Blog Archives
Who I Am – Who I Am Not
If it feels like your very existence is meaningless, turn away from those desperate thoughts and choose life, joy, and peace from the only one who can give it: Jesus.
Empty, Dehydrated, and Broken
She needed compassion, but the world gave her condemnation.Then she met the single most controversial figure of all time.
4 Types of People in Proverbs: The Wise
Having wisdom requires devoting yourself to general principles that will give you insight to life situations.
If Only God Would Let Me Take Over
When you’re a fixer and a planner, it’s hard to wait on the Lord for his plan, even when you know it’s the best thing to do.
What Biblical Leadership Looks Like
In a culture of who you know instead of whose you are, Christian leaders must have a God-given vision.
Renounce Your Wish. Gain Your Soul.
If the things of this world are holding you back from living out your fullest potential, let go of them and let God transform you.
Your Time is Short. Pack It With Prayer.
Last words are windows to the soul, and they reveal true priorities: What will yours be?
Abandon All Fear
All of us have experienced fear, but only God provides the way to truly conquer it.
Are You Standing in the Overflow
If you want to be part of what God is doing, ask him for an overflow of the Holy Spirit’s power to be a light in the darkness.
Mirror, Mirror Make Us Small
In this selfie-taking world of ours, we would do well to put the spotlight on our souls, not our bodies.
A Binding Contract You Don’t Want to Get Out of
When you reflect on the contract Jesus signed in blood long ago, remember you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Mother’s Day Memories and Regrets
Just because they’re adult children doesn’t mean they don’t need godly discipline, guidance, and redirection.
Do I Have What it Takes?
As Mother’s Day approaches, remember that God’s grace is sufficient no matter how hard the day may be.
Measuring Up and Mother’s Day
When you feel defeated, burdened, and ashamed of past mistakes, God’s grace covers you sufficiently.
Joy Comes in the Mourning
In your brokenness, know that from God’s perspective, you are covered by grace and used for his glory.
Walking Through Grief-Part Three
Though we are not worthy of it, God calls us victorious and brings us out of the deep waters of grief.
Walking Through Grief-Part Two
If you’re grieving right now, there are enemies preventing your healing, especially Satan.
Walking Through Grief-Part One
When you’re hurting and weary of the constant pain of loss, don’t hesitate to use your support network.
Walking Through Grief-an Introduction
There are different kinds of loss, but the most devastating one is that of a loved one, but God proves himself faithful despite the pain it brings.
Your Words Can Mean Death or Life
Don’t let your words lead to destruction and death but to truth and light.
What is Wisdom and How Can We Find it?
There are different kinds of wisdom in this world, but the only one worth noting comes from the Lord and is God given . . . if you ask.
More Than a Plot of Dirt
Everything on this earth is temporary, but our true, eternal hope is in a kingdom where God sits on his holy throne.
Removing the Veil Through His Blood
What once was a heavy barrier between God and man is now a symbol of the depth of Jesus’ love for mankind.
What Can You Make With Lemons?
God gives us opportunities to love and serve people, but what about when we’re at rock bottom and can’t go on?
Let’s Just Be Honest
It you’re a child of God, there should be no guilt, shame, or condemnation for having human emotions. Take them all to Him.
Understanding the Enemy
God protects us from harm and guides our understanding.
What Super Bowl Commercials Reveal About Culture
The world says there’s a new way to abundant life, but God says only He makes all things new.
Hear His Voice Above the Noise
How, then, do we pray when the world is in chaos?
Practice: Part of God’s Playbook
Let your actions and choices reflect what it says in God’s “playbook.”
He Who Began a Good Work
We are God’s incomplete masterpiece and the Artist is faithfully working in us to the end.
What’s Your Preference?
Because believers reflect Christ, we should choose generosity and compassion over what we prefer.
Are You Fully Surrendered?
Don’t be the person living independent of God and believing there’s no need of Him.
Values Determine Practices
Make sure that the values you claim to have are obvious in what you actually do.
The Churchless Christian
Many Christians no longer believe church attendance is necessary to have a full life in Christ.
Conquering Biblical Context
Twisting Scripture around to justify one’s actions and beliefs is a dangerous and sinful game.
Foretastes of Heaven
Yes, God offers forgiveness and grace to believers, but he also requires sacrifice.
What Real Love Does
How often do you put your action where your mouth is when it comes to loving and serving others?
The Most Misunderstood Man of All Time
Jesus created you and wants you to seek him, so don’t hesitate to begin life-changing search for the one who died for you.
Wake Up From the Mundane
Is God trying to shake you up and make you see ministry opportunities you’re missing every day?
Are You Dissatisfied With God?
Complaints from God’s people are nothing new, but His perspective on our lives is eternal, not temporal.
Why Am I Tempted and Is God Responsible?
Everyone faces the mostly losing battle of temptations, so why does God tempt us?
Only God is Truly Faithful
When people fail you, turn to the promise-keeping God of steadfast, unconditional love.
Comfort, Struggle, and God’s Glory
God must have a reason to allow painful circumstances into our lives.
What Do You Love the Most?
We love and admire our worldly heroes, but what about our awe for the things of God?
Are You Running Away?
Even if we try to cover up our sin, it comes out eventually.
The Offender, the Offended, and the Forgiven
Showing grace and mercy to someone who has caused deep hurt is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do.
Mistaken Identity
Don’t let the evil one cause you to feel defeated when, through Christ, you’re a conqueror.
Attributes of God-Part 6: Omnipresent
Despite how far away we feel from God, he is always there with us. No distance can ever separate us from him.
A Moment of Perspective
Is your primary goal to share the good news of the gospel or to do comfortable, familiar things?
Float it Down the River
Instead of taking pride in what we can do, trust God will provide.