Blog Archives

A Teachable Moment
Jesus has the power to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and shame.

God is With Us
Not only did Jesus experience the hills and valleys, but He promises to be with us as we travel this earth. Whether we are on the mountain top of victory or feeling defeat in the valley, God is with us.

Hot Mics
Let’s learn and imitate the Master teacher. The only one qualified to throw a stone…didn’t.

Jesus has power over it all. He came to save us from the destruction of Satan and death, but what will we do when He offers us that salvation?

Search Me, O God
Sometimes even the easiest lessons can be the hardest to learn. Far too often, we are focused on the mistakes and sins of others that we don’t even recognize our own need of repentance.

A Beautiful Commonality
Because of Jesus, I can boldly and confidently, say I choose to follow Christ and serve Him all of my life, no matter what comes. Will you?

One Judge
There is one Judge, the Lord our God, and I want Him to see that my debt has been paid in full by the Lamb, Jesus Christ.

The Sin of Sloth
How do we differentiate between rest and sloth? Look at the fruit.

The Rise and Fall of Many
When we come into contact with Jesus, it’s not about what we’ve done in the past. It’s about what we do with the knowledge of our past.

Dwarfs or Disciples
Are your actions and attitude reflecting those of a disciple of Jesus Christ?

Not That One, God
It’s time to recognize that our God is bigger than our problems and has all authority in our lives! Give it to God and trust Him to do what needs to be done!

A Whole New World of Possibilities
He commanded those that believed to follow Him. Will you take that step and learn what that means and commit to being His follower?

I’m The Guilty One
Jesus has already paid the debt we owe. But unless we confess our sin to the Lord, we will still have to face the judgment.

Hold Your Tongue
As much as we want our side of the story to be told, the bottom line is, the truth will eventually come out. And God will use the situation to bring about something even greater. We simply have to trust Him.

We Have an Enemy
So what can we do to withstand the enemy? Watch and pray.

What Did It Cost?
The cost of my sin is not just about consequences here on earth. But instead about how it grieves my Heavenly Father.

Jesus knew I would betray Him. Like Gomer to Hosea, I have betrayed my first love and yet, Christ, knowing all these things, still chose to pay the debt I owed.

What Would You Do?
Can you cast away the pride and accept what Jesus offers you?

Stop Wearing Your Shame
Jesus Christ has dealt with our shame, and now we can live in freedom!

The Weeds of Sin
Christ has called His followers to be sanctified. This means to be set apart, to be holy. What sin remains in your life that needs to be removed?

The Greatest Comeback Story
Hand Him the pieces, the missteps, the blunders, and watch what God can do with your brokenness.

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late
God has given us all we need in order to be saved. I pray you recognize that today.

Cleansed from Within
Only salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God can cleanse us from within.

The Light of the World
As a follower of Christ, we can rest in the finished work of Jesus. He is the light of the world and in Him can be no darkness.

We Have the Opportunity
Today, Jesus offers us the same opportunity. He knows what’s on our minds and in our hearts. The door is wide open, we must only confess our sins and repent.

That One Thing
One thing happened. One thing was added to this man and he was changed completely.

He Can Heal You
Time and time again, He has proven His power and love for us. And we, too, can be healed if we put our trust in Him and ask.

He Did It For You
Now, you know exactly what Jesus did for you. It’s time to decide.

Don’t Take the Easy Way Out
We may be tempted to take the easy way out when we feel pain, hurt, uneasiness, discomfort or trouble. But because of what Jesus endured on the cross, we can trust in Him and His sacrifice and stand strong.

He Did What We Couldn’t
He’s here. He’s offering to take that burden of sin from you. Don’t hold onto it. Let it go. Let Jesus help you in your greatest need. Let Him do for you what you can’t.

Mistaken Identity
One day, there will be no choice. It will be too late. All will bow, but some will be in fear, realizing the King that is before them is the very one they have mocked, belittled and cursed their whole lives.

Scourged for Our Sins
Jesus did this for us. He took our punishment upon Himself so that we could be freed from our sin.

In the Cover of Darkness
In the cover of darkness is where sin reigns. But when the light shines, the darkness flees.

He Paid the Price
I’m grateful my father stepped in to pay that debt so that I could be freed from the sin and punishment.

Do we Recognize our Need for the Savior?
Until we recognize our need for a Savior, we will never understand who He truly is.

Stark Contrast
Will we deny His truth and decide to do what we think or feel is right? Or will we choose Jesus, His truth, His way, and His love?

The same love that He showed for His betrayer Judas, He shows to you and me.

Will You Heed the Warning?
They had heard their Captain speaking, they had been warned, and yet, they chose to do their own thing.

Make that commitment today. The commitment to follow what the Lord had originally intended for marriage, before our sin polluted it.

So what do we do? If we have been forgiven so great a debt, one that we cannot repay, time and time again, what should we do when someone wrongs us? Forgive.

Changed from the Inside Out
We can dress it up, make it look beautiful, appealing, delightful, and inviting, but if anyone were to see the inside of each of us, would they be shocked? The only thing that can change our heart is Jesus.

Confusing Patience With Approval
Sometimes the Lord does not intervene immediately when we sin. He is patiently waiting for us to confess our sin and turn away from it, choosing His way over our own. But just because He may seem or feel silent does not mean He approves of our sin.

The Other Side of the Story
Resolving conflict is not easy. However, if we hear out the other side of the story, many times, the truth is revealed and a fight can be avoided.

Christian Ghosting
Attempting to hide from God is as old as the garden, so try resolutions and honest communication instead of a slow fade.

Do We Do Well to be Angry?
When it comes to obeying God, we may outwardly obey him but our hearts are far from being glad about it.

The Root of the Problem
It’s not what’s at the surface that allows the new growth to thrive and succeed, but it’s at the root.