Blog Archives
The Master’s Voice
What can our fur babies teach us about our Christian journey?
Under the S-O-N
As believers, let’s not get caught up in the things of this world, but in the things of the one to come.
No Place Like Home
Do we live as though this world is our home or do we live with a longing to be with our God in eternity?
Unity Despite Differences
God calls us to unity, but what exactly is unity?
Divine Appointments
Examine your plans for the coming week, pray over them, hold them loosely, and invite the One who most deserves your attention, devotion, and energy to interrupt your plans for His.
Creatures of Habit
We must get into the “habit” of doing the simple things God asks of us instead of looking for the big things.
The Joy of Canceling Debt
We can forgive others because we have been forgiven.
The Bible Recap: Days 43-49
God is so good to us sinners! He doesn’t give up on us—He gives us second and third and fourth chances to get it right.
We, too, come to a crossroads. Will we follow Christ knowing the costs? Or will we deny Him?
Invest in Eternal Blooms
I want to invest into something that lasts, don’t you? Plant seeds of salvation for eternal blooms.
The Bible Recap: Days 36-42
When was the last time we asked God to see His glory? This moment with Moses reminds me that maybe my prayers are too small.
Victory or Defeat?
You may be feeling like a ball in your hands translates to a turnover in the making, but a life in God’s hands is the perfect starting lineup.
The Bible Recap: Days 29-35
Like Moses’ journey, God doesn’t promise us it will be easy. But, I have found the best things in life are often the things we work hardest at.
The Truth Offends
The truth may hurt, it may offend, but it is the truth. May we speak it in love and grace to those that are broken and in desperate need.
Un-forgiveness Hinders
If He could forgive me for the things I have done, how can I not forgive someone else?
Let God Cleanse and Restore You
Let God cleanse you and restore you to your created purpose!
Hosanna, He is Worthy!
What are we willing to give up to follow the Lord?
The Bible Recap: Days 22-28
I love how God worked in this messy story and brought blessing from brokenness, good from sin, faithfulness to the unfaithful. God is so good to us in our brokenness!
How to Raise Average Kids
God has gifted each of our kids for His Kingdom.
Holy Week: Forgiveness Matters
The really cool thing about redemption is this: it isn’t just a one-time deal! Jesus can redeem us every day – anytime, anyplace.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: 3 Men Who Feared God
Would you be able to take a stand on your faith even if you were the only one? Even if it was hard? Even if it hurt?
Draw Close to the Mountain
It’s time that we draw closer to that mountain. We, too, must go to it and fall on our knees in prayer to our Heavenly Father. The time is near for the return of Christ.
Make certain that you always prepare a place of honor for Jesus in your Easter celebration.
Awestruck and Speechless
But who is God if not higher than us? Surely, we cannot know the mind of God and understand everything there is to know!
The Bible Recap: Days 8-14
When things seem like they are falling apart, don’t mistrust God’s heart.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask
Ask questions and search out the answers. Let the Holy Spirit guide you as you discover more and more.
Hear His Voice
Even today, sometimes, it is better to watch and listen for God’s voice.
The Bible Recap: Days 1-7
Life can be messy and hard, and it can be a struggle to see God in it all. But, stories like this remind us that God is a God of mercy and grace.
Straight to the Source
What if Jesus asked you that question today, “Whom do you say that I am?” What would you say? Would you repeat what others have told you? Would you bank on their knowledge? Or would you be able to give a first-hand account to your own experience with Jesus?
Prepare for Each Step
Whether it is relationships, our faith in Christ, discipleship, Jesus instructs us that it comes in steps. We can’t jump straight to the end. There’s work to be done to get there.
We Can Trust the Provider
Can we lay aside our need to provide for ourselves and trust that He will give us all that we need?
Think On These Things
Whatever we gaze upon will affect our hearts and lives.
Weed Whackin’
Don’t get lost in the tall weeds of the earthly journey. Bloom in The Gardener’s care.
Redeeming Sports
How can Christian parents make the most of every opportunity, including sports?
The Very Word of God
Do you want to hear God’s voice? Do you want to draw near to the Lord, the very one that saved you? Open your bible.
You Are Our Provider
Do we have that faith? That trust that God will supply all of our needs?
Where Do You Seek Joy?
Yes, joy is a gift that transcends tragedies, illnesses, and excuses. Joy is God’s goodness and presence alive and at work in His children.
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Where can you serve Jesus the most? Pray and see if He’s leading you to go or stay.
It will Happen in it’s Own Time
It takes nurturing with the bread of life and the living water and time spent with the Son for the person to finally bloom and grow and then be ready for harvest.
Keep Planting the Seeds
Don’t let the enemy distract you from your purpose. Keep teaching. Keep leading. Keep discipling. Keep preaching. Keep encouraging.
Will you Answer the Call?
Only Jesus can save you. But will you answer that call?
How Are You Using Your Influence?
How are you using your influence in this world? Is it to draw others to you, or to Him?
Maybe we find in life what we want to find, what we seek, and what consumes our time and money. What we choose to “be-come” is a path of decisions made daily that projects our journey.
Start Your Day with Jesus
Have we taken time out to spend with the Lord? Not just for us to tell Him what we need, but for Him to speak to us.
The First Step
If God is calling you to take a step of obedience, know that He is with you the entire time!
Your Action Story
If someone were to write a book about you, claiming that you were a Christian, would they have enough proof?
Finding Jesus: Finding a Miracle through Compassion
Compassion is always worth the risk.
The Flesh is Weak
Jesus’ statement rings true: the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
Under Construction
Be reminded (and encouraged) that Jesus will be glorified in your “becoming” and your resemblance of Him will be your highest calling.