Blog Archives
The Only Thing That Truly Satisfies
If you neglect it, you’re starving your body of necessary nourishment.
5 Challenges for Your Thanksgiving
Christians should be the first people to express true gratitude this season.
Wake Up, Church
Frustrated with people rewriting Scripture? Speak truth on love.
Want Happiness? Find Jesus.
The most controversial figure of all time could be the only one you need.
Which Way Do You Lean?
If you’re feeling anxious, hurting, or stressed out, check your posture.
The Waterfall Up Ahead
Sometimes that “crazy old man” is warning you of the danger to come.
The Discipline of Bible Study
God’s Word is a lamp and a light that brings non-believers to Christ.
The Forgotten Holiday
Sandwiched between two more profitable holidays, it deserves more.
Let Belief Defeat the Enemy
When the enemy whispers defeat, God whispers words of life and truth.
How Will You Be Remembered?
Will the sum total of my life actually have an eternal impact?
3 Ways to Deal With Secrets
Not only do they distance you from others, they distance you from God.
Invite Jesus Into Your Holiday Season
With holiday busy-ness, it’s hard, but remember to stay at Jesus’ feet.
The Little Word That Can Change Your Life
It’s not what we deserve, but it’s what he freely gives us because of grace.
3 Steps to Replace Fear With Faith
Fear makes you forget God’s attributes so you’re useless in the fight.
Rooted and Grounded
The Bible is where all of mankind can find truth, life, and salvation.
The Fight Against Sin
The fight against sin is about what you put off and what you put on.
How to Run Well the Race of Life
In football, running the right direction
is crucial to victory over an opponent.
They’re the Real Heroes
Faithfulness requires surrender and obedience to the only One who deserves it.
The Whole World in His Hands
You can change the narrative about what God does, but you can’t change truth.
The Seriousness of Sin
People treat sin casually, even jokingly in this day and time, but God does not.
Your Part in the Growth Journey
Growth requires intentional care for and commitment to what you love.
7 Lessons From Moses and Friends
Don’t let pride keep you from the blessing of Christian friends offering help.
Blending Worship and Purpose
Knowing what God has created you to be and to do is a critical life question.
7 Ways to Climb Out of the Pit
In times of despair, the best things to do is to cooperate with God in the healing.
5 Ps of the Peace Index
Leading people is hard, but evaluating yourself helps you help others…
Lying Down Doesn’t Equal Rest
What if you re-imagined what it means to find rest for your soul
Obedience Noah Style
You can trust Him even when He leads you to do the impossible .
His Call Doesn’t Come With a Script
In a culture where “control” is a negative term, give it to God to find peace and joy.
Should Christians Be Judgmental?
If it redefines the message of the gospel, it is a false one.
Stand, Speak, Remember
Many believe that showing patriotism equals hatred, but Christians know otherwise.
Want to Fix Your Want to?
Break the cycle of discontentment and change your self-powered desires.
Do You Need a Face Lift?
In honor of those encouragers in your life, make it a point to life up others as well.
Here’s What We Believe-Part One
What you believe about Jesus is the most important decision you’ll ever make.
7 Ways to Learn Bible Truth
Understanding these unprecedented times could mean more intentional Bible study.
Labor Day and Rest Day
The Labor Day holiday is meant to celebrate the working, but what about resting?
Are You a Pursuer or a Floater
Actively seeking a relationship with the God who save you is being light in a dark world.
Lessons From Joseph: the Final Chapter
It’s the ultimate story of forgiveness and reconciliation with one exception: Jesus and the cross.
3 Marks of the Christian Life
Knowing, understanding, and applying Jesus’ teachings is critical in this age of hypocrisy.
Don’t Destroy That Alarm Clock
When the Holy Spirit is clearly sending you a message, don’t destroy the messenger.
The Loudest Voice in the Room
With all the noise going on today, allow God’s voice to be the loudest.
New School Year, New Start
It’s clean slate time, and God wants to start fresh with you!
Here’s Why I Serve
Yes, God commands it, but what are the other reasons to serve in your church?
A Lump of Clay to a Masterpiece
God is at work creating a thing of beauty, so trust him and let him work.
He Made the First Move
God brings you to his table, so don’t try to move away. Just take your seat and choose life.
Planned for Good
Whatever is going on in your life today, know even if it seems hopeless, God has a plan.
The Strong Limbs of Jesus
It may look like it could support you, but that limb, just like the world, will fail every time.
What if?
You have the choice to believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior or to deny Him.
Whose Stuff is it Anyway?
Before you get angry when someone steals your things, ask yourself who really owns it.
3 Things That God Is
In a world of seemingly endless chaos, God invites you to lay it all at his feet.
3 Questions Christians Should Ask
Even though we’re made new through Christ, Satan tries to prevent us from living in victory.