Blog Archives
Will You Be Sleeping?
Jesus is coming soon. Will He find you sleeping?
What Did It Cost?
The cost of my sin is not just about consequences here on earth. But instead about how it grieves my Heavenly Father.
The Bible Recap: Days 43-49
God is so good to us sinners! He doesn’t give up on us—He gives us second and third and fourth chances to get it right.
It’s Totally Unfair
Life can be unfair, but Jesus will make all things right.
The Whole Armor of God
Put on the whole armor of God. We need it today.
Jesus knew I would betray Him. Like Gomer to Hosea, I have betrayed my first love and yet, Christ, knowing all these things, still chose to pay the debt I owed.
I don’t think we need more of us in the coming days. I think we need more of Him…His wisdom, His direction, His love…
We, too, come to a crossroads. Will we follow Christ knowing the costs? Or will we deny Him?
My Priest Ever Pleads for Me
We have One who took our guilt and declares we are righteouse!
Jesus is Coming Soon
Jesus is coming soon, my friends. Let us be found as a good and faithful servant that has loved others, shared the gospel at all cost, and served Him with gladness!
Invest in Eternal Blooms
I want to invest into something that lasts, don’t you? Plant seeds of salvation for eternal blooms.
The Bible Recap: Days 36-42
When was the last time we asked God to see His glory? This moment with Moses reminds me that maybe my prayers are too small.
Best Friend or Worst Enemy
Like a mirror, God’s word shows us who and whose we are!
What a Sacrifice
What are we willing to give in return? Have we looked at what we are giving to the Lord?
Who Am I?
We don’t need religion. We don’t need tradition. We need a heart to heart relationship with God.
Victory or Defeat?
You may be feeling like a ball in your hands translates to a turnover in the making, but a life in God’s hands is the perfect starting lineup.
Are You All In?
Unless we take that step and trust Jesus as our Savior and Lord, we will never be part of His kingdom.
Let it Go, Forget About it, and Try Smiling
We are in error if we believe we are anything at all without Jesus. He alone offers hope, salvation and life.
How Great is His Love for Us
I will never understand the goodness and grace of God completely. How could He love someone like me?
The Bible Recap: Days 29-35
Like Moses’ journey, God doesn’t promise us it will be easy. But, I have found the best things in life are often the things we work hardest at.
The Sheep of His Pasture
God is the Good Shepherd, and we must willingly follow His leading.
What Would You Do?
Can you cast away the pride and accept what Jesus offers you?
The Truth Offends
The truth may hurt, it may offend, but it is the truth. May we speak it in love and grace to those that are broken and in desperate need.
Cultivating Humility
Cultivating humility in our daily walk should be a priority.
Un-forgiveness Hinders
If He could forgive me for the things I have done, how can I not forgive someone else?
Grave Clothes
The one who waters will himself be watered. Welcome to week 2 of “Words of Life: A Lifeword Poetry Series.”
Let God Cleanse and Restore You
Let God cleanse you and restore you to your created purpose!
Salvation Matters
Jesus came to bear all the sins of all the people who ever lived on earth. He did this for you, for me, for all of us so that we could receive a relationship with God and experience His forgiveness and His transforming love.
Hosanna, He is Worthy!
What are we willing to give up to follow the Lord?
The Bible Recap: Days 22-28
I love how God worked in this messy story and brought blessing from brokenness, good from sin, faithfulness to the unfaithful. God is so good to us in our brokenness!
Holy Week: Sunday Matters
Jesus took the punishment so that we could have a deep and meaningful relationship with God and experience Him in supernatural, life-changing ways.
How to Raise Average Kids
God has gifted each of our kids for His Kingdom.
Does God Hear Us When We Pray?
Does God hear our prayers? And if so, will He always respond?
Holy Week: Love Matters
The more we know, the more we can grow in our relationship with the Lord.
Bunnies, Baskets, or the Beloved?
Will you intentionally revisit The Cross of Easter this year? Will it be the focus and priority of your celebration?
Holy Week: Prayer Matters
Prayer is powerful, especially when we have a willing heart that trusts that God is working good from every detail in our lives.
Never Forsaken
We’re excited to announce, Words of Life: A Lifeword Poetry Series. Each Wednesday in April we will be sharing poetry from some of our gifted writers. We hope you’ll join us for this series!
Holy Week: Forgiveness Matters
The really cool thing about redemption is this: it isn’t just a one-time deal! Jesus can redeem us every day – anytime, anyplace.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: 3 Men Who Feared God
Would you be able to take a stand on your faith even if you were the only one? Even if it was hard? Even if it hurt?
Holy Week: Washing Feet Matters
Jesus took as much time and gentleness with Judas as He did with the other disciples who were loyal to Him. What a beautiful picture of Jesus’ love for us, even amid our grievous sin.
The Bible Recap: Days 15-21
Friends, whatever pain you have, trust God through it. He will show up at just the right time. He can redeem your pain, and bring wholeness out of brokenness.
Stop Wearing Your Shame
Jesus Christ has dealt with our shame, and now we can live in freedom!
More Faithful Than The Flowers in Spring
Enjoy your spring flowers, and when you see them, let them remind you of the love and faithfulness of One who created them for you to enjoy!
Draw Close to the Mountain
It’s time that we draw closer to that mountain. We, too, must go to it and fall on our knees in prayer to our Heavenly Father. The time is near for the return of Christ.
Are You Ready to Wash Feet?
Can we serve the least of these with love and humility? Can we humble ourselves in the way Jesus did?
Make certain that you always prepare a place of honor for Jesus in your Easter celebration.
Put Aside Your Fears and Worries
Put aside your fears and worries that have come from life. Trust Jesus. Run to the Father, His arms are open wide and He’s ready to save you!