Blog Archives

Depression During the Holidays
When life feels heavy and hope seems distant, the Psalms of lament remind us that even in our darkest moments, light can still break through.

What Now?: Depression
When life feels heavy with hopelessness and despair, remember that God invites you to rest in Him.

What Now?: Darkness
In a world full of fear and darkness, freedom and comfort are found in Jesus, the Light of the world, who overcomes all with His presence and love.

The Furnace of Affliction
If you choose to focus on your sin and slip into a pit of despair and depression, you will not accomplish the task to which you are called.

It’s Jesus vs. the Devil in a Fight For Your Mind
When we surrender our inner mess let Jesus heal us, darkness no longer has a hold.

If You Want to be Counter Cultural, Put Down Your Phone
Christians should swim against the cultural current and refuse to be controlled.

Consequences of Finding Your Identity in Worldly Pursuits
Accomplishments do not determine your identity or your value, only Jesus . . .

A Battle Between Panic and Peace
If you’re fighting the battle of despair, God offers an answer the world can’t comprehend.

7 Ways to Lead People Who Desperately Need the Lord
In these difficult times, learn to lead people with plenty of opinions but few real answers.

Hopelessness Was Due to the God-Sized Hole in His Heart
His story is no different from yours if your life seems meaningless and hopeless.

Five Bold Predictions for 2021
Expect the unexpected and more tests of faith in 2021, but do your part to unify believers.

Here’s a Mandate You’ll be Glad You Complied With
It’s impossible to manage 2021 without the sustenance Scripture provides.

When the Holidays Mean Sadness Instead of Joy
The joy and good news of Christmas is available to all mankind through the perfect gift.

Here’s What Peter Says to Discouraged Pastors
God has given you stewardship of your church, but willingness to follow is not up to you.

It’s the Only Way to Truly Find Joy
Nothing in this world can ever make you happy, so forget about looking for it there.

Four Lessons from Job’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
The Bible is not just a book of old stories; it is a guidebook for daily life application.

In 2020 It’s All About Choices
With deep roots and God’s grace you can believe truth and trust his faithfulness in 2020.

This is How to Fight Your Battles
That mountain ahead may look impossible, but God has been giving out courage since time began.

Suicide Leaves Behind Darkness, But There is a Light . . .
[RainDripsDrainsDownpours. A quiet roarA steady streamA childhood memoryA goodbye RainShowersShudders A pitter-patterA puddleA pair of boots RainBreaksBleeds A last kissA […]

Do You Ever Feel Lonely?
I know I do. And I think God does, too. The author of Hebrews writes: “This High Priest of ours […]

When the Potholes of Life Knock You Out of Alignment
As we wind down the season over the next few weeks, there are some of us who feel like summer […]

Finding Contentment in the Wilderness of Suffering
Uncertainty unfortunately comes with the territory of being a widow, especially if you lost your husband suddenly like I did. […]

When You Follow Christ You Can’t Lose it All
Jacob, son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham, had twelve sons, including Joseph and the youngest, Benjamin. The ten older […]

Suicide, the LGBTQ Community, and Christians
Suicide. It’s a topic no one wants to talk about. If it happens, people sweep it under the table. A […]

Take the 30-Day Positivity Challenge
Someone who loves me recently told me that I could work harder to make myself a more positive person. Apparently, […]

4 Ways to Climb out of the Pit of Despair
In the movie Princess Bride, the heroic Wesley finds himself trapped and tortured in the “Pit of Despair.” He is eventually […]

The Answer For Those Who Suffer Quietly in Church
What’s the answer for the many who suffer quietly in the supposed safe place for the hurting–the church–yet go without […]

11 Depression Dos and Don’ts
It’s a subject no one really wants to talk about. We whisper about it. We know it exists, but no […]

Living When You Feel Like Dying
It was one year ago today that my baby girl stepped out of this world and into eternity. “For to […]

A Solitary Firefighter
Every summer, I enjoy my precious bit of free time by reading a few books merely for enjoyment or my […]

Depression: the Battle & the Defeat
Did Jesus battle depression? Seems like a strange question at first, but consider Isaiah’s prophesy of the coming Messiah: “He […]