Blog Archives
What Makes a Wise Man?
The Wise Men didn’t post their attendance to social media, tag themselves in an exclusive photo shoot, or attempt to gain access to Jesus for personal or political gain. Their overflowing hearts of gratitude simply needed His presence.
When Will the End Come?
And then, the end shall come. Satan will be destroyed, death will be no more, and a new heaven will be our final home.
The Time is Now
When Jesus returns, those that have accepted His gift of salvation will be called home to heaven. Those that have not, will face God’s wrath.
More to Come
There is a beautiful land waiting for those that believe in Jesus Christ and follow Him, trusting in His work of salvation. It’s hard to imagine now, but there is great joy ahead.
Then What
The most challenging questions lead us to the scene of the cross for answers.
How to Lead
Looking at how Jesus led helps us learn what true leadership is.
A Discussion on Addiction
Jesus is our help and hope when trying to break an addiction.
Will You Heed the Warning?
They had heard their Captain speaking, they had been warned, and yet, they chose to do their own thing.
Standing Before Your Accuser
They stood face to face with the One who knew them best; all their shame on full display. They had two choices: deny everything and the one who accused them, or admit their wrongs and ask for forgiveness.
Put on Your Awareness Glasses!
If we truly believe that it’s all about Him, wouldn’t we be more in agreement with scripture to provide His hope through friendship, inclusion, and a hug that says, “There is room for you here!”?
Not Just for Show
Are you willing to allow Christ to use you for His will, to further His kingdom?
No Greater Words
Who do you say that Jesus is? This is the only thing that truly matters. Do you recognize Him as your Father?
The Perfect Package
Can you imagine what the world would be like if we followed just these two commandments? Love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.
The Rest of The Story
When we want to know how to interact with those we disagree with, we should look at Jesus.
The Darkness Can’t Cover the Light
The darkness, no matter how hard it tries, can never cover the light.
This Thanksgiving, reflect God’s glory and choose the centerpiece of generosity to resemble your Father!
The “A-Ha” Moment
Let’s talk. God loves you and desires a deeper relationship with you. If you’ll only humble yourself to His authority and Lordship over your life. Why? Because He is worthy!
Gratitude: A Thankful Heart
There’s something special about believing big things from our God and thanking Him first that can really activate the power of God in our lives!
Don’t Get Caught in the Trap
What are you trusting in today? Is it Jesus?
He Knows Best
God isn’t keeping something good from you by saying no. He promises to deliver something even better.
Where’s the Fruit?
Today might be a good day to stop and examine our lives. We may claim to know Christ, but is there fruit in our lives, evidence of His redemptive work?
Don’t give God your leftovers. Allow him to be The Feast you indulge in and come away eternally filled by His Spirit to the fullest!
He Clears the Temple
God created the church as a place to worship and serve Him. It’s a place to learn, become a family, and minister to those in need.
Anticipation is Growing
Will you be ready for His return? He is patiently waiting for you to surrender your heart to Him.
Gratitude: King Jehoshaphat
Hearts that are quick to thank and praise God get God’s attention in a big, miraculous way!
What Does Your Heart Desire?
This morning, stop, and talk with Him. Tell Him of the burdens you carry and what you desperately want. And then trust in Him to deliver.
Biblical Love vs Self-Love
The love God calls us to is different than the world’s love.
The Joy of the Lord
The hope we have in Jesus Christ is something that many don’t understand.
Your Piece for His Peace
Jesus was known for His humble nature and loving manner, not a hurried and chaotic busyness.
We Don’t Deserve It
None of us deserve what God has done for us. We ALL deserve His wrath.
The Last will be First
Today, let us be looking for ways to put others first. How can we serve one another? How can I be more like Jesus?
Gratitude: Learning from the Lepers
Thankful and obedient hearts get God’s attention and His blessing!
How We Can Forgive Past Hurts
Because we’ve been forgiven, we can forgive.
Lay it down. Everything you are trying to prove, whatever you are trying to earn, lay it down. Come to the foot of the cross.
Fall Favorites
Be aware that your approach is perhaps more important than your information. Don’t be out of step, out of control, or out of line when you attempt to love and respond to others.
How Quickly We Forget
How often does God pull us from the darkness, revealing His beautiful plan and light to us, and yet we find ourselves back there again? How quickly we forget.
Buckle Up!
Living a life of integrity and honesty is only possible with the Belt of Truth wrapped around us.
Make that commitment today. The commitment to follow what the Lord had originally intended for marriage, before our sin polluted it.
So what do we do? If we have been forgiven so great a debt, one that we cannot repay, time and time again, what should we do when someone wrongs us? Forgive.
Journeying with Jonah: Part 4
The real hero of this story is not Jonah, but God. He used an imperfect man to save an imperfect nation who lived imperfect lives to point them to a perfect God.
We are Better Together
The Lord knows we are better together. United, we will stand; divided, we will fall.