Blog Archives
How Far Would You Go?
Jesus was the Messiah, the healer, the One whom they had heard about their whole lives, and their faith in those things brought them to the mountain, believing in Him to save them. How far will you go to be saved?
God Keeps His Promises
I am undeserving of God’s love and promises. Yet, even while I was a sinner, Christ chose to fulfill His promise and died for my sins so that I could have a future in Heaven. He did that for me, and He did that for you!
Just a Taste of the Gospel Harvest
Satan attacks our attempts to spread gospel seeds, but with consistent care and intentionality, the harvest will give birth to new believers.
The Most Controversial Faith Question Ever
Even after Jesus’ teaching that all people were the same in God’s sight, some people disagreed about who exactly could be saved.
Cashing In On Our Unclaimed Blessings
With so many blessings freely given to those who surrender their lives to Jesus, you would think none of them would remain unclaimed.
Do We Really Care About People Going to Hell?
Jesus is the only one who can change the lives of the lost who, by the way, you likely won’t find within the walls of your church.
Be Ready and Prepared
The Lord will soon return. Are you ready? Have you been sanctified? The time is now.
So You Say You Want Your Freedom?
Doing what you want when you want sounds nice, but if you ask someone who has lived that life, you may hear about a life of self-destruction.
Scarlet Thread of Redemption
You are a part of this extravagant tapestry! Redemption is offered to all who will believe in Christ Jesus and accept His offer of salvation.
Does Your Past Still Define You?
You are not who you used to be. No matter what the world thinks or says, if you have put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are a new creation!
Called By Name
We will all be called by name. Those who are found in the lamb’s book of life will remain with the Lord in Heaven. And those who did not trust in the Lord will be cast into the lake of fire for eternal death.
The Blood of Jesus
Jesus was the innocent sacrifice for our sins. His blood poured out on the cross to offer us forgiveness. Without the blood, there is no life.
Come, Drink, and Find Grace
Once you have met the Savior of the world, and surrendered your life to Him, you’ll want everyone to know . . . so don’t keep it in!
Exactly What is the Gospel?
God reaches out in love to you and wants you to be His child, so listen to that still small voice guiding you to him.
Who I Am – Who I Am Not
If it feels like your very existence is meaningless, turn away from those desperate thoughts and choose life, joy, and peace from the only one who can give it: Jesus.
What We Really Deserve
Did you know you can believe God exists and still go to Hell? If you have never trusted that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that He came and died for you, covering your sin debt, if you’ve never done that, you’ll spend eternity in torment!
Renounce Your Wish. Gain Your Soul.
If the things of this world are holding you back from living out your fullest potential, let go of them and let God transform you.
Freedom From Our Sins
Jesus took every sin you and I have ever committed and suffered and died for it. He offers you freedom from that sin!
The Light We Needed
Are you searching? Are you looking for answers? Is the darkness overwhelming? Do you need light?
A Binding Contract You Don’t Want to Get Out of
When you reflect on the contract Jesus signed in blood long ago, remember you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Don’t Forget the Cross
The true celebration of Easter begins with a heart that is fully surrendered to God’s will.
What Super Bowl Commercials Reveal About Culture
The world says there’s a new way to abundant life, but God says only He makes all things new.
The Life-Changing GOSPEL
Let God use you, no matter what stage of life you’re in, to bring someone to the foot of the cross.
What Real Love Does
How often do you put your action where your mouth is when it comes to loving and serving others?
3 Ways to Lead People to Christ
We say we’re passionate about reaching people for Christ, but are we actively pursuing the lost?
Breaking Through the Covid Fog
Depression and anxiety are very real reactions in a time when the whole world is fearful of an unpredictable virus. So how do we cope?
Fighting Post-New Year Dreariness
Post-holiday let down is real and causes depression, but you can change that in someone’s life.
Losing Weight But Gaining Strength
If you’re not sure if God is in every area of your life, just try getting healthy without Him.
Fighting The Battle That’s Already Won
He didn’t send His Son because we deserved it, but because He wanted a relationship with us.
Forgetting Our Sin and Shame
When you’re haunted by the sins of your past, keep moving forward to Christ.
The Unlikely Christmas Verse
One of the most familiar verses in the Bible, let’s not water down the impact and importance of it.
Hope in Death
A Christian’s funeral can be a time for those left behind to point to Jesus.
Filling in the Holes at Christmas
Jesus offers hope and comfort when the memories are painful.
What Once Was Lost
If you feel lost and hopeless, discover the joy of being found by the Savior.
Foolishness, Sin, and Salvation
God wants to help with those sins that repeatedly ensnare you.
The Decision of a Lifetime
Steps lead to salvation, but the road to it is requires a simple decision.
4 Responses to Blindness
Show compassion and understanding for the spiritually blind.
Garments of White
No matter what you’ve done, he’s waiting with open arms.
A Life-Saving Transplant
This spiritual procedure is the only one guaranteed to save your life.
The Waterfall Up Ahead
Sometimes that “crazy old man” is warning you of the danger to come.
The Cure Has Been Found
A disease that has killed many, it will run rampant unless we stop it.
The Little Word That Can Change Your Life
It’s not what we deserve, but it’s what he freely gives us because of grace.
That First Gospel Message
The first sin and the first gospel message happened on the same day.
Rooted and Grounded
The Bible is where all of mankind can find truth, life, and salvation.
Here’s What We Believe-Part Two
Foundational truths and practices of the Christian life are being watered down.
What if?
You have the choice to believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior or to deny Him.
An Ancient Soap Opera of Grace
Before you point your finger at someone else, take a good look at your own choices.
The Best Hug Ever
By accepting Jesus as your Savior, you can be assured that God will welcome you with open arms.