Blog Archives
It Starts Small and Grows
How has the Gospel changed you? What are you doing with it?
The Compassion of Jesus
Sometimes, the work of the Lord doesn’t fit into the neat little box we’ve created.
A Fruitful Life
The Father is patiently waiting for repentance. But there will come a day when that time will end and judgment will come.
Simply Trust and Obey
This is what salvation is all about. In return for this beautiful gift that we could never have earned, all we can offer to our Lord and Savior is a life fully surrendered to Him.
Allow God to fill your heart with the priceless memories to cherish for the ages with Him.
Is Jesus Worth It?
The treasure that awaits is worth far more than the pains of this earth.
Don’t Settle for Mediocre
How can we use what we have to bring glory to the Father?
Lessons from the Lake
Deep down we’ve all imagined the water-walking experience. But, sadly, we tend to merely dangle our toes in the shallows.
What Would You Do?
There will always be an enemy who seeks to destroy your testimony and work for the Lord. Don’t lose focus. Keep working for Him and respond accordingly.
What’s in Your Closet?
Let Him open the door to the darkest parts of your heart that you hide from the rest of the world. Let Him cleanse you from within.
Spiritual Amnesia
The cure for spiritual amnesia is daily doses of turning to Jesus.
Do You See?
Let’s put our focus on Christ and let His light shine within us and around us, guiding us throughout our day.
Don’t Be Blind to the Truth
The Pharisees were too stuck on the law and themselves to truly see Jesus. Will you?
Keep Seeking and Knocking
Keep going to the Lord. Keep asking, seeking and knocking. You’ll find more than you ever imagined.
Is He Lord of Your Life?
We can honor God with our lips declaring Him as Holy, Creator, and Savior, but we honor Him more as we surrender and call Him Lord.
Addressing Our Prayers
Today, let’s focus on this one opening line in our prayer and listen as the Holy Spirit brings to our minds all the names of God.
Are We Out of Shape?
Are we out of shape when it comes to prayer? Are we exercising this beautiful form of communication with our Father as we should?
Hot Water Can Cause Shrinkage
To reflect Jesus’ image and to testify of His attributes is to choose to be vulnerable, devoted, and authentic.
Don’t Miss Out on Jesus
Jesus wants you, not all this stuff you can do, but you. Don’t be so busy doing His work that you miss out on the best thing, Him.
Pride is Destructive
Pride sneaks up on you when you least expect it.
Don’t Reject Jesus
We have the opportunity to cry out to our God and confess our sins, seeking His help to repent of those sins and follow Him.
It Took Me Back
In Christ, you and I have access to the Living God. What a truth!
Raise Your Right Hand
Truly our spiritual exoneration only comes from our guilt/sin being covered with his Son’s innocence “doing the time” for us.
Remember the Mission
May we take the time to refocus our thoughts, plans and actions back to Jesus and His mission.
The Same Goal
If we have the same goal, the same motives, and the same message, we should encourage and rejoice that others want to follow and do the same.
Ask and Ye Shall Receive
It’s time to make a change. It’s time to dig in and gain understanding.
Do You Hear Him?
Open your Bible. This is where you will find Jesus speaking to you today. Hear His voice.
No Regrets
Be filled today and then pour out all that Jesus has done for you, in you and through you.
Deny Yourself
Are you willing to follow Christ at all cost? Deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Him daily.
We Were Born For This
We were born to glorify God, to share Him with others and teach them to do the same.
Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
It doesn’t matter what your friends say, your family’s belief system or what the world says. It only matters what you say about Jesus.
The Truth is Here
The truth is there. But it’s our choice what we will do with it.
What Are We Waiting For?
If we want to see this world love the Lord and follow Him, we have to be the ones to teach them.
A Teachable Moment
Jesus has the power to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and shame.
God is With Us
Not only did Jesus experience the hills and valleys, but He promises to be with us as we travel this earth. Whether we are on the mountain top of victory or feeling defeat in the valley, God is with us.
Jesus has power over it all. He came to save us from the destruction of Satan and death, but what will we do when He offers us that salvation?
Where is Our Faith?
We too can go to Jesus and beg for His help just as the disciples did, but we must have faith that He is in control.
The Light Giver
Jesus is the man that strikes the match. We are the candle. He lights the candle.
For the Christian, it is vitally important to recognize our shape and allow The Potter to create a masterpiece that only He can visualize in our round lump of clay.
Cast My Ballot
His love is for all people. His gift of salvation is for every man, woman and child, no matter their age, background, color, sex, or past. Jesus truly knew no borders. He crossed them all for us so that we could be saved.
Right With God
I want to be right with God. That’s the only perfect way, and it’s through Jesus Christ.
The Light of the World
Jesus was so much more than the people could imagine. He had come to the earth to bring them out of the darkness and into His marvelous light!
Is it Worth it?
So, what’s your response today? What path have you chosen and would you say it’s worth it?
The Whosoevers
Like these 12 men did, drop everything and follow Him. And He can use you to turn this world upside down.
The Creator of the Sabbath
God is the creator of all things, which gives Him all authority.
Our goal should never be for others to simply follow us, but to follow us in pursuing Jesus!