Blog Archives
Divine Destinations
God wants to be more than your roadside assistance. He wants to be your navigation system, your heart and engine, directing your path and speed for His glory.
The Bible Recap: Days 57-63
No matter how much you have messed up, doubted God, or disobeyed God, He is there—still guiding, still teaching. There is grace and mercy there!
Make Time for Jesus
But how can we remember the words if we don’t read them? How can they deter us from sin if we don’t know them?
Jesus is Coming Soon
Jesus is coming soon, my friends. Let us be found as a good and faithful servant that has loved others, shared the gospel at all cost, and served Him with gladness!
The Sheep of His Pasture
God is the Good Shepherd, and we must willingly follow His leading.
Called, Equipped, Sent
No matter where you are in your journey with Christ, there is always “the next step”. Are you ready? You’ve been given the power of the Holy Spirit, you need only obey.
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Where can you serve Jesus the most? Pray and see if He’s leading you to go or stay.
How Are You Using Your Influence?
How are you using your influence in this world? Is it to draw others to you, or to Him?
How Will You Observe the Sabbath?
How will you use the sabbath to glorify God above all things, even yourself?
Nothing Except…
The size or amount of our resources matters little when placed into God’s hands.
The First Step
If God is calling you to take a step of obedience, know that He is with you the entire time!
Finding Jesus: Finding God’s Faithfulness in the Unexpected
Though we may have a plan for our lives, God does, too. God uses the unexpected to direct us onto His path for our lives.
Finding Jesus: Finding Trust When Life Doesn’t Make Sense
Mary lived out her trust and changed history. May we be followers of Christ who do the same.
When the Going gets Tough
Will you join me in serving our Lord in the local church? We need to come back together to gain knowledge and wisdom, find encouragement and support, and to worship our King we say we love!
The Flesh is Weak
Jesus’ statement rings true: the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
Let Your Heart Sing to the Lord
Let your heart sing to the Lord this morning in worship and praise! Let His joy flow through you!
What Are Your Motives?
What are your motives? Why have you chosen to follow Jesus, and are you still choosing that path every day?
No Time to Wait and See
But there is no time to wait. It will be too late. Those that delay and deny His offer of salvation will have torment and punishment for eternity.
It’s Our Responsibility
When we stand before our Lord and give an account for what we have done with what we have been given, what will we say?
Do You Know Jesus?
Let’s get to the heart of the matter. How many people have you shared with about what God has done for you?
More to Come
There is a beautiful land waiting for those that believe in Jesus Christ and follow Him, trusting in His work of salvation. It’s hard to imagine now, but there is great joy ahead.
Will You Heed the Warning?
They had heard their Captain speaking, they had been warned, and yet, they chose to do their own thing.
Not Just for Show
Are you willing to allow Christ to use you for His will, to further His kingdom?
Where’s the Fruit?
Today might be a good day to stop and examine our lives. We may claim to know Christ, but is there fruit in our lives, evidence of His redemptive work?
He Clears the Temple
God created the church as a place to worship and serve Him. It’s a place to learn, become a family, and minister to those in need.
Make that commitment today. The commitment to follow what the Lord had originally intended for marriage, before our sin polluted it.
So what do we do? If we have been forgiven so great a debt, one that we cannot repay, time and time again, what should we do when someone wrongs us? Forgive.
Be of One Accord
As brothers and sisters in Christ, we must lay aside our flesh and follow the Lord’s lead.
Stumbling Blocks
What needs to be removed in your life to keep your eyes fixed on Christ? What tempts you? What leads you to sin?
Journeying with Jonah: Part 2
God desires our obedience. He wants a heart that loves him so much, it is willing to trust and obey Him…even when it’s hard.
Let Him Finish Our Story
My impatient and anxious heart can get the best of me, how about you? Lord, we know You have great things in store for us. Help us to learn to trust You, Lord!
Journeying with Jonah: Part 1
God is such a gentleman, He will let us run, but sooner or later, we will come face-to-face with the consequences of our actions.
The Whole Picture
Are you seeing the whole picture? Get the full context by searching the scriptures!
He Who Has Ears, Let Him Hear
We have the very Word of God before us and the Living Word within us.
Age Does Not Define Us
As long as we have breath, we will praise the Lord! No matter our age or ability, we are here for a purpose! Let us continue to serve Him with our whole hearts!
Wake, O Sleeper!
As a fierce storm rages around us, will we not wake from our sleep and join the battle over the life-changing truth of the gospel?
Lord Over the Big and the Small
God is Lord over the big and small. If we trust in Him to do great things in our life, why do we think He isn’t concerned about even simple matters?
Do We Do Well to be Angry?
When it comes to obeying God, we may outwardly obey him but our hearts are far from being glad about it.
What Will You Do With That Man Made Tower?
If you’re chasing after the American dream without considering God’s will, you will be sadly disappointed in the results.
Stand on Firm Ground
God is calling you to step out in faith today and follow Him. Trust that He will allow you to stand on the firm ground of His truth and promises!
Let God Lead
When you come to a part in the road and you don’t know which way to go, how will you make that decision? We can make our own decisions and choose the way that seems right to us, but only the road that God leads us on is the path of righteousness.
What Can We Learn From the 10 Commandments-#1
Is there anyone in your life who demands your time and your loyalty instead of pointing you to God?
Rallying the Troops
Prepare yourself to move. Be ready for the battle ahead.
Move Forward
Are you ready for better days ahead? Do you want to leave the past behind for a better tomorrow? It starts today and it can only be possible with faith in Jesus Christ.
Carried on His Wings
There are times when we feel like that little eaglet, plummeting to the earth below, our death awaiting us. But the Lord, watching us intently, swoops in and provides for us, carrying us on His wings back to safety.
A Greater Reward is Waiting
God doesn’t need lip service from us. Promises of what we will do in the future, praises of His glory, and sacrifices to show we are religious are nothing to Him without our obedience.