Blog Archives

The Gift of Community
Let’s strive to be the kind of friends who bring encouragement, love, and the refreshing gift of community to those around us.

When Opinions Distract
When we elevate personal stances over the gospel, we risk losing sight of what truly matters.

Worship Together!
Worshipping together is not only a gift to God, but a gift to each other.

What Now?: Church
When the church lets you down, it’s easy to walk away, but true healing comes from fixing your eyes on the One who never will.

Many Parts of the Body
Feeling out of place and questioning her purpose, a woman discovers that God can use her limitations to bless others in unexpected and powerful ways.

Grace in Action
How can you show grace in giving this week? As followers of Christ, it should be part of who we are.

United in Spirit
Ever wondered what it would be like to witness a miracle? Let’s study Acts 2 together and gain a deeper appreciation for God’s love.

Explore how being REAL (Realistic, Edifying, Attentive, Loving) can transform our relationships and deepen our spiritual connections.

Do You Know Who Jesus Is?
Recognizing Jesus as God is the first step toward faith. Without the knowledge of who He truly is, we can’t go further.

He’s Still Workin’ On Me
The cure for hypocrisy is telling the truth.

We’re All In This Together
Even when we face storms or apparent defeat, God is working!

Caring for Our Shepherds
Let’s take some time to pray this morning and ask the Lord how we can better serve Him through our giving and support of our pastors and staff.

Let’s stop with the excuses and respond the way Jesus did to the Father, “Not my will but thine”.

The Mission > The Tradition
The Pharisees, or religious leaders, felt threatened by Jesus and this new way. They were used to traditions and the law, but Jesus brought something new. And they didn’t like it at all. They had forgotten their mission.

The Rise and Fall of Many
When we come into contact with Jesus, it’s not about what we’ve done in the past. It’s about what we do with the knowledge of our past.

Unity Despite Differences
God calls us to unity, but what exactly is unity?

Faith-Filled Risk
What faith-filled risk are we willing to take? God is ready to do some incredible things for the people around us, but we have to step out, willing to take that risk.

Get Connected
We have the privilege of being a part of the local church, serving with one another, learning and studying together. And just as these disciples were sent out, we too have been given such a commission to go and reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Not alone, but with other believers.

Keep Planting the Seeds
Don’t let the enemy distract you from your purpose. Keep teaching. Keep leading. Keep discipling. Keep preaching. Keep encouraging.

All Hail!
What if you met Jesus today? Would He welcome you with open arms because He knew you while you were here on this earth? Would He greet you joyfully because you were dear friends?

When Will the End Come?
And then, the end shall come. Satan will be destroyed, death will be no more, and a new heaven will be our final home.

He Clears the Temple
God created the church as a place to worship and serve Him. It’s a place to learn, become a family, and minister to those in need.

The Last will be First
Today, let us be looking for ways to put others first. How can we serve one another? How can I be more like Jesus?

We are Better Together
The Lord knows we are better together. United, we will stand; divided, we will fall.

Leading Into the Future But Glorifying God In the Process
We have entered into some of the most difficult times culturally, yet we have more opportunities to serve and love others if only we would cast out fear.

My Journey to Writing a Christian Novel – Pt. 3
The best way for our churches – and subsequently God’s kingdom – to grow is by word of mouth. So open your mouth and invite someone.

Diet Jesus
Personal preferences, manmade guidelines, and secular rationalizations are a cheap substitute for real satisfaction: The giver of life, Jesus Christ.

7 Reasons You Can and Should Be a Small Group Leader and Host
You don’t need to know Greek and Hebrew or remember Scripture references without mistakes to lead a small group.

Spiritual Spanx
Applying biblical truth comes more easily if you’re intentional about representing Jesus and being his ambassador.

Five Things Small Group Attendees Need to Know
Small groups are part of discipleship and valuable to churches, so consider the following if you’re part of one.

The Early Church: A Blueprint for Unity
Unfortunately, the world has shouted down Christians and Jesus, who came to earth to radically change it and start a movement of love and grace.

With a significant downward spiral going on in church attendance, maybe we should go back to the basics and hear from a passionate church planter.

The Letters of Paul: What Was His Purpose?
Not only were Paul’s letters intended to be shared but also to explain the mission of God.

Increasing the Size of Your Map
Everything Jesus did as God was about intentionally seeking and saving the lost.

Your Spiritual Wake Up Call
If you’ve become spiritual drowsy, maybe it’s time to get serious about church.

The Churchless Christian
Many Christians no longer believe church attendance is necessary to have a full life in Christ.

Seeking Godly Counsel
God uses other believers to speak into your life, so don’t hesitate to ask for help in confirming His direction.

Is the Church Really Filled With Hypocrites?
If you have been burned, disappointed, or hurt by the church, you are not alone.

What Do You Love the Most?
We love and admire our worldly heroes, but what about our awe for the things of God?

The Power of Together
It’s tempting, sometimes, to just crawl into a hole and isolate ourselves from this chaotic world.

Lace Up Your Church’s Shoes
As we disciple new believers, let’s make sure to start with the basics.

Health and Wealth Gospel: Don’t Fall For It
A believer’s kingdom perspective focuses on eternal riches.

The Blood That Binds Us
As part of a faith community, do you create harmony of disunity?

Handling the Hurt
It shouldn’t happen and it hurts a lot more when it does . . . but God.

The Only Thing That Truly Satisfies
If you neglect it, you’re starving your body of necessary nourishment.

5 Challenges for Your Thanksgiving
Christians should be the first people to express true gratitude this season.

Blending Worship and Purpose
Knowing what God has created you to be and to do is a critical life question.

A Grace-Filled Church
Because of Jesus’ work on the cross, we want to make an eternal impact on our city.

Criticism then Evaluation
Is it time to consider asking the tough questions about the church you love?

Here’s What We Believe-Part Two
Foundational truths and practices of the Christian life are being watered down.