Blog Archives
Do we Recognize our Need for the Savior?
Until we recognize our need for a Savior, we will never understand who He truly is.
Sweet Baby Jesus
We need a deeper knowledge of the baby in the manger.
The same love that He showed for His betrayer Judas, He shows to you and me.
No Time to Wait and See
But there is no time to wait. It will be too late. Those that delay and deny His offer of salvation will have torment and punishment for eternity.
Do You Know Jesus?
Let’s get to the heart of the matter. How many people have you shared with about what God has done for you?
Are You Ready?
We do not know when the Lord will sound the call. We must be ready now. Are you?
No One Will Know
Our job is to share the gospel and make disciples for God’s glory, but for how long? Until we pass away or He returns, whichever comes first. Are you doing your job?
Then What
The most challenging questions lead us to the scene of the cross for answers.
Anticipation is Growing
Will you be ready for His return? He is patiently waiting for you to surrender your heart to Him.
Saving Sheep
Jesus came to save the lost. And He’s still in the business of doing just that. It’s His main priority! Is it yours?
Who do You Say that I am?
Today, the question is posed to you – Who is Jesus? Your answer determines your destiny. Is He your father? Do you have a relationship with Him where you know you are His daughter or son?
Just a Taste of the Gospel Harvest
Satan attacks our attempts to spread gospel seeds, but with consistent care and intentionality, the harvest will give birth to new believers.
The Most Controversial Faith Question Ever
Even after Jesus’ teaching that all people were the same in God’s sight, some people disagreed about who exactly could be saved.
Anyone who says they are enough does not know their need for a Savior.
Exactly What is the Gospel?
God reaches out in love to you and wants you to be His child, so listen to that still small voice guiding you to him.
Who I Am – Who I Am Not
If it feels like your very existence is meaningless, turn away from those desperate thoughts and choose life, joy, and peace from the only one who can give it: Jesus.
Even a Tiny Shift in His Direction
A small move in his direction could mean a big change in the trajectory of your life.
Renounce Your Wish. Gain Your Soul.
If the things of this world are holding you back from living out your fullest potential, let go of them and let God transform you.
A Binding Contract You Don’t Want to Get Out of
When you reflect on the contract Jesus signed in blood long ago, remember you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Don’t Forget the Cross
The true celebration of Easter begins with a heart that is fully surrendered to God’s will.
Easter Requires a Decision
As we consider Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection, prayerfully read and soak in the Gospel accounts until they renew your mind.
Removing the Veil Through His Blood
What once was a heavy barrier between God and man is now a symbol of the depth of Jesus’ love for mankind.
What Super Bowl Commercials Reveal About Culture
The world says there’s a new way to abundant life, but God says only He makes all things new.
The Life-Changing GOSPEL
Let God use you, no matter what stage of life you’re in, to bring someone to the foot of the cross.
What Real Love Does
How often do you put your action where your mouth is when it comes to loving and serving others?
3 Ways to Lead People to Christ
We say we’re passionate about reaching people for Christ, but are we actively pursuing the lost?
Breaking Through the Covid Fog
Depression and anxiety are very real reactions in a time when the whole world is fearful of an unpredictable virus. So how do we cope?
Fighting Post-New Year Dreariness
Post-holiday let down is real and causes depression, but you can change that in someone’s life.
Fighting The Battle That’s Already Won
He didn’t send His Son because we deserved it, but because He wanted a relationship with us.
Forgetting Our Sin and Shame
When you’re haunted by the sins of your past, keep moving forward to Christ.
The Unlikely Christmas Verse
One of the most familiar verses in the Bible, let’s not water down the impact and importance of it.
Hope in Death
A Christian’s funeral can be a time for those left behind to point to Jesus.
The Healer Comes
It’s up to us to make sure the world knows the answer to sin is the Son.
Filling in the Holes at Christmas
Jesus offers hope and comfort when the memories are painful.
What Once Was Lost
If you feel lost and hopeless, discover the joy of being found by the Savior.
Foolishness, Sin, and Salvation
God wants to help with those sins that repeatedly ensnare you.