Blog Archives
Will We Still?
Even in my life today, I struggle in this. Am I really willing and able to say I want God more than what He offers me?
Weed Whackin’
Don’t get lost in the tall weeds of the earthly journey. Bloom in The Gardener’s care.
More Than Just Breadcrumbs
What tremendous news that is for you and me! Salvation is offered to all who will believe! To all of those that have faith in Jesus Christ, and who would be satisfied with just the crumbs.
Cleansed from Within
Only salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God can cleanse us from within.
How Are You Preparing?
How are you preparing for the coming of the Savior?
Bring It On!
Submit to God and trust Him with every detail of your life.
Redeeming Sports
How can Christian parents make the most of every opportunity, including sports?
Secret, Quiet Place
Where is your place? Have you taken time to go there today? There is nothing more important than meeting with the Lord.
Faith-Filled Risk
What faith-filled risk are we willing to take? God is ready to do some incredible things for the people around us, but we have to step out, willing to take that risk.
As the scripture captures, a true encounter with Christ quickly transforms our earthly purpose.
There is Hope with the Shepherd
Jesus offers us unconditional love, protection and provision. He offers to be our shepherd – if we are but willing.
Get Connected
We have the privilege of being a part of the local church, serving with one another, learning and studying together. And just as these disciples were sent out, we too have been given such a commission to go and reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Not alone, but with other believers.
The Very Word of God
Do you want to hear God’s voice? Do you want to draw near to the Lord, the very one that saved you? Open your bible.
The Proving Ground
We can trust God because He has been, and always will be, faithful.
You Are Our Provider
Do we have that faith? That trust that God will supply all of our needs?
Called, Equipped, Sent
No matter where you are in your journey with Christ, there is always “the next step”. Are you ready? You’ve been given the power of the Holy Spirit, you need only obey.
Where Do You Seek Joy?
Yes, joy is a gift that transcends tragedies, illnesses, and excuses. Joy is God’s goodness and presence alive and at work in His children.
Not What They Expected
Do you truly know Jesus? Do we understand what it means to be called His?
Just a Touch
Do you need a touch from the Master’s hand today? Our need for healing is deep, and only God offers the hand that can truly heal.
Finding Jesus: Finding Faith that Overcomes Doubt
When we choose to walk by faith, we begin to experience God.
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Where can you serve Jesus the most? Pray and see if He’s leading you to go or stay.
The Position of a Learner
As believers, we want to remain humble and teachable.
There’s Rest in the Storm
Our Heavenly Father is still in control. We can rest in Him.
Say Yes
I may not be able to change the heart of this world, but I can say yes to God’s call on my life to obey Him.
The One who created you may need to remind you of your purposes on life’s journey.
It will Happen in it’s Own Time
It takes nurturing with the bread of life and the living water and time spent with the Son for the person to finally bloom and grow and then be ready for harvest.
Don’t Be Left in the Dark
His word does not have to be confusing or hidden in the dark. His truth is ready to be revealed to you… are you ready?
Finding Jesus: Finding Forgiveness with Jesus
If Jesus can forgive the most hurtful of betrayals, we can too with prayer and a willing heart.
Keep Planting the Seeds
Don’t let the enemy distract you from your purpose. Keep teaching. Keep leading. Keep discipling. Keep preaching. Keep encouraging.
How To Be Perfect
As a believer, you wear the perfection of Christ.
The Attributes of God (Part 8) – Truth
Truth is found in God alone.
The Light of the World
As a follower of Christ, we can rest in the finished work of Jesus. He is the light of the world and in Him can be no darkness.
Will you Answer the Call?
Only Jesus can save you. But will you answer that call?
No Rejection Guaranteed
Spend time with the one that sought you (no rejection, guaranteed), that loves you like crazy, and validates that you are worth pursuing every day.
How Are You Using Your Influence?
How are you using your influence in this world? Is it to draw others to you, or to Him?
We Have the Opportunity
Today, Jesus offers us the same opportunity. He knows what’s on our minds and in our hearts. The door is wide open, we must only confess our sins and repent.
Finding Jesus: When We Wander
The more we know God, our Good Shepherd, the more we can hear His voice. The more we hear our Shepherd’s voice, the closer we stay to Him.
How Will You Observe the Sabbath?
How will you use the sabbath to glorify God above all things, even yourself?
Nothing Except…
The size or amount of our resources matters little when placed into God’s hands.
Don’t Miss the Point
Today, may you draw near to the Lord and be filled with His joy and love that only He can give.
Tending to the Emergencies
Jesus was tending to the emergencies. He is the great physician and He came to heal those that were in need, those that were broken.
Maybe we find in life what we want to find, what we seek, and what consumes our time and money. What we choose to “be-come” is a path of decisions made daily that projects our journey.
That One Thing
One thing happened. One thing was added to this man and he was changed completely.
He Can Heal You
Time and time again, He has proven His power and love for us. And we, too, can be healed if we put our trust in Him and ask.
Finding Jesus: When Bad Things Happen
The blind man in our story had to do something to accept the healing: go and wash in the pool of Siloam. He trusted Jesus and obeyed Him…and this led to his healing.
Start Your Day with Jesus
Have we taken time out to spend with the Lord? Not just for us to tell Him what we need, but for Him to speak to us.
The First Step
If God is calling you to take a step of obedience, know that He is with you the entire time!