Blog Archives
How Are You Preparing?
How are you preparing for the coming of the Savior?
Faith-Filled Risk
What faith-filled risk are we willing to take? God is ready to do some incredible things for the people around us, but we have to step out, willing to take that risk.
There is Hope with the Shepherd
Jesus offers us unconditional love, protection and provision. He offers to be our shepherd – if we are but willing.
Called, Equipped, Sent
No matter where you are in your journey with Christ, there is always “the next step”. Are you ready? You’ve been given the power of the Holy Spirit, you need only obey.
Not What They Expected
Do you truly know Jesus? Do we understand what it means to be called His?
It will Happen in it’s Own Time
It takes nurturing with the bread of life and the living water and time spent with the Son for the person to finally bloom and grow and then be ready for harvest.
Don’t Be Left in the Dark
His word does not have to be confusing or hidden in the dark. His truth is ready to be revealed to you… are you ready?
Will you Answer the Call?
Only Jesus can save you. But will you answer that call?
We Have the Opportunity
Today, Jesus offers us the same opportunity. He knows what’s on our minds and in our hearts. The door is wide open, we must only confess our sins and repent.
Tending to the Emergencies
Jesus was tending to the emergencies. He is the great physician and He came to heal those that were in need, those that were broken.
That One Thing
One thing happened. One thing was added to this man and he was changed completely.
He Can Heal You
Time and time again, He has proven His power and love for us. And we, too, can be healed if we put our trust in Him and ask.
Help for the Wicked
Daniel shows us how to share the hope of God with an ungodly land.
It’s Really Happening
No matter what you’ve done in your life, God is bigger than that. He can forgive anything and is ready and willing!
All Hail!
What if you met Jesus today? Would He welcome you with open arms because He knew you while you were here on this earth? Would He greet you joyfully because you were dear friends?
The Veil was Torn
There is no mistaking who Jesus Christ is. The evidence is there. Just look at my life if you need proof. I’m only one example of many of a life changed by the blood of Jesus.
He Did It For You
Now, you know exactly what Jesus did for you. It’s time to decide.
He Did What We Couldn’t
He’s here. He’s offering to take that burden of sin from you. Don’t hold onto it. Let it go. Let Jesus help you in your greatest need. Let Him do for you what you can’t.
Mistaken Identity
One day, there will be no choice. It will be too late. All will bow, but some will be in fear, realizing the King that is before them is the very one they have mocked, belittled and cursed their whole lives.
Love Itself
Would you even recognize true love if it was staring you in the face?
In the Cover of Darkness
In the cover of darkness is where sin reigns. But when the light shines, the darkness flees.
An Ark of Safety for Today
In Christ, God provides an Ark of Safety for all who believe.
He Paid the Price
I’m grateful my father stepped in to pay that debt so that I could be freed from the sin and punishment.
Do we Recognize our Need for the Savior?
Until we recognize our need for a Savior, we will never understand who He truly is.
Sweet Baby Jesus
We need a deeper knowledge of the baby in the manger.
The same love that He showed for His betrayer Judas, He shows to you and me.
No Time to Wait and See
But there is no time to wait. It will be too late. Those that delay and deny His offer of salvation will have torment and punishment for eternity.
Do You Know Jesus?
Let’s get to the heart of the matter. How many people have you shared with about what God has done for you?
Are You Ready?
We do not know when the Lord will sound the call. We must be ready now. Are you?
No One Will Know
Our job is to share the gospel and make disciples for God’s glory, but for how long? Until we pass away or He returns, whichever comes first. Are you doing your job?
Chain Reaction
He came to seek and save the lost. He brought a warning to those that deny Him of what was to come if they didn’t believe.
When Will the End Come?
And then, the end shall come. Satan will be destroyed, death will be no more, and a new heaven will be our final home.
The Time is Now
When Jesus returns, those that have accepted His gift of salvation will be called home to heaven. Those that have not, will face God’s wrath.
Will You Heed the Warning?
They had heard their Captain speaking, they had been warned, and yet, they chose to do their own thing.
Standing Before Your Accuser
They stood face to face with the One who knew them best; all their shame on full display. They had two choices: deny everything and the one who accused them, or admit their wrongs and ask for forgiveness.
No Greater Words
Who do you say that Jesus is? This is the only thing that truly matters. Do you recognize Him as your Father?
The Perfect Package
Can you imagine what the world would be like if we followed just these two commandments? Love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.
Anticipation is Growing
Will you be ready for His return? He is patiently waiting for you to surrender your heart to Him.
We Don’t Deserve It
None of us deserve what God has done for us. We ALL deserve His wrath.
Saving Sheep
Jesus came to save the lost. And He’s still in the business of doing just that. It’s His main priority! Is it yours?
What Matters Most
Far too many will accept Jesus, but never experience the true reward of having a close relationship with Him.
Who do You Say that I am?
Today, the question is posed to you – Who is Jesus? Your answer determines your destiny. Is He your father? Do you have a relationship with Him where you know you are His daughter or son?
Beware of the Leaven
You cannot do this on your own. You need Jesus. Trust in Him to provide what you need.