
May 04, 2023 06:00am
True Courage Waits

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9 (AMP)

Courage doesn’t always roar (just ask the Cowardly Lion). Nope, it may simply lie in our desire to try again tomorrow, or to turn off the old voices of defeat and surrender to God’s desired direction and purpose.

Courage may trigger the applause of the crowd on the big screen with boldness, but it makes more of a heavenly impact in the quietness of “leaning in” to God’s plan and choosing to operate from the perspective of making Him known. Authentic courage depends on the selected source (God) and how we choose to support, sustain, and deliver His message. Simply stated…it centers on where the spotlight rests.

Joshua closely watched Moses’ courage from the Most High. And then he did what courage does…he responded. Have you noticed courage is hard to hide? True courage waits, trusting the test results to come, the soldier to return, the depression to lift, and for the sharing of your faith with that most challenging family member. Courage from the Lord does not demand a majority vote, noted appreciation for the effort, or an awareness of the commitment. No, the posture of a follower developing into a courageous leader looks a lot like servanthood. The timeless biblical examples of courage are more than relevant in our day-to-day. The connect, strengthen, inspire, and carry us to the truth that God can and should be trusted. John Wayne once said, “Courage is being scared to death – and saddling up anyway.” So, grab your boots and give God the reins for what’s ahead!

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