Blog Archives

Faith TALK: Fight for What You Believe In
Walking in the Spirit can be a real challenge, but when you focus in on the battle with determination, anything is possible with God.

Let Us be Found in the Word
What if our bibles were taken away today… what would you be able to teach your children or others? Let’s not take the word of the Lord for granted. We have access to the very throne of God!

A Greater Reward is Waiting
God doesn’t need lip service from us. Promises of what we will do in the future, praises of His glory, and sacrifices to show we are religious are nothing to Him without our obedience.

Choose Life
What does sin gain? Any satisfaction from it is only temporary. The only thing eternal about sin is the death that it brings.

Listen to Obey
How often do we do the same thing? Listen but don’t obey. We hear, but we don’t heed.

But Why?
We can do that which God has called us to do with what He has given us in His word.

Faith TALK: Trust Boundaries
Don’t just say you “trust God”—show it in your actions today!

The Root of the Problem
Have you ever had to deal with a thorn bush in your life? It started out as a seed, a seemingly tiny sin, planted in your heart. You knew it was wrong, yet, you liked it. And you allowed it to stay. Instead of confessing it to the Lord and turning from it, you ignored it, and it began to take root.

Seek the Lord and Pray
But just as Daniel sought the Lord continuously after being taken away to Babylon, we too must seek the Lord and pray for our country.

Where Are You Leading Them?
Where are you leading those that follow you? Whether it’s your children, your co-workers, spouse, friends, significant other, family… whether you know it or not, you have someone following you. You are an influence to how they act, speak, and what path they choose. Are you leading them on the right path?

Praise Him!
Do you ever stop to give God praise for what He’s brought you through? The deserts, the valleys, the extreme hardships and losses that you thought would crush you, and yet, here you are, holding blessings in your hand. What He has done for you is your testimony!

We Are Each Accountable
God, rich in mercy, sent His Son Jesus Christ, to take our place. On the cross, the Lord chose to take on all our sins.

Faith TALK: Drawing Lines with our Families
God knows that we need each other, and not only that, God wants to be the very center of our families.

Unique Roles
God is clear in His design. He created Adam as a man with a specific body and role. He created Eve as a woman with a unique body and role to her. This was His design. Perfect. Flawless. And as mankind chose to disobey God, sin entered into the world. And we are still battling it today.

A Place Without Trouble
Because, truth be told, God is offering a place where there isn’t any trouble. And Dorothy was right, it’s far, far away, beyond the moon, beyond the rain. It’s somewhere over the rainbow, the promise from God of eternity in Heaven.

My Father’s Business
One of the aspects of Chick-Fil-A that has always impressed me is their managers. They are always serving with the employees. In the same kind of way, Jesus offers you a spot to work right alongside Him as He seeks to save the lost.

Game Day
If we have our faith and trust in Christ, He has saved us from our sins. We are no longer the same person. We are a new creation! We are clothed in His righteousness! So why do we still look like the rest of the world?

The Blood of Jesus
Jesus was the innocent sacrifice for our sins. His blood poured out on the cross to offer us forgiveness. Without the blood, there is no life.

Faith TALK: Drawing Lines with our Friends
We must remember to surround ourselves with like-minded people, who have the same beliefs and values we do. That way, you and your friends can be more like “iron striking iron” and become better through each other’s encouragement and advice!

The Only One
Whatever you are trusting in, whether it’s your wealth, your health or yourself, none of it will lead to Heaven. There is only one, and His name is Jesus.

Go and Sin No More
It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, what you’ve said, where you’ve been or who you’ve been, God forgives.

Found in the Most Unlikely of Places
So here we are, in the midst of one of the craziest, most chaotic scenes we’ve ever experienced. And where is the Christian? We should be found in the most unlikely of places, just like Moses – on our knees, praying.

Return to the Lord
Return to the Lord. Forget the things of this world that tempt you and lure you from Him. We are the bride of Christ and should live holy lives, devoted to Him, and Him alone. God is faithful to forgive. Return to Him.

Fulfillment in the Word
Aren’t you hungry? Don’t you long for something to fill you? Why do we automatically turn to this world for fulfillment when our soul longs for the sweetness of God’s word? His truth brings peace and satisfies our deepest thirsts and hunger.

Faith TALK: Drawing Lines with our Language
Our words and our actions reflect our hearts. If we profess to be believers, our words and actions will show it.

The Lord Cares for You
Trust in His plan today. If He said no once, there’s a reason. Trust Him.

Remembering the Past
Although memories can be hard to face, God can use them to give us a better future. One that glorifies Him and not sin.

There is More to Come
Our story isn’t over. God continues to work and prepares us for a new day.

Refuge from the Enemy
Today, maybe you are running from something. You need refuge. God promises to be our refuge, our help in times of trouble, if we just trust in Him.

What Needs to be Removed?
What have you allowed to stay in your life that keeps luring you away from God? Now is the time to remove it, completely. Not for a time, but permanently. If it continues to cause you to sin it has to go.

Faith TALK: Drawing Lines With Our Devices
You see, when we love Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, we will want to follow His rules. Of course, we will mess up many times, but there will be a want to stay within the boundaries He gives us. Our love will be shown in how well we stay within His boundaries.

We’ve Come A Long Way
Do not fear my friends. The unknown ahead can seem scary and insurmountable at times, but look at the journey you’ve already been on. Let that be a reminder of who is walking right beside you on this path, a path to victory!

The Easy Way Out
What about you? Are you taking the easy way out? Or are you working together with the body to accomplish the task set before you?

Choose to Honor Him
Every day, we are faced with tempting situations and moments that threaten to lure us away from God and to sin. We could stop listening to the Holy Spirit, just ignore Him leading us in the other direction. We could easily get distracted by the lust of the eyes and what is being offered or laid out before us. And we could do what we wanted to do… but will it glorify our Lord?

Above All Else
Are you willing to obey God no matter the cost? What is the cost if you don’t do what He has commanded?

How Are You Spending Your Soul?
Instead of adding more things to your plate, consider what you’ve already said yes to. Are you fulfilling your commitment?

Faith TALK: Stepping Up Our Security in Christ
Every man called by God didn’t feel like a “somebody”—a mighty warrior, the father of many nations, or even a king. But God defined His creation and chiseled their character to become what He had seen in them all along…and He does the same thing for us today.

Eight Days of Gifts
Each day, as the people would ready their sacrifices, they spent time preparing them just right. As they prepared their gifts, they were also getting their hearts ready to worship the Lord.

Lead Me, Lord
How about you? Who is leading your decisions? Where do you turn when you are in need of advice and help? Who is your mentor?

The Left Behind
But here on this earth, there is a battle raging. A war for the souls of our friends, children and loved ones. A battle with sin. Why are we still here? Because we have a job to do. God chooses to use us to share the gospel with the nations. We are to tell the story of Jesus!

Only Death Will Stop It
Our sin has earned us death. BUT – We can have victory over sin by accepting the gift of salvation that Jesus Christ offers us!

The World is Watching
We should be the example for others! We should lead them to the Lord, not away. It should be God’s words on our lips.

Let the Lord Guide You
If you’ve asked for a hedge of protection, stop pulling out the tree trimmers, lawn mower and hedger to cut it down. God’s timing and purpose for you is perfect. Don’t try to push things just because you want them right now.

Give God the Glory
If it were about works, I could boast, I could brag that I had something to do with my salvation. But it’s not. It’s only the work of Jesus Christ.

He Washes Us Clean
Lord, wash me. I am unclean. I am unworthy. Only you can wash away the sins of my heart. Only you can take what is defiled and make it pure.

Gift Giving
What has God blessed you with? And what have you given to Him in return?

Are You Bearing Fruit?
Are you bearing much fruit these days? Or do you feel dormant? What needs to change? If you’re following after the Lord, you will be fruitful!

Faith TALK: Jesus Redeems
Redemption cleanses us. Redemption turns our mistakes into ministries. Redemption allows us to lift our heads up and not live ashamed. Redemption gives us hope.

You’re In Charge
Those that disobey God and disregard His authority and righteousness, which includes who He appoints as leaders, will face punishment. Look at the severity of this rebellion!

You Know Better
Because we know better. We have a duty to study the word of God, as it was intended, and to teach accordingly.