Blog Archives

Are You Headed Toward or Away From Him?
We must have the mind of Christ to reject the things of this world.

The Commercial of Our Lives
As an image bearer of Christ, what does the billboard of your life say about the God you serve?

How’s Your Soul?
To persevere as believers, we must pay attention to the health of our souls.

How’s Your I-Sight?
If you’re not allowing Jesus to guide your path, you will not see the people he wants you to reach.

New Standards Don’t Honor God
Yes, God’s love is without condition, but His standard are higher than the world’s.

When Winning Really Means Losing
Jesus taught some countercultural things, like what winning and losing really mean.

A Sad Substitute For the Real Thing
As we attempt to do life apart from God, let’s not forget that only God is the real deal and without substitute.

Remove. Replace. Reboot.
If what you say comes from your heart, take an inventory of the words and be honest with yourself.

Practice: Part of God’s Playbook
Let your actions and choices reflect what it says in God’s “playbook.”

What is God’s Proper Place?
The chaos of our lives and desire to take care of our people can prevent us from reflecting on God.

Concerns of the Heart
Is your heart condition one of loving and serving others and a testament to a surrendered life?

Your Spiritual Wake Up Call
If you’ve become spiritual drowsy, maybe it’s time to get serious about church.

Are You a CEO Christian?
Why has the term “Christian” become watered down and meaningless today?

The Discipleship Command Is For You
Someone you know needs discipleship, and you may be that disciple maker.

What’s Your Preference?
Because believers reflect Christ, we should choose generosity and compassion over what we prefer.

Wake Up From the Mundane
Is God trying to shake you up and make you see ministry opportunities you’re missing every day?

Reject the World and Respond to Jesus
It’s so easy to accept the precious gift of unconditional grace to gain the Savior of the world.

What Do You Love the Most?
We love and admire our worldly heroes, but what about our awe for the things of God?

Mistaken Identity
Don’t let the evil one cause you to feel defeated when, through Christ, you’re a conqueror.

Why is Surrender So Hard?
It’s not “I Surrender Some” or “I Surrender Most” but “I Surrender All.”

Resolve to do These 3 Things in 2022
Lofty, God-sized goals can only be accomplished through His God-sized strength.

5 Checks on Your Reality
Don’t let the enemy capture and claim victory over your thoughts.

6 Questions to Ask When Making Decisions
Sometimes the choice is not black and white, so what then?

The Blood That Binds Us
As part of a faith community, do you create harmony of disunity?

Wake Up, Church
Frustrated with people rewriting Scripture? Speak truth on love.

Let Belief Defeat the Enemy
When the enemy whispers defeat, God whispers words of life and truth.

How Will You Be Remembered?
Will the sum total of my life actually have an eternal impact?

The World Is Wrong About Christians
You’re right. Christians aren’t perfect and sometimes they act like the world . . .

The World Doesn’t Need Kayfabe Christianity
The sacrifice that Christ made on the cross isn’t so trivial to be shrugged off at our convenience.

Sweet Tea and the Holy Spirit
The idea is to remove anything that competes with the Holy Spirit for control of your life.

The Destructive Divide In America
The sin nature of our flesh often leads us to dehumanize and seek conflict with anyone on a different “team”.

8 Reasons You’re Not Independent
Hope is one of the roots that weaves our lives together.

The Problem of Living According to the Flesh
Every moment is an opportunity to choose where you will set your mind.

Who Were the Pharisees and What Can We Learn From Them?
Following God’s commands is good, but adding rules and forcing others to follow them as if they were from God is not.

If You Want to be Counter Cultural, Put Down Your Phone
Christians should swim against the cultural current and refuse to be controlled.