Blog Archives
Managing Your Time For God’s Glory
God has divinely inspired a balanced life for us, so we should allow him to control our schedules.
Haters Gonna Hate
What will you do when criticism, negativity, hatred, and persecution come to your doorstep?
That Sweet Aroma of Christ in Us
We are to be a sweet aroma of Christ as we surrender to the Holy Spirit who tells us to die to self.
Fully Functioning and Radical
If we are the body of Christ, why aren’t our hands reaching out to the hurting and our arms to the broken?
Please Don’t Pass the Chips
When you’re the one lacking self -control, don’t put the blame on someone else.
Never Forsaken: Just Ask Me
Child of God, It may like feel like he has left you alone and forgotten, but I promise you he has not and will not.
One Way to Better Understand Scripture
Understanding the Bible is about making connections between theology and application.
Let Your Test Become a Testimony
You can trust God to help when it’s time to share your story of abundant and undeserved grace.
Choosing to Abide in Him
Spending quality, uninterrupted time with God is truly the only way to become more like him.
What is Wisdom and How Can We Find it?
There are different kinds of wisdom in this world, but the only one worth noting comes from the Lord and is God given . . . if you ask.
Be Ready For Surprise Visits
Avoid the religious thinking of today’s world and set your heart on Jesus, allowing your thoughts be his thoughts.
Your Social Media Influence
You may not like it, Christian, but as a believer you have some kind of influence, so what does that look like?
What Defines Your Winning Season?
No one wants to lose, but what does a victorious life really mean to you?
Don’t Forget the Cross
The true celebration of Easter begins with a heart that is fully surrendered to God’s will.
Easter Requires a Decision
As we consider Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection, prayerfully read and soak in the Gospel accounts until they renew your mind.
What I’ve Learned From a Lifetime of Ministry
Ministry life has often been difficult and heartbreaking, but God has shown me some irrefutable truths.
What Can A Child Teach Adults?
When Jesus rebuked his disciples for shooing away the little children, he taught a countercultural lesson.
Are You Headed Toward or Away From Him?
We must have the mind of Christ to reject the things of this world.
The Commercial of Our Lives
As an image bearer of Christ, what does the billboard of your life say about the God you serve?
How’s Your Soul?
To persevere as believers, we must pay attention to the health of our souls.
How’s Your I-Sight?
If you’re not allowing Jesus to guide your path, you will not see the people he wants you to reach.
New Standards Don’t Honor God
Yes, God’s love is without condition, but His standard are higher than the world’s.
When Winning Really Means Losing
Jesus taught some countercultural things, like what winning and losing really mean.
A Sad Substitute For the Real Thing
As we attempt to do life apart from God, let’s not forget that only God is the real deal and without substitute.
Remove. Replace. Reboot.
If what you say comes from your heart, take an inventory of the words and be honest with yourself.
Practice: Part of God’s Playbook
Let your actions and choices reflect what it says in God’s “playbook.”
What is God’s Proper Place?
The chaos of our lives and desire to take care of our people can prevent us from reflecting on God.
Deconstructing Your Christianity
Sometimes called Progressive Christianity, a dangerous movement is creeping into our culture.
Concerns of the Heart
Is your heart condition one of loving and serving others and a testament to a surrendered life?
Lay Down That Offense
Nurturing those hurts and offenses will keep you from enjoying the fullness of God’s peace and joy.
Your Spiritual Wake Up Call
If you’ve become spiritual drowsy, maybe it’s time to get serious about church.
Are You a CEO Christian?
Why has the term “Christian” become watered down and meaningless today?
What’s Your Preference?
Because believers reflect Christ, we should choose generosity and compassion over what we prefer.
Are You Fully Surrendered?
Don’t be the person living independent of God and believing there’s no need of Him.
Let’s Get Excited About Salvation
Why are we ho-hum about people coming to Christ and surrendering their lives to Him?
Equipping the Called
God doesn’t promise a way around troubles but a way through them as he walks beside us.
Praise Lessons From Prison
Praising God in the storms and dungeons of our lives is possible only through the power of God..
Values Determine Practices
Make sure that the values you claim to have are obvious in what you actually do.
Risky Business
In our comfort, do we take risks that might change the course of someone’s life?
The Most Misunderstood Man of All Time
Jesus created you and wants you to seek him, so don’t hesitate to begin life-changing search for the one who died for you.
Stop the Family Chaos
The family, one of the first things God established, was so important that he set is boundaries immediately.
Wake Up From the Mundane
Is God trying to shake you up and make you see ministry opportunities you’re missing every day?
Seeking Godly Counsel
God uses other believers to speak into your life, so don’t hesitate to ask for help in confirming His direction.
Why Am I Tempted and Is God Responsible?
Everyone faces the mostly losing battle of temptations, so why does God tempt us?
Bible Study on Insecurities
God does not want you to battle the insecurities Satan uses you to give up.
Only God is Truly Faithful
When people fail you, turn to the promise-keeping God of steadfast, unconditional love.
Seeking His Presence in the Pain
Is it really true that God will never give us more than we can handle?
Reject the World and Respond to Jesus
It’s so easy to accept the precious gift of unconditional grace to gain the Savior of the world.
3 Ways to Wait
Tragedies and problems happening too fast and you can’t “fix” them? Here’s what God does . . .
Are You Running Away?
Even if we try to cover up our sin, it comes out eventually.