Blog Archives

Lessons From the Ultimate Traitor
Even if you’ve never read the Bible, you know who he is and what he did. lists Judas as a synonym […]

The Tough Decision to Give My Dog Away
It was that worst-case scenario: “What if our new-born son is allergic to our beloved dog?” On paper, it’s easy. […]

This is Why Satan Wants Your Soul
I suppose two mistakes can be made as you ponder Satan’s work in your life. While we can agree his […]

Sin Brings Pleasure – And That’s OK to Admit
Sin brings pleasure, but not satisfaction. It brings ruin, never flourishing. Disobeying God sounds good somewhere in the bowels of […]

“Prone to Wander, Lord, I Feel it”
In 1757 Robert Robinson, a self-proclaimed “wanderer,” wrote the penitent words of a poem we know today as the hymn […]

Rescue From Rebellion
A salvation story doesn’t have to be R-rated to be powerful. We may not all be saved from a life […]

Mike and Laura Beth: From Brokenness to Mending by the Potter
Mike: Sin and Brokenness “…Looking back, I see there was no actual desire to pursue the things of God… Nonetheless, […]

15 Things Your Pastor Does Every Week
It’s funny. I’m asked (as a pastor) at least once a month, “So, like, what do pastors do when it’s not Sunday?” […]

A Tattoo of the Cross
I had a conversation with a friend this week about tattoos. It got me thinking. She said… “I really want […]

The Gospel is Your Redo Button
Have you ever wished for a “Redo” button? Have you ever had a day that started off so completely on […]

Who is Jesus?
Jesus offered his life as a sacrifice for sin . . . the innocent paying the price of the guilty.

Static? Move Closer to the Tower
I hate static. Not like the kind that makes your clothes cling to you. I’m talking about static on the […]

“Just follow your heart.”
Every time I see that phrase tweeted or represented in a pretty meme of some kind, I want to yell, […]

I Never Dreamed
“I never dreamed” when I was a teen that my lifelong best friend would be murdered while sleeping in bed. […]

The Evil in This World
The most formidable problem against Christianity isn’t whether or not God exists, but rather, if he does exist, why he […]

Resurrection: The Burden of Proof
The conception and rise of Christianity in the first century was due to the resurrection of Jesus, and so profoundly […]