Blog Archives

When One Door Closes, Another Opens
You may feel the Lord closing a door to something that’s been good. Something that has been comfortable, something that has always been provided for you. This is when fear wants to creep in. But the Lord promises to provide.

Stand on Firm Ground
God is calling you to step out in faith today and follow Him. Trust that He will allow you to stand on the firm ground of His truth and promises!

Let God Lead
When you come to a part in the road and you don’t know which way to go, how will you make that decision? We can make our own decisions and choose the way that seems right to us, but only the road that God leads us on is the path of righteousness.

Rest in the Arms of Jesus
Are you feeling the weight of the world coming down on you? You can find rest in the arms of Jesus.

Carried on His Wings
There are times when we feel like that little eaglet, plummeting to the earth below, our death awaiting us. But the Lord, watching us intently, swoops in and provides for us, carrying us on His wings back to safety.

Faith TALK: Trust Boundaries
Don’t just say you “trust God”—show it in your actions today!

Are You Bearing Fruit?
Are you bearing much fruit these days? Or do you feel dormant? What needs to change? If you’re following after the Lord, you will be fruitful!

Victory is Ahead
If you’ve already made that decision to go back to the old, the most beautiful thing is that it’s never too late to turn around. It takes one step. And there’s Jesus. Waiting. Ready to forgive. Ready to give you everything He promised if you would just trust and follow Him.

We Can Overcome
Without Jesus, there is no joy. No conquering your fears, only tears. Trust in the Lord today!

What We Really Deserve
Did you know you can believe God exists and still go to Hell? If you have never trusted that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that He came and died for you, covering your sin debt, if you’ve never done that, you’ll spend eternity in torment!

Let’s Just Be Honest
It you’re a child of God, there should be no guilt, shame, or condemnation for having human emotions. Take them all to Him.

Are You Dissatisfied With God?
Complaints from God’s people are nothing new, but His perspective on our lives is eternal, not temporal.

Who is Worthy of Your Trust?
With so many deceivers out there in the world, is there anyone you can trust?

The Whole World in His Hands
You can change the narrative about what God does, but you can’t change truth.

4 Replacements For Your Anger
Don’t give in to that worldly reaction of allowing others to make you angry.

Jump in and Truly Trust
There aren’t many trustworthy things in the world, but God sent his Son to be one of them.

Learning it for Yourself
God is all-seeing, all-knowing, and ever present.

Tested and Proven
God willingly gave His one and only Son to be the sacrifice.

You’ll Regret Chasing That Waterfall
Shortcuts don’t always get you where you want faster.

When You Think You’re Not Capable of Your Calling
God doesn’t send his soldiers into battle without the proper equipment.

A Strong Tower in the Storms of Life
Several years ago, I was flying back to Dallas from Lubbock, Texas, when I experienced by far the most turbulent […]

Here’s Why You Never Need to Worry
We’ve probably all read the most popular verses on anxiety: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by […]

Do You Have “Dishwasher Faith”?
It seems to me that the dishwasher has got to be the most misunderstood appliance in our homes today. I […]

What Can Chickens and Scary Moms Teach Us About Jesus?
If you’ve done much reading through the Gospels, you know that Jesus has a long history of picking the most […]

Giving God Control
The day my oldest daughter gave birth is a day forever imprinted in my memory. Since he was the first […]