Blog Archives

A Calm Soul
Contentment comes when we see God’s glory and all He has given us as enough.

When Will the End Come?
And then, the end shall come. Satan will be destroyed, death will be no more, and a new heaven will be our final home.

Then What
The most challenging questions lead us to the scene of the cross for answers.

The Darkness Can’t Cover the Light
The darkness, no matter how hard it tries, can never cover the light.

Fall Favorites
Be aware that your approach is perhaps more important than your information. Don’t be out of step, out of control, or out of line when you attempt to love and respond to others.

Joy is Coming
Jesus knew that the resurrection would come. He knew what it would be like to be reunited with the Father in Heaven. He wasn’t focused on the pain ahead, but the joy that was coming.

When we feel “stuck,” we can learn a lot about God and His heart for us and our world.

You Can Write a New Ending to Your Story
Your story, until today, may look bleak, impossible, and hopeless, but I’m telling you from experience that you can change the trajectory of your live.

Anchor Yourself to God’s Word
If anxiety and fear have consumed your life and thoughts, live with the knowledge that God’s truths are unshakeable.

What the World Does For Evil, God Does For Good
The Bible says magic is evil and a human attempt to circumvent God.

He Leaves the Light on
Anything of value we are remotely connected to will be because of Christ being magnified in us.

HE is Greater than ME
It’s easy to feel powerless in this world, but Christians have the greatest power on earth and heaven.

The Cost of Obedience
If your future is in God’s hands, you will have your fair share of heartaches but also more than you could ever ask for or dream about.

Praise Him!
Do you ever stop to give God praise for what He’s brought you through? The deserts, the valleys, the extreme hardships and losses that you thought would crush you, and yet, here you are, holding blessings in your hand. What He has done for you is your testimony!

Hiding From Your Purpose and Burying Your Identity
We can’t hide from the purpose that God has placed in our lives.

There is More to Come
Our story isn’t over. God continues to work and prepares us for a new day.

When the Unimaginable Happens
When worst fears become reality, the Bible is your weapon against spiraling down to the darkest of places.

We Are Not Alone
Whatever you are going through today, God wants you to know that you do not have to do it alone. You don’t have to be the one who picks yourself up by your bootstraps and pushes through. Let God carry you!

Walking Through Grief-Part Three
Though we are not worthy of it, God calls us victorious and brings us out of the deep waters of grief.

Hear His Voice Above the Noise
How, then, do we pray when the world is in chaos?

Equipping the Called
God doesn’t promise a way around troubles but a way through them as he walks beside us.

Seeking His Presence in the Pain
Is it really true that God will never give us more than we can handle?

Comfort, Struggle, and God’s Glory
God must have a reason to allow painful circumstances into our lives.

3 Ways to Wait
Tragedies and problems happening too fast and you can’t “fix” them? Here’s what God does . . .

4 Critical Reasons For Faith
We’re so used to finding comfort in what we see that we forget to trust in what we cannot see.

You Don’t Have to Do it Alone
When that mountain seems impossible to move, know that your strength is in Jesus.

Fighting The Battle That’s Already Won
He didn’t send His Son because we deserved it, but because He wanted a relationship with us.

Ignore the Doubts and Enjoy the Season
When you feel judged for your choices, know that God has your back.

Hope in Death
A Christian’s funeral can be a time for those left behind to point to Jesus.

3 Life-Changing Christmas Takeaways
Now that Christmas is over, what should a Christian’s focus be?

Filling in the Holes at Christmas
Jesus offers hope and comfort when the memories are painful.

Let Hope Pierce the Darkness
For some, the holidays are a painful reminder of loss and regret.

What Happens When That Dream Dies?
Don’t let the death of a dream cause you to be frozen and forget God’s sovereignty.

Origins and the Heart of God
God has existed before time, and his love for us, his creation, has no end.

What Once Was Lost
If you feel lost and hopeless, discover the joy of being found by the Savior.

Where You Can Find Hope
As you travel on this journey of hope, don’t miss God’s faithfulness.

So Where’s the Peace?
God’s provision doesn’t mean a perfect life but a life controlled by Him.

Grace That is Greater Than Your Sin
Mental struggles are real, but those who suffer can know God’s love.

The God Who is Greater Than My Circumstances
When doubts tower over you, there’s a God who is bigger than them all.

Where is God in My Struggle?
God gives this command to mankind 365 times in the Bible: “Fear not.”

7 Lessons From Moses and Friends
Don’t let pride keep you from the blessing of Christian friends offering help.

9/11 Reminders of Good vs. Evil
As we remember, let us praise the Lord that the empty grave defeated death.

From Mourning to Dancing
When your world falls apart, God holds you in his hand and makes a way.

Do You Need a Face Lift?
In honor of those encouragers in your life, make it a point to life up others as well.

Reflect, Remember, Celebrate
When the future is uncertain, choose faithfulness instead of fear.

Wrongly Accused and Imprisoned
Is it really possible to rejoice in your sufferings? Read this man’s story and find out.

If You Have Suicidal Thoughts . . .
Yes, it can feel like life is hopeless, but you can be free from that pain and have joy.

If God is Good Then Why . . .
Choose faithfulness and be restored through God’s sustaining grace.