey B was an active participant in the worship and lecture at a recent seminar I attended. If he heard […]

Not a Suggestion But a Command: Multiply
When churches become healthy, thriving, and begin to live “sent” they accept the mission God has given them. They realize […]

All-Bark-No-Bite Christianity
The United States is one of the only countries in the world where the church is in decline. There are […]