Blog Archives

What Will You Do With That Man Made Tower?
If you’re chasing after the American dream without considering God’s will, you will be sadly disappointed in the results.

Stand on Firm Ground
God is calling you to step out in faith today and follow Him. Trust that He will allow you to stand on the firm ground of His truth and promises!

Let God Lead
When you come to a part in the road and you don’t know which way to go, how will you make that decision? We can make our own decisions and choose the way that seems right to us, but only the road that God leads us on is the path of righteousness.

What Can We Learn From the 10 Commandments-#1
Is there anyone in your life who demands your time and your loyalty instead of pointing you to God?

Rallying the Troops
Prepare yourself to move. Be ready for the battle ahead.

Move Forward
Are you ready for better days ahead? Do you want to leave the past behind for a better tomorrow? It starts today and it can only be possible with faith in Jesus Christ.

Carried on His Wings
There are times when we feel like that little eaglet, plummeting to the earth below, our death awaiting us. But the Lord, watching us intently, swoops in and provides for us, carrying us on His wings back to safety.

A Greater Reward is Waiting
God doesn’t need lip service from us. Promises of what we will do in the future, praises of His glory, and sacrifices to show we are religious are nothing to Him without our obedience.

Listen to Obey
How often do we do the same thing? Listen but don’t obey. We hear, but we don’t heed.

But Why?
We can do that which God has called us to do with what He has given us in His word.

Spiritual Stiffness is Painful
In your walk with the Lord, will you push through the sacrifice and pain that it sometimes takes to have abundant life?

The Slow Fade to a King’s Folly
Yes, he was rich. Yes, he was wise. But his fall was one of the most epic in the entire Bible.

What Does Kingdom Work Really Mean?
Every area of your life is essentially missionary work and gives you the chance to glorify the God of the universe.

Game Day
If we have our faith and trust in Christ, He has saved us from our sins. We are no longer the same person. We are a new creation! We are clothed in His righteousness! So why do we still look like the rest of the world?

Found in the Most Unlikely of Places
So here we are, in the midst of one of the craziest, most chaotic scenes we’ve ever experienced. And where is the Christian? We should be found in the most unlikely of places, just like Moses – on our knees, praying.

Choose to Honor Him
Every day, we are faced with tempting situations and moments that threaten to lure us away from God and to sin. We could stop listening to the Holy Spirit, just ignore Him leading us in the other direction. We could easily get distracted by the lust of the eyes and what is being offered or laid out before us. And we could do what we wanted to do… but will it glorify our Lord?

Above All Else
Are you willing to obey God no matter the cost? What is the cost if you don’t do what He has commanded?

Preventing Shrinkage
The Christian worldview has been completely rejected by many people, but God is still on his throne and we still have a command to share Truth.

The World is Watching
We should be the example for others! We should lead them to the Lord, not away. It should be God’s words on our lips.

Give God the Glory
If it were about works, I could boast, I could brag that I had something to do with my salvation. But it’s not. It’s only the work of Jesus Christ.

Are You Sold Out To God’s Mission?
Many Bible heroes did not understand at first that their own personal comfort meant disobedience to God.

Renounce Your Wish. Gain Your Soul.
If the things of this world are holding you back from living out your fullest potential, let go of them and let God transform you.

Listen and Obey
Are you watching and listening for His call? Maybe He’s calling you to move in a way that would glorify Him. Will you respond in obedience? Praying you will.

If, Then, I Will
In this day and age, we don’t want to believe there are consequences for our sins. We want to only believe that God is loving and forgiving. He is, but He is also righteous.

New Standards Don’t Honor God
Yes, God’s love is without condition, but His standard are higher than the world’s.

What’s Your Preference?
Because believers reflect Christ, we should choose generosity and compassion over what we prefer.

Are You Fully Surrendered?
Don’t be the person living independent of God and believing there’s no need of Him.

Risky Business
In our comfort, do we take risks that might change the course of someone’s life?

Reject the World and Respond to Jesus
It’s so easy to accept the precious gift of unconditional grace to gain the Savior of the world.

What Do You Love the Most?
We love and admire our worldly heroes, but what about our awe for the things of God?

A Moment of Perspective
Is your primary goal to share the good news of the gospel or to do comfortable, familiar things?

Why is Surrender So Hard?
It’s not “I Surrender Some” or “I Surrender Most” but “I Surrender All.”

New Year, New Race, New Word From God
Before running headlong into the new year, find some time to be with God and hear from Him.

What Do You Expect for 2022?
Is your God BIG or little? Powerful or weak? Wise or clueless?

Concern For a Lost World
Sundays-only Christianity is alive and well and prevents salvation of the lost.

Are you a Christian or a Disciple?
Our identity depends first on “whose” we are, then the “doing” comes naturally.

Religious Rules Ruin Lives
Legalists believe the lost need to change their clothes instead of their hearts.

Invite Jesus Into Your Holiday Season
With holiday busy-ness, it’s hard, but remember to stay at Jesus’ feet.

Rooted and Grounded
The Bible is where all of mankind can find truth, life, and salvation.

How to Run Well the Race of Life
In football, running the right direction
is crucial to victory over an opponent.

Obedience Noah Style
You can trust Him even when He leads you to do the impossible .

His Call Doesn’t Come With a Script
In a culture where “control” is a negative term, give it to God to find peace and joy.

Here’s What We Believe-Part Two
Foundational truths and practices of the Christian life are being watered down.

Are You a Pursuer or a Floater
Actively seeking a relationship with the God who save you is being light in a dark world.

Don’t Destroy That Alarm Clock
When the Holy Spirit is clearly sending you a message, don’t destroy the messenger.

3 Questions Christians Should Ask
Even though we’re made new through Christ, Satan tries to prevent us from living in victory.

Waiting Without Fear of Tomorrow
With God, the journey ahead is not to be feared, and it ends in victory.

Awaking From a Spiritual Nap
Sometimes, we’re just going through the motions of Christianity.

My Journey to Writing Christian Fiction-Part Two
God’s will is always the same: Bring him glory. So use your talents to do so.

Why and How God is Calling You
The world will never understand the radical concept of surrendering your life to Christ.