
Aug 10, 2023 06:00am

“For I am confident in this very things, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 1:6 (NAS)

What kind of “shape” are you choosing to be?

“Shaping” is a buzz word these days. It’s behind lots of products aimed at aiding us with shortcut shaping success stories! For the Christian, it is vitally important to recognize our shape and allow The Potter to create a masterpiece that only He can visualize in our round lump of clay.

Flexibility is essential in molding us into vessels for His glory and use. God’s Word in us initiates the shaping process. The divine wheel is often a slow, steady, and progressive process at times. We have to fight the microwave-mindset of immediate results as featured on so many infomercials!

Once we submit, expect some rough edges to need attention, and some stretching to occur. After all, the Holy Spirit is tailoring each piece to our unique abilities and talents. He is not in the mass assembly line business, but instead the delicacy of each snowflake’s uniqueness. Perhaps God begins with the end in mind. We seldom operate from a mindset of backward design. We are too often trying to fit any personal growth into our preplanned schedules sprinkled with excuses and then asking God to bless it…ouch!

Where will God begin or continue with your shaping? Examine your heart. Are you yielded daily to His creative crafting in your life or choosing to be spiritual neutral? Are you choosing to rest on His wheel (Biblical principles) and allow His touch to make you a creation worthy of His signature? Do you resemble His workmanship? It’s easy to spot a fake…often suspect by the price, quality, payment method, seller, or packaging.

Allow His transformation to create a priceless collectable that resembles The Artist’s genius at work.

Beyond any limited museum walls, radiate His authorship of eternal beauty and design…priceless in shape and value!

Copyright © 2022 by Kerry Stitch All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from