Blog Archives

Keep Fighting
Spiritual warfare doesn’t begin in crisis—it starts when we place our trust in Christ and continues daily as we seek His glory over our own desires.

When God Says “No”
How do you respond when God says “no”? Paul’s humble trust in God’s plan, even when his desires were denied, challenges us to surrender, believe, and trust that every “no” has a purpose for our good and His glory.

Eternal Miracles
God doesn’t give us what is good; He gives us what is best. Discover the importance of trusting God’s perfect timing.

Water and Fire
It may be that God wants you to be satisfied with Him, the giver of great blessings, before getting the blessing. It may be that He is getting you ready to experience Him in a whole new way. A fiery sort of way.

His Word is Good
God’s Word is worthy, withstands the pressure of change, and it’s an eternal commitment. If God says it, I believe it.

Relentless Trust Matters
This story shows us that God loves and blesses a trusting heart.

Holy Confidence Matters
It can be so easy to get frustrated when we are different from others, but our differences can be opportunities for God to be even bigger in our lives

Prayer Matters
God loves it when we worship Him. God loves it when we thank Him. God loves it when we depend upon Him, and Him alone.

Who Are You Trusting In?
Don’t just believe, trust in Him. Have faith in Jesus Christ. Choose to follow Him.

Faith Matters
Life is hard. Faith can be hard. But, remembering what God has done for you in the past and believing that He will be faithful in the future can help you face those times with faith.

You Will Bloom In The Right Time
The blessing will come and you will bloom, in the right time.

Are You All In?
Unless we take that step and trust Jesus as our Savior and Lord, we will never be part of His kingdom.

Abraham: A Man Who Feared God
Fearing God opens the door to experiencing God on a deeper level in our lives. It opens the door to His blessing!

Prepare for Each Step
Whether it is relationships, our faith in Christ, discipleship, Jesus instructs us that it comes in steps. We can’t jump straight to the end. There’s work to be done to get there.

We Can Trust the Provider
Can we lay aside our need to provide for ourselves and trust that He will give us all that we need?

He Will Not Fail
Jesus has not failed us and never will. God will make a way, as He has always done before.

Will We Still?
Even in my life today, I struggle in this. Am I really willing and able to say I want God more than what He offers me?

The Proving Ground
We can trust God because He has been, and always will be, faithful.

You Are Our Provider
Do we have that faith? That trust that God will supply all of our needs?

There’s Rest in the Storm
Our Heavenly Father is still in control. We can rest in Him.

Don’t Believe the Lies
Don’t believe the lies. Open your bible and read for yourself who Jesus was and what He did for you on the cross.

Finding Jesus: Finding God’s Faithfulness in the Unexpected
Though we may have a plan for our lives, God does, too. God uses the unexpected to direct us onto His path for our lives.

The Veil was Torn
There is no mistaking who Jesus Christ is. The evidence is there. Just look at my life if you need proof. I’m only one example of many of a life changed by the blood of Jesus.

Finding Jesus: Finding Trust When Life Doesn’t Make Sense
Mary lived out her trust and changed history. May we be followers of Christ who do the same.

Finding Jesus: Finding Faith to Face the Fire
Taking faith-based risks in life are opportunities to experience God in a big way!

Don’t Get Caught in the Trap
What are you trusting in today? Is it Jesus?

He Knows Best
God isn’t keeping something good from you by saying no. He promises to deliver something even better.

What Does Your Heart Desire?
This morning, stop, and talk with Him. Tell Him of the burdens you carry and what you desperately want. And then trust in Him to deliver.

Your Piece for His Peace
Jesus was known for His humble nature and loving manner, not a hurried and chaotic busyness.

Lay it down. Everything you are trying to prove, whatever you are trying to earn, lay it down. Come to the foot of the cross.

Saving Sheep
Jesus came to save the lost. And He’s still in the business of doing just that. It’s His main priority! Is it yours?

Journeying with Jonah: Part 3
Jonah’s powerful prayer reflects that he is now ready to do God’s will…even when it still probably doesn’t make sense to him. He gets what we all want in life: a redo.

I will Trust in You, Lord
Far too often, I pick up the burdens I’ve promised to give over to the Lord because I think I can do this. I can fix this. I can make it better. But all of my efforts are poor attempts compared to His righteous and perfect plan.

Let Him Finish Our Story
My impatient and anxious heart can get the best of me, how about you? Lord, we know You have great things in store for us. Help us to learn to trust You, Lord!

He is in Control
We don’t always understand God’s plan. We don’t like to see our friends or family struggle or suffer, but it’s important to remember, God’s got this. He is in control.

Journeying with Jonah: Part 1
God is such a gentleman, He will let us run, but sooner or later, we will come face-to-face with the consequences of our actions.

Give Me This Mountain
We can have the confidence that God will give us this mountain. The Lord will fulfill His promises.

Can You Hear Those Deafening Thoughts?
You can take the worries off your mind, because God has you on his.

Age Does Not Define Us
As long as we have breath, we will praise the Lord! No matter our age or ability, we are here for a purpose! Let us continue to serve Him with our whole hearts!

The Battle Belongs to the Lord
Lord, You will crush the enemy like sand under your feet! Your victory has already been won!

God Our Protector
Don’t you want the protection from the One who’s in control? The only One who can save you? Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ today!

Lord Over the Big and the Small
God is Lord over the big and small. If we trust in Him to do great things in our life, why do we think He isn’t concerned about even simple matters?

The Master of the Game Plan
Do not think for one second that the Lord does not have a plan. Will you trust Him? Just as we looked to our coach for direction, we should be turning to Jesus.

Do Not Fear
Is it time for you to rid your life of sin? Confess it to the Lord and repent. Turn from that sin and turn to Him. And then, get back on the bike. Try again. Don’t give up.

We Must Be Prepared
See, it didn’t matter who she had been in the past, the only thing that mattered was her decision to believe in who God was and trust to be saved from the coming judgment. She was prepared. Are you?

God’s Way
What are you facing today? Has the Lord brought you to a place that you just don’t quite understand His plan? Does it seem crazy? Does it look like it just doesn’t make sense? Will you still trust Him?

Know Who Goes Before You
Do you need that reminder today? When the bullies of this world are in your face, demanding to know what army will stand with you, you tell them, the LORD of Hosts!

When One Door Closes, Another Opens
You may feel the Lord closing a door to something that’s been good. Something that has been comfortable, something that has always been provided for you. This is when fear wants to creep in. But the Lord promises to provide.