Blog Archives
Children Need Guidance
Why don’t we just let our children do as they want? Because they need guidance. They need someone that will teach them the truth and what consequences could come because of our actions. Let’s band together and commit to raising up our children in the word of God.
Simply Psalm 23
Sometimes a familiar passage of Scripture can become so over-used that we fail to be transformed by its beauty.
Carried on His Wings
There are times when we feel like that little eaglet, plummeting to the earth below, our death awaiting us. But the Lord, watching us intently, swoops in and provides for us, carrying us on His wings back to safety.
Too High, Daddy!
God’s plan for us may take you down some scary, difficult roads that are meant for growth and maturity. so lean into those challenges.
Called By Name
We will all be called by name. Those who are found in the lamb’s book of life will remain with the Lord in Heaven. And those who did not trust in the Lord will be cast into the lake of fire for eternal death.
Faith TALK: Fight for What You Believe In
Walking in the Spirit can be a real challenge, but when you focus in on the battle with determination, anything is possible with God.
Four Imperatives To A Godly Life Story
A godly life requires four must-dos that there is absolutely no substitute for.
Let Us be Found in the Word
What if our bibles were taken away today… what would you be able to teach your children or others? Let’s not take the word of the Lord for granted. We have access to the very throne of God!
Diet Jesus
Personal preferences, manmade guidelines, and secular rationalizations are a cheap substitute for real satisfaction: The giver of life, Jesus Christ.
The Furnace of Affliction
If you choose to focus on your sin and slip into a pit of despair and depression, you will not accomplish the task to which you are called.
God Myth #1: We are Good
Humanity is messed up by nature, but many make the mistake of thinking we are good enough.
Mismatched Expectations
What God plans for our lives does not always match up with what we expect Him to do.
A Greater Reward is Waiting
God doesn’t need lip service from us. Promises of what we will do in the future, praises of His glory, and sacrifices to show we are religious are nothing to Him without our obedience.
7 Reasons You Can and Should Be a Small Group Leader and Host
You don’t need to know Greek and Hebrew or remember Scripture references without mistakes to lead a small group.
Choose Life
What does sin gain? Any satisfaction from it is only temporary. The only thing eternal about sin is the death that it brings.
Why Self Care Isn’t Always Enough
Satan continuously tries to divert your attention from the true healer and to the world’s false hope.
Listen to Obey
How often do we do the same thing? Listen but don’t obey. We hear, but we don’t heed.
From Assistant to Missionary
God’s plan and purpose is so much greater and more perfect than anything the world can dream of.
But Why?
We can do that which God has called us to do with what He has given us in His word.
Faith TALK: Trust Boundaries
Don’t just say you “trust God”—show it in your actions today!
The Cost of Obedience
If your future is in God’s hands, you will have your fair share of heartaches but also more than you could ever ask for or dream about.
The Root of the Problem
Have you ever had to deal with a thorn bush in your life? It started out as a seed, a seemingly tiny sin, planted in your heart. You knew it was wrong, yet, you liked it. And you allowed it to stay. Instead of confessing it to the Lord and turning from it, you ignored it, and it began to take root.
What do Heresy and False Doctrine Really Mean?
It wasn’t long after Jesus’ ascension that false teaching began in the newly established church.
The Mission of God
Are you a cultural Christian or a biblical Christian? The true answer depends on if your life and your lips speak the good news of the gospel.
When the Fish Stops Flopping
Being driven purely by our emotions is not a healthy, productive, or godly way to live.
Seek the Lord and Pray
But just as Daniel sought the Lord continuously after being taken away to Babylon, we too must seek the Lord and pray for our country.
Spiritual Stiffness is Painful
In your walk with the Lord, will you push through the sacrifice and pain that it sometimes takes to have abundant life?
Where Are You Leading Them?
Where are you leading those that follow you? Whether it’s your children, your co-workers, spouse, friends, significant other, family… whether you know it or not, you have someone following you. You are an influence to how they act, speak, and what path they choose. Are you leading them on the right path?
The Slow Fade to a King’s Folly
Yes, he was rich. Yes, he was wise. But his fall was one of the most epic in the entire Bible.
Praise Him!
Do you ever stop to give God praise for what He’s brought you through? The deserts, the valleys, the extreme hardships and losses that you thought would crush you, and yet, here you are, holding blessings in your hand. What He has done for you is your testimony!
Spiritual Spanx
Applying biblical truth comes more easily if you’re intentional about representing Jesus and being his ambassador.
We Are Each Accountable
God, rich in mercy, sent His Son Jesus Christ, to take our place. On the cross, the Lord chose to take on all our sins.
Faith TALK: Drawing Lines with our Families
God knows that we need each other, and not only that, God wants to be the very center of our families.
What Does Kingdom Work Really Mean?
Every area of your life is essentially missionary work and gives you the chance to glorify the God of the universe.
Unique Roles
God is clear in His design. He created Adam as a man with a specific body and role. He created Eve as a woman with a unique body and role to her. This was His design. Perfect. Flawless. And as mankind chose to disobey God, sin entered into the world. And we are still battling it today.
If You Cause These Little Ones to Stumble
Trained professionals in any field often don’t realize their skills could be easily used as part of God’s purpose and plan.
Heart Hanger Moments
Worship takes place when the holy penetrates the ordinary and we are left in awe of the God of the universe.
Tune My Heart to Sing God’s Grace
When God created music and the incredibly talented people who write and sing it, he meant for it to change people’s lives.
A Place Without Trouble
Because, truth be told, God is offering a place where there isn’t any trouble. And Dorothy was right, it’s far, far away, beyond the moon, beyond the rain. It’s somewhere over the rainbow, the promise from God of eternity in Heaven.
The Tapestry of Life
I’m sitting on my porch while I write this. As I look around, I see things that elicit a smile […]
Clarity vs. Chaos
No need to be confused in this world full of chaos: Simply ask yourself two questions.
My Father’s Business
One of the aspects of Chick-Fil-A that has always impressed me is their managers. They are always serving with the employees. In the same kind of way, Jesus offers you a spot to work right alongside Him as He seeks to save the lost.
Is Unity Even Possible?
Contrary to popular belief, God is all we need in this world of division that is stoked by people with ulterior motives.
Game Day
If we have our faith and trust in Christ, He has saved us from our sins. We are no longer the same person. We are a new creation! We are clothed in His righteousness! So why do we still look like the rest of the world?
Just Scoot Over
Is it really too much to ask for you to let someone else’s needs supersede your own agenda?
The Blood of Jesus
Jesus was the innocent sacrifice for our sins. His blood poured out on the cross to offer us forgiveness. Without the blood, there is no life.
Faith TALK: Drawing Lines with our Friends
We must remember to surround ourselves with like-minded people, who have the same beliefs and values we do. That way, you and your friends can be more like “iron striking iron” and become better through each other’s encouragement and advice!
Hiding From Your Purpose and Burying Your Identity
We can’t hide from the purpose that God has placed in our lives.
The Only One
Whatever you are trusting in, whether it’s your wealth, your health or yourself, none of it will lead to Heaven. There is only one, and His name is Jesus.