Blog Archives
The Whole Armor of God
Put on the whole armor of God. We need it today.
We, too, come to a crossroads. Will we follow Christ knowing the costs? Or will we deny Him?
Jesus is Coming Soon
Jesus is coming soon, my friends. Let us be found as a good and faithful servant that has loved others, shared the gospel at all cost, and served Him with gladness!
Invest in Eternal Blooms
I want to invest into something that lasts, don’t you? Plant seeds of salvation for eternal blooms.
Who Am I?
We don’t need religion. We don’t need tradition. We need a heart to heart relationship with God.
Let it Go, Forget About it, and Try Smiling
We are in error if we believe we are anything at all without Jesus. He alone offers hope, salvation and life.
The Sheep of His Pasture
God is the Good Shepherd, and we must willingly follow His leading.
Un-forgiveness Hinders
If He could forgive me for the things I have done, how can I not forgive someone else?
Grave Clothes
The one who waters will himself be watered. Welcome to week 2 of “Words of Life: A Lifeword Poetry Series.”
Let God Cleanse and Restore You
Let God cleanse you and restore you to your created purpose!
Holy Week: Prayer Matters
Prayer is powerful, especially when we have a willing heart that trusts that God is working good from every detail in our lives.
Never Forsaken
We’re excited to announce, Words of Life: A Lifeword Poetry Series. Each Wednesday in April we will be sharing poetry from some of our gifted writers. We hope you’ll join us for this series!
Holy Week: Washing Feet Matters
Jesus took as much time and gentleness with Judas as He did with the other disciples who were loyal to Him. What a beautiful picture of Jesus’ love for us, even amid our grievous sin.
Are You Ready to Wash Feet?
Can we serve the least of these with love and humility? Can we humble ourselves in the way Jesus did?
Awestruck and Speechless
But who is God if not higher than us? Surely, we cannot know the mind of God and understand everything there is to know!
Hear His Voice
Even today, sometimes, it is better to watch and listen for God’s voice.
He is Worthy of Our Suffering
Turn your eyes upon Jesus. You’ll find He is worthy of honor, praise, glory, suffering, and even death.
Straight to the Source
What if Jesus asked you that question today, “Whom do you say that I am?” What would you say? Would you repeat what others have told you? Would you bank on their knowledge? Or would you be able to give a first-hand account to your own experience with Jesus?
Prepare for Each Step
Whether it is relationships, our faith in Christ, discipleship, Jesus instructs us that it comes in steps. We can’t jump straight to the end. There’s work to be done to get there.
We Can Trust the Provider
Can we lay aside our need to provide for ourselves and trust that He will give us all that we need?
He Will Not Fail
Jesus has not failed us and never will. God will make a way, as He has always done before.
Weed Whackin’
Don’t get lost in the tall weeds of the earthly journey. Bloom in The Gardener’s care.
More Than Just Breadcrumbs
What tremendous news that is for you and me! Salvation is offered to all who will believe! To all of those that have faith in Jesus Christ, and who would be satisfied with just the crumbs.
Cleansed from Within
Only salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God can cleanse us from within.
Secret, Quiet Place
Where is your place? Have you taken time to go there today? There is nothing more important than meeting with the Lord.
Faith-Filled Risk
What faith-filled risk are we willing to take? God is ready to do some incredible things for the people around us, but we have to step out, willing to take that risk.
Where Do You Seek Joy?
Yes, joy is a gift that transcends tragedies, illnesses, and excuses. Joy is God’s goodness and presence alive and at work in His children.
There’s Rest in the Storm
Our Heavenly Father is still in control. We can rest in Him.
Don’t Miss the Point
Today, may you draw near to the Lord and be filled with His joy and love that only He can give.
Maybe we find in life what we want to find, what we seek, and what consumes our time and money. What we choose to “be-come” is a path of decisions made daily that projects our journey.
That One Thing
One thing happened. One thing was added to this man and he was changed completely.
Sustainable Change
If we desire change, God must be the motivation and strength to do so.
A Forgetful People
Memories are timeless treasures, reminders of love shared, and celebrations of God’s faithfulness.
A Transforming God
Allow the God of the Universe to speak over and transform your clay into a masterpiece that you could never have imagined because it didn’t originate with you, but in the mind and heart of your Heavenly Father.
He Paid the Price
I’m grateful my father stepped in to pay that debt so that I could be freed from the sin and punishment.
Under Construction
Be reminded (and encouraged) that Jesus will be glorified in your “becoming” and your resemblance of Him will be your highest calling.
Let Your Heart Sing to the Lord
Let your heart sing to the Lord this morning in worship and praise! Let His joy flow through you!
What Are Your Motives?
What are your motives? Why have you chosen to follow Jesus, and are you still choosing that path every day?
Stark Contrast
Will we deny His truth and decide to do what we think or feel is right? Or will we choose Jesus, His truth, His way, and His love?
No Time to Wait and See
But there is no time to wait. It will be too late. Those that delay and deny His offer of salvation will have torment and punishment for eternity.
It’s Our Responsibility
When we stand before our Lord and give an account for what we have done with what we have been given, what will we say?
Chain Reaction
He came to seek and save the lost. He brought a warning to those that deny Him of what was to come if they didn’t believe.